Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1567: The dream of a small ethnic group

Asians have never been mainstream in the United States, let alone who is specially treated and cared for!

Of course, the donkey party's care of African Americans and Latinos has nothing to do with morality. This matter is only related to ZZ, only votes. It can be said to be for the purpose and do everything.

Because these two ethnic groups are the main vote warehouses on which the Donkey Party has relied heavily in previous elections, they must be constantly maintained and taken care of.

This is also a microcosm~

A major feature of ZZ in the United States or the entire Western ZZ is that the goals and interests of any private or zheng party can be packaged into extremely pleasant language, such as "we should take care of minorities."

This statement has been used for hundreds of years and it is still valid today. When the Chinese first came here, they considered themselves a minority, and naturally they agreed with it.

This is why, for many years, the Chinese have always believed that they are connected with the donkey party in terms of their ideas, and they will also be innately biased towards the donkey party in their emotions.

However, because the Chinese rarely voted, and even earlier, they did not care about the votes in their hands. As a result, the weight of the Chinese in the donkey party has always been insignificant, and they did not really consider the interests of the Chinese.

Of course, if this is the case, it will not cause too much trouble. The introverted character of the Chinese will never take the initiative to fight for it. As long as you don’t take the initiative to entrap me, the Chinese have always been the most tenacious nation in the world, so both sides have always Also considered safe and sound.

Only this time because the Donkey Party went too far and harmed the interests of the Chinese, this made the Chinese wake up suddenly and realized that there was no Chinese in the "list" of the minorities to be taken care of by the Donkey Party.

Not only not, but also at the expense of your interests.

This is why the Zhao family dared to stud on Donrad this time.

So, Andy King took great pains to invite Yang Cheng and took the initiative to bring up the sad and angry emotions of many Chinese. What is the reason?

"Mr. Yang, since the beginning of the year, this proposal for subdividing Asians has been submitted to Congress in California, Washington, Minnesota, Hawaii, New York City, and Rhode Island, and it is likely to spread to other states. .

As an Asian member, if Mr. Yang can stand up and say something, he will surely be highly sought after by our Asian compatriots, which will also help you develop a good reputation. "

Andy Jin was really embarrassed, Yang Cheng was squeezing the ribs, then put down his chopsticks, and said with a smile, "You let me stand up and appeal for this proposal?"

Hearing this, Andy Jin's face turned straight, "I am asking for help, I dare not order Mr. Yang~"

Yang Cheng calmed down, "Do you know what this proposal means to the Chinese?

Of course he knew, how could he not? But knowing that there are tigers in the mountains tend to go to the mountains, this is not about having courage, but about having enough benefits.

Once Yang Cheng was fooled and took the initiative to stand up and run for Asians, then his reputation in the Chinese world would be stinky. There is no backing of the Chinese world, and only relying on the Yang family is nothing to worry about.

Yang Cheng didn't expect that this Andy King was a smiling tiger. It seemed to please, but in fact there was a hidden arrow inside. If you were a little careless, you would belch~

Andy Jin chuckled and did not speak, Yang Cheng himself said, “The Asian Subdivision Act seems to be to take care of disadvantaged groups, such as you, but in fact it deliberately suppresses Chinese Americans, and the Chinese Americans have managed to win over decades. The superior educational resources are eliminated.

Of course, this is not the most serious. Those of you who are exploited by Asian minorities will be divided into smaller groups and reduced to dispensable roles again.

Do you still want to have the current preferential treatment by then? Stop dreaming~"

Yang Cheng didn't save face for the other party~

"Mr. Yang is talking about it, but fighting for the benefits of our people is also the responsibility of my chairman." Andy Jin said for himself, as if saying that this was not his original intention.

Yang Cheng shook her head and did not speak. It was the first time for Park Shanying who was beside him to realize the dialogue of a big man. It turned out that it was really cold-blooded and hidden confrontation as it was played in a TV series. Every sentence conveyed a deep meaning, ordinary people. I don't understand at all.

Especially the young rich man beside him was speechless when he said that the chairman of the promotion association was speechless. You must know that in her eyes, the chairman is already a great figure.

Park Sunying comes from an ordinary family in South Korea. She was able to study abroad. Apart from getting various scholarships based on her own ability, the family could not give her any help.

On the contrary, she also kept going out to work to subsidize the family, and also earn more living expenses for herself.

Until a senior sister found her, she first said that there was nothing in the sky and nothing on the ground, and she kept brainwashing her. With her figure and figure, she didn't need to live so tired at all.

She didn't pay much attention to it, but people were afraid of comparison. The senior sister didn't wear the same clothes 365 days a year. From time to time, she had new bags on her shoulders, and she was picked up by luxury cars at every turn.

Even in the eyes of Park Shanying, the boyfriend of the senior sister’s mouth has never been seen once, but a seed of desire for a better life has been planted in her Finally one day Park Shanying couldn’t bear it. Live, how can the senior sister have the same life as her?

The answer from the elder sister is very simple. I took her to a party of Korean Americans that day. The party attended were all rich compatriots. Of course, they were generally older and looked seductive, and they would always get involved from time to time. Some cheap.

But because of the senior sister's warning, Park Sunying was able to bear it, and got 500 US dollars after the party, which was nothing.

Originally, Park Shanying was not Xiaobai. When she was studying in China, she heard many similar rumors, such as being taken care of by rich people, but her family education did not allow her to do that. Moreover, in China, although the family is not so wealthy, She didn't eat and drink short, and naturally she didn't consider so much if she didn't need it.

But after coming to the United States, without the constraints of her family, she wanted more and more as her horizons widened. She knew that these material needs could not be obtained in a lifetime by her hard work, unless Take shortcuts.

And the senior sister took her to the shortcut, and it was all within her thoughts that she could not walk.

Today is the third time that she was brought out by the school sister. It’s just that unlike the previous two large-scale cocktail parties, this time the number of people was small, but the reward was several times higher than before. Just to accompany her for a meal, she might be The guest can get $2,000 in remuneration at once, why not?

Of course, if it were that simple, she wouldn't be entangled anymore. Before coming, the senior sister Qiangwan told her that no matter what requirements the guests have to accompany for a while, they must unconditionally obey. After the work is over, someone will give generous rewards.

Park Shanying knew this well, but she still came after struggling all night. Before coming, she was still fantasizing, I hope it's not a bad old man~


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