Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 811: 1 scourge of family (2)

   Two years after 9-11, that is, after the outbreak of the Iraqi War in 2003 and the overthrow of Saddam, another company owned by Marvin Holdings was awarded a US$80 million investment contract in Iraq.

   In 2004, Marvin’s company once again received a contract with the United States Ministry of Finance worth more than US$300 million.

However, because his company had no relevant experience before, the method that was able to finally win the contract attracted investigations by relevant departments, which led to the re-bid for the contract. In the end, Marvin could only watch it. Fatty flew to other people's mouths. It is said that Marvin and Xiao Fei Xie had a very unpleasant quarrel for this matter, because Marvin felt that Xiao Fei Xie had not tried his best.

   But anyway, the fourth elder Marvin gave some money, but his third brother, George and Jeb’s younger brother Neil Busch, can be said to be the stupidest and most prodigal of their four brothers.

   Of course, from the outside world, Neil is not incapable, but bad luck only patronizes him.

   In the mid-1980s, Neal invested only a few hundred dollars (yes, that’s right, there is no missing “10,000”), and he opened an oil exploration company with his friends and acted as the company’s president.

At that time, Neal was also the director of the "Silverado Savings and Lending Bank" in Denver. During his tenure, he used his power to lend more than $100 million in bank funds to the "JNB Petroleum Exploration Company". Two business partners.

Due to the failure of the company’s business, Neil’s two partners were unable to repay up to $132 million in loans, leading to the bankruptcy of the "Silverado Savings and Lending Bank", but Neil, the "culprit", did not even enter the JC Bureau. , Let alone being investigated by F~B~I, and in the end was only a symbolic fine of $50,000.

   Later, in the late 1980s, Neal abandoned the debt-laden "JNB Petroleum Exploration Company" and borrowed US$2.3 million to start a "Vertex Energy Company". Neil also only invested US$3,000 in private and became the company’s manager.

   There was no surprise in the result. Like the "JNB Petroleum Exploration Company", the "Vertex Energy Company" soon went bankrupt and was unable to repay the bank's debt.

   At this time, the "noble man" appeared again, and an old Busch's main donor offered Neal a lucrative new job in time.

Neal now manages a "chain company" headquartered in Houston. The company address is in the same building as the old Busch's office. It is this company that makes Neil's wealth and wealth, and he has become one of the rich like his brothers. Column.

   The above information is basically unknown to everyone in the upper class of the United States. It is not surprising that Yang Cheng knows, and even if people want to check, it is not completely impossible to find clues.

   So Yang Cheng is going to give the Busch family a plate of appetizers to try. The grievances cannot be reported for the time being, but it's okay to cheat you for some money, right?

  With these black materials, it is believed that the stock prices of some listed companies related to the Busch family will definitely fall into a dog.

  Most of these companies belong to the oil field, not only affected by oil prices, but also closely related to ZZ.

   It is well known that both old Busch and Xiao Feixie had been immersed in the oil industry in their early career stages, and both were CEOs of oil companies.

Moreover, no matter when the father and son were in their competition for the general manager or in their leadership, they were inextricably linked with the U.S. oil consortium behind them. Even their executive team had many big names from the U.S. oil industry. The most typical and the most well-known to the outside world is Dick Cheney, as the minister of the country during the reign of the old generosity, and the vice president of Xiaofei Xiezheng period. During the tenure of Zipperton, he also served as the United States. The experience of the CEO of Halliburton, the largest petroleum engineering service company.

   There are even many media people who believe that Cheney, as one of the most influential elephant party ZZ homes in the ZF, instigated Bush to start the Iraqi War in 2003 for oil (similar rumors are well documented).

   It can be seen the depth of the relationship between the Busch family and oil and the closeness of the relationship with Cheney.

   In short, these materials can be pulled out to see the light, no matter what his secrets, in the eyes of Yang Cheng, this is the weapon he uses for revenge.

After hanging up Richard Debin’s call, he kept in touch with Mark Pedowitz in New York. As the CEO of CW TV station, this guy has been very successful recently, thanks to CW TV station’s growing audience share. Gao Sheng, he can finally lift his head in front of his colleagues.

