Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 1732: Almost making a joke

   (It’s too hard, I still work overtime on Saturday, I’m exhausted, only 4000 words, (>person<;))

   A brand-new F-16 currently sells for approximately US$70 million. In the second-hand market, a fully functional F-16 fighter jet can sell for more than US$20 million even at the cheapest price.

   Moreover, as long as the United States is willing to invest in the second mobile phone market, fighter jets such as the F-16 will be snapped up by various small countries, or they can even be robbed and sold at sky-high prices!

From the beginning of service to the present, the U.S. Air Force has a total of more than 2,000 F-16 fighters. If you sell all the old F-16 fighters, you can get billions or even tens of billions of dollars in return. As a local tyrant who treats pork as corn, Yang Cheng admits from the heart that he is poor.

It’s just that he was very upset with Demien’s bragging attitude, and took the opportunity to smash. The United States sold more F16s to Dywan overtly and secretly, and they didn’t use all of them to modify drones as Demien said. .

Of course, this is the case, and it is enough to make Yang Cheng incarnate into lemon essence. According to Demien, in recent years, the United States has converted more than 100 F-16s into target drones, and more than 200 F will be modified in the future. -16 as a target drone, this kind of big-handedness is really helpless.

I stunned Demien, but the other party couldn't hear him, and Yang Cheng was helpless. She could only ask'distressedly', "Are you a little bit too bold? What kind of drones do not work? You have to use F- 16?"

   I can accept even if you use F-14 and F-15~

   In this regard, Demien replied as seriously as answering reporters’ questions at the press conference, “The United States needs to use the powerful mobility of the F-16 to simulate the fighters of potential rivals in active service, which is not available in other target drones.”

Seeing Yang Cheng's unbelief look of'fooling ghosts', Demien had no choice but to show truth and reason. "The F-16 equipped engine has a thrust of more than 100 kilonewtons, which makes the F-16 fighter with a weight of only 13 tons very Powerful maneuverability. At the same time, after unloading weapons, ammunition and avionics, the F-16's maneuverability has been greatly improved, and it can simulate the flight characteristics of fourth-generation or even fifth-generation aircraft, so that the Air Force can fight in the air and fight air defense. , Will be as close to actual combat as possible.

   And the use of F-16 to make a target drone can not only enhance the pilot's sense of actual combat during training, but also allow them to gain more experience in combating real aircraft, which is also very beneficial for future participation in actual combat.

   So in your opinion, it is a waste of money, but from the inside of the Air Force, this is indeed a benefit that money cannot be bought~"

   Yang Cheng curled his mouth, a little agree with this statement in his heart, but he had other careful thoughts.

   How to control the F-16 drone? It is certainly not allowed to be controlled by humans, and unmanned control technology is bound to be used. Once the technical system is formed, this is completely F-16 UAV. Once actual combat is carried out, a large number of unmanned F-16 will be used as the vanguard to strike the enemy. , On the one hand, it can consume the opponent’s air defense missiles, on the other hand, it can also attack the opponent’s defense and control system. Even air combat is not impossible.

  Even if the enemy’s air defense system cannot be completely destroyed, it can open a gap for the subsequent penetration of fighters, which is much more cost-effective than a manned fighter.

  Of course, this is a secret matter. Yang Cheng didn't point out that he is a businessman and he hasn't participated in actual combat. What if he guessed it?

Putting on the face of the marketer again, "I don't care. We must not miss such a good opportunity to make money. I heard that you are also seeking a promotion recently? Do you think there is no way to open the door, your promotion will be went well?"

   Don’t you like "swing data"? I also use Chi Guoguo's interests to tempt you, and see if you can handle the temptation~

  Sure enough, Demien hesitated, Yang Cheng seemed, maybe, seemed to make sense.

   To be promoted, merit alone is not enough, and the appetite of all parties must be satisfied. This requires the support of money, and the fastest way to make money for her at present really depends on Yang Cheng's ability.

   In this way, wouldn't it be necessary to bother to get a batch of retired fighters for him?

   It's not easy to handle. That's an F-16. Every future has a detailed plan. It's not as easy as a tank.

   Especially the batch that Yang Cheng is eyeing is the target of a target drone scheduled by a certain Air Force unit. If the drone is moved, then she should not even think about how to get promoted, just think about where to go for retirement!

   Demien has a headache. This Yang Cheng's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. If Iota's big cake is in his mouth, can he still spit it out?

   Unknowingly, Demien became vigilant towards Yang Cheng. Of course, she concealed it very well, and Yang Cheng did not find the slightest flaw.

   "I see, I will think about how to operate this. Don't worry, the plane is not a tank~"

   "I understand, but I will try to contact the buyer first, and when you are successful, I will transfer it immediately~"

   Demien warned with a sullen face, "Don't sell the plane to a hostile country. Once it is found in the air, I can't protect you, and I won't protect you~"

   Yang Cheng nodded, "Don't worry, I don't want to die so fast, I know it~"

   Even so, Demien was still worried, "First, tell me, who do you want to sell this batch of aircraft to? These are 66 F-16s. If used properly, it is enough to destroy a small country!"

   Yang Cheng didn’t have any thoughts at first, but it suddenly occurred to him that the United States and the Middle East, especially Saudi Arabia, had become a little bit stale over the oil issue. He had an idea, “How about Qatar?”

   Demien's eyes were a little weird, "They just bought the F-15 from you~ You won't forget?"

   "I haven't forgotten, but how can F-15 compare to F-16?"

   Demien had a black face, "I suspect that it was a mistake to cooperate with you. Do you understand fighter planes? You actually compare F-15 and F-16?"

   Yang Cheng doesn’t really understand but F-16 is slightly stronger than F-15, right? Did you make a joke?

   "Don't you admit that F-16 is better than F-15?"

   Demien opened her mouth, how did she answer this? You must know that in terms of positioning, the F-16 is a ‘low-end’ fighter. Of course, this ‘low-end’ is compared to the F-15.

But as Yang Cheng said, the performance of the F-16 itself should be said to be quite good. The “low-end” is low, mainly referring to the price and some performance. From the technical level, the F-16 is not only not low, but in some aspects. F-15 is more advanced.

   In addition, in order to reduce costs, the F-16 airborne electronic equipment was relatively simple. After several improvements, its airborne electronic equipment has become more sophisticated and advanced, and combat effectiveness and prices have also increased.

   Therefore, Yang Cheng said that F-16 is better than F-15 is not wrong!

   It’s just that the two really can’t be compared directly, because the two fighters have different purposes. The F-15 is a multi-purpose, all-weather air superior fighter. It is used to seize air supremacy and has a strong advantage in long-range combat.

   The F-16 is a light fighter, which is good at close combat and low-altitude penetration and ground attack. It can play its greatest role in cooperation with the F-15.

   It's just that these words are a bit of a genius to Yang Cheng, a layman.

   And from a certain point of view, after Qatar introduced the F-15, the introduction of the F-16 will undoubtedly improve the combat effectiveness in all directions.

   Thinking about it this way, Demien suddenly felt that Yang Cheng’s thinking was correct, but this was a bit unbearable!

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