Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1731: Killer girl

"Boss, you agree?"

Yang Cheng smiled and said, "Why don't you agree? But you also have to consider the opinions of the parties. The two of us are talking in full swing. When people disagree, isn't it a waste of words?"

Eddie excitedly said, "I'm sure to convince him~"

Yang Cheng was helpless, "Let’s go, but I’m going to have a headache. Mark did a good job, so it’s not appropriate to drive him away from the TV station like this~"

Eddie understood Yang Cheng's feelings and suggested, "It may not be driven away, but he can be promoted~"

"Are there still vacancies in the company?"

"The CEO of MS Short Video has always been my part-time job, and it happened to arrange for Mark to go there~"

Yang Cheng thought for a while. The short video development has basically taken shape now. What is needed is steady development rather than expansion. Mark’s personality is also suitable, "Yes, I will talk about this, but you have to put Richard Pry Plera come and talk~"

"I understand~"

Not long after Eddie left, the office door was suddenly pushed open and smashed on both sides. There was a loud noise, which shocked Yang Cheng, who was immersed in work. Just about to get angry, he saw Demien alone in Hansen. Waiting for the defense of the bodyguards, rushed in.

Liu Junyu was so scared that his face was pale, and he explained to Yang Cheng, "Boss, this lady has to break in..."

Yang Cheng knew that Hansen and the others did not take strong measures because of her identity.

He waved his hand to comfort and said, "It doesn't matter, you guys go out first~"

Hansen cast his eyes and asked, Yang Cheng gave a positive reply, and everyone withdrew out with lingering fears and closed the door by the way.

Yang Cheng reluctantly looked at Demien who was so busy, "Ms. Demien, you don't have to take such an extreme way if you want to see me? It's very shameless for you to do this, how will you manage the company in the future?"

Demien hugged his shoulders and smiled playfully, "Do you still know you want face? I thought you were shameless~"

Yang Cheng didn't know what kind of madness this female man was making. She couldn't get angry, so she could only ask patiently, "Who is shameless? If you have anything to do, just sit down and talk slowly?"

Demien did not refuse, and followed Yang Cheng to the sofa area to sit down, and said with Erlang's legs tilted, "Mr. Yang's days have become more moisturized, but have you forgotten something?"

Yang Cheng was stunned, "What's the matter? Didn't you pay the dividends? No, I personally stared at the one that belonged to you, and I didn't lose a single point~"

Demien waved his hand, "It's not about dividends, but something you promised me at the beginning, but you gave me a guarantee~"

Just as Yang Cheng was about to ask, a company suddenly flashed in his mind, and he patted his forehead regretfully, "You said about the IOTA company? I really haven't forgotten it, but I haven't found a good opportunity to start. You are so anxious, no matter what, I will first give them a lesson~"

This is an excuse. He really forgot about Iota, and forgot to death, if it hadn't been for Demien to kill him, he would never remember such a thing.

Fortunately, he reacted quickly, and the excuses he came up with could make do with it.

Demien is not stupid, can't hear it?

"I don't want to listen to these nonsense, I just want an answer today, how long will it take to get Iota back?"

Yang Cheng is embarrassed. To tell the truth, Iota is neither a listed company nor an ordinary trading company. Moreover, Iota is neither a public company nor an ordinary trading company, and he has no shortage of guns and people in his hands. He can't come up with a way to suppress the opponent for a while. The best way is to wait and wait for the other party to take the initiative to make a mistake and give a fatal blow.

But now it seemed that he couldn't wait, because Demien was impatient.

I lit a cigar and asked, "How long can you give me the most?"

"One month~"

"Then one month~"

"you sure?"

Yang Cheng promised so simply, Demien was vague instead~

"I'm sure, just one month~"

"Okay, then I'll give you one month. After one month, I want to see Iota completely return to my hands~"

Yang Orange smiled, "Did you forget something? This company is not just yours, but also a part of me~"

Demien was startled, and smiled meaningfully, "Yes, I remembered it wrong, Iota also has your shares~"

The two fell silent after testing each other. For a while, only the faint voice of Yang Cheng smoking a cigar, and the needle in the office could be heard.

The high-rise buildings in Manhattan blocked most of the sun. At this time, the two people who were just under the shadow felt a stray cold surrounding themselves.

In the end, Demien broke the silence, "If you need any help, don't hesitate to say, I only look at the result and don't care about the process~"

Yang Cheng tugged at the corner of her mouth, "I know~"

"Okay, you are busy, I'm leaving~"

Demien wanted to leave, Yang Cheng stopped, "Thanks a lot for the McCoff matter~"

"No thanks, mutual benefit, I also do things for myself~"

"In fact, we can completely turn this operation into a system~"

"What do you mean?"

"The U.S. military has a large number of equipment that needs to be updated every year, so why do we keep the weapons that can still exert their combat effectiveness?"

Demien's eyes were full of and sat down again, "What are you staring at again?"

Yang Cheng also felt embarrassed, "I heard that a certain unit is going to retire a batch of F-16s?"

Demien's face changed drastically, "Where did you hear the news?"

Yang Cheng raised both hands up to indicate that he was not threatening, "Hey, don't be nervous, there is no airtight wall in the world, how can there be no news of such a big movement?"

Demien's face is still ugly, "If you don't tell me, I won't ask, but I have to remind you that there is no end to money, just enough to spend~"

"OK, but I must emphasize that I only make money that I should earn, such as the F-16 fighter that is about to retire~"

Demien frowned, "Don't think about it, these fighters are all useful~"

"What's the purpose? To the airplane cemetery? Too much, right?"

Demien hesitated and said, "Since you know the news, it's okay to tell you. This batch of F-16s that will be retired will undergo drone modification, or they will remove important parts as ground drones, or Install an unmanned control system and change to an aerial drone."

Yang Cheng was dumbfounded, "What? Use F-16 as a target drone? Did you know that they can still fly more than 70% of the world's sky? Faced with most countries, F-16 can still enter their airspace. ?"

Demien shrugged, with a rare and strange look, "Of course I know, then what?"

Yang Cheng was dumbfounded when he was asked, "Okay, you local tyrants, I'm used to being poor and haven't seen the world, sorry~"

"You don't need to ridicule me, this is not something I can decide, but I can only say that this is not an exception. The F-16s that have been retired in the past few years have all become target drones, and none of them was wasted~"

Yang Cheng questioned, "Is it right? You are not selling to Dilwan..."

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