Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 810: 1 family scourge (1)

   Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows in surprise, "If this is true, once the news is exposed, oil prices will definitely continue to fall, or even fail in the short term."

  Smuggling has always been the biggest enemy of stabilizing crude oil prices.

   David Ellison affirmed, "Of course it is true. The officer claimed that the Polar Bear intelligence organization has obtained evidence of the I~S organization’s oil transaction with Turkey.

Since the end of last year, the I~S organization has carried out heinous terrorist attacks in many countries around the world, causing huge personal and property losses. I~S has enslaved controlled civilians in many occupied areas and used extreme methods to train terrorists. Many murder videos uploaded have caused extremely bad effects.

   In order to support its huge terrorist organization, they continue to occupy oil fields to develop new transportation routes, secretly carry out oil trading transactions with neighboring countries, and the transaction oil price is far lower than the market price, which will inevitably lead to a decline in oil prices.

   And in order to avoid the polar bear's fighter air strikes, I~S changed the logistics form and opened up a new route for smuggling crude oil. The destination is still Turkey. According to the polar bear officer, this route definitely has American help. "

   Yang Cheng nodded solemnly, saying that this I~S might be a mess caused by the Americans. Now it is doing things to lower international oil prices and hit Opec’s business.

   But he frowned and asked, "If it is true as the officer said, people from the generosity family are indispensable here. It is unrealistic to cheat them, and you have to find a way through other channels."

   David Ellison looked helpless, "Yes, I didn't think so much just now. It seems that I really can't make small moves on other people's turf."

   Yang Cheng is not discouraged. If the Busch family were so easy to deal with, they would not have existed in the United States for hundreds of years.

   However, this piece of David Ellison’s news is invaluable. Looking back, Allen has to increase his short-selling efforts. Now that there has been news from the polar bears, it is not far from complete exposure.

After putting David Ellison down, Yang Cheng drove back to Jason Manor and gave the car to the manor’s driver and repairman. After doing some meticulous maintenance, he stopped at the garage booth. In a short time, this car Violent beasts should be used as a vase. Yang Cheng won’t open it easily anyway. Except when 13 is needed, he feels that his waist is about to break after opening it for a while. The piston moves.

I asked for a glass of freshly squeezed juice from White, strode to the study, the door was locked, and I took out the antique mobile phone from the drawer and dialed Richard Debin’s phone. There was no way in it. I’ve come out now. The secrecy measures were picked up one by one.

   "Richard, it's me, have you seen Cary?"

   Richard Debin was not surprised by Yang Cheng's straightforwardness, "No, if there are no special circumstances, I will not meet him."

   is still the gentle but steady and powerful tone.

   "Well~ this person is still useful to me, you have to protect me." Yang Orange reminded.

   Richard Debin's tone has no ups and downs, and he can't hear his emotions at all. "As long as he doesn't kill himself, I think he will get everything he dreams of."

   This can be regarded as a promise in disguise.

   Yang Cheng is non-committal. He and Richard Debin are not in a superior relationship. They are more like a year-end friendship. Of course, interest entanglements are inevitable. "Tell me about business, what's the situation on the Fushi family?"

   Richard Debin’s tone finally changed a bit, but he lowered his tone specifically, "Now is not a good time to do things."

   Yang Cheng frowned slightly, "Why?"

"Mrs. Zipperton has already sighed for you. Now several important members of the Elephant Party and the Busch family have been taken down. Of course, the opponent has also made a counterattack. This is far from the end. The struggle will intensify, and this battlefield is not something you can participate in as a businessman." Richard Debin kindly warned Yang Cheng.

   Yang Cheng thought deeply, "Is that what you meant or Mrs. Zipton?"

Richard Debin sighed, "I meant it. You shouldn't go too close to the Donkey Party now. If you follow Mrs. Zipton's idea, I hope you join the war and tie you to the Donkey Party's warship. "

   Yang Cheng showed a surprised expression. Of course Richard Debin couldn’t see it. “If I don’t feel the temperature of the sun now, I would think I’m dreaming. This is not what a senior party whip should say.”

   Richard Debin chuckled lightly, "You should know that I am getting older and it is time to abdicate. I have to think about my life after retirement, right?"

Yang Cheng opened his mouth. He understood what Richard Debin meant. After retiring, he will no longer serve a dang pie. With the bank shares that Yang Cheng gave him, he can be a senior consultant on one side of the banking group. Or the position of an independent director guarantees a worry-free life, and has a certain social influence. If he and Yang Cheng were still imprinted with a certain dang sect at that time, then his life would no longer be peaceful, this He didn't want to see it after he had been busy all his life.

   "I understand, but I always want to repay this hatred." Yang Cheng emphasized.

   Richard Debin smiled in relief, "Of course, in the words of your Chinese, it's called hatred and not retaliation against non-gentlemen, right?"

Yang Cheng smiled. He wasn't in the mood to discuss Z national sayings with The conversation turned around, "Although I can't avenge my grievances, I will cheat them and find some trouble for them? By the way? Get some ratings for my TV station."

  On the way back just now, Yang Cheng thought about it carefully. He felt that the Busch family was not invulnerable, and that this family was a disaster.

   Especially George and Jeb’s fourth brother, Marvin Busch, although he rarely shows up, he can definitely be said to be a typical representative of "sounding a fortune".

   As early as 1998, "nothing" Marvin was not only appointed as the manager of an investment company in Northern Virginia, but also elected to the management committee of a vegetable and fruit company in South Florida.

The management committee of this vegetable and fruit company is all friends of the Busch family, including the president of Houston Property Insurance Company and the main fund sponsor of the Busch Dynasty, Stephen Way and others. In 1999, Stephen Way invited Marvin to join the management committee. Kong acquired 12,500 shares of the company's common stock.

Then, Marvin was invited to join the committee of a secret security company in Virginia. This is a security company that specializes in serving international organizations and governments. The company is full of former US security personnel and military personnel. The company’s main customers include Washington. The security system in the nearby Durres Airport and Alamos National Laboratory, which collapsed during the "9-11" incident, was provided by Marvin's security company.


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