   You must know that, as one of the five major TV stations in name, Mark’s status was not even as good as that of some high-ranking officials of cable stations. He was really bored for a long time, and now it’s hard to vent his breath. Can you linger?

No, when Yang Cheng called him, he was taking a group of colleagues from other interstate TV stations to inspect the morning news production process of his own TV station. As a result, Niu Bi hadn't been addicted to it, so he was caught Yang Cheng's call was interrupted.

   Fortunately, he glanced at the display screen before answering the phone, so that he didn't say the question, otherwise there would be no chance of bragging.

I wiped my forehead and didn’t know when the cold sweat came out, and I didn’t mean to confess the crime with other people. I quickly connected, nodded and bowed to the air. The group of colleagues I watched were stunned. Could the high-spirited Mark just be Hallucinations?

   "Boss, this is Mark."

   Yang Cheng heard the noise coming from the mobile phone and frowned, "Are you busy?"

Mark subconsciously glanced around, stared, motioned the people around to be quiet, and then raised the volume and said, "It's not busy, I'm taking a group of TVs to visit, and I have arranged someone to accompany you. What instructions does the boss have? Just ask."

   The flattering posture caused the colleagues to drop their chins, and then look around the empty surroundings. How about the companion? Lost it?

Yang Cheng didn’t think much, “Oh, well, that’s it. Our morning news has been silent for a long time after the Mailgate incident. Although the ratings are better than before, it is farther and farther away from the previous peak, so I think Can we dig out some new materials? On the one hand, we can regain attention; on the other hand, this is a good opportunity to increase the credibility of the TV station."

   Mark’s eyes lit up, and he felt like a mirror in his heart. Yang Cheng’s words were just an excuse. The ratings and credibility were all nonsense. It was serious to deal with the enemy by this.

Of course, speaking out becomes an excited catering, "Awesome boss, in fact, I have long wanted to suggest to you that mining ZZ black material as the hot spot of our morning news, but this is too offensive. Our TV station is unfavorable, and it has never been said."

Yang Cheng pursed the corners of his lips. He was still very satisfied with the cooperating attitude of his subordinates. "You are right. Doing this kind of show for a long time is too hateful and you can't do a one-off deal, but you can't do a long-term show. Play it every three to five. Special reports are also good, at least this model can also whet the appetite of the audience."

   Mark even claimed to be, "Then boss, who is our protagonist this time?"

  His fighting spirit is very high, I have even done state affairs, and I am afraid you are Zhang San Li Si?

"It is the generosity family. From now on, you can use all resources to collect the black material of the generosity family. I will also provide you with a part. I will give you one week. Next Monday, I hope to see the first issue of the special report. The show became the focus of attention across the United States that day."

   Yang Cheng gave Mark Pedewitz the order to die. The time of a week is neither long nor short. It is difficult to prepare an entire special program, but it is relatively easy to just make the first episode.

   Mark panicked for a moment after hearing the name. The boss is going to do big things. How many years has no one dared to stroke the beard of the first ZZ family? The boss just touched it lightly, and was about to uproot it?

   My God, it's too exciting and too cold!

   Mark feels that his breathing has become hurried. The subject of this incident is much more influential than a Mrs. Zipton. If it works well, CW TV will take another step.

   swallowed, moisturized the dry throat due to excitement, and issued a military order to the phone, "It's the boss, I swear in my mother's name, I promise to do it."

After asking him a few more words, Yang Cheng hung up the phone. After pondering for a while, he felt that just a few black materials were not enough to temporarily calm the anger in his heart. It happened that White knocked on the door and delivered the juice. Yang Cheng asked him to Hansen called up.

After a while, the door was knocked again. Hansen cautiously probed in, and saw Yang Cheng smiling and waving at him, and then embarrassedly pushed the door and stood still at the desk. , Waiting for Yang Cheng's instructions.

   "Does that murderer have a clue?" Yang Cheng asked immediately without talking nonsense.

   Hansen heard that it was related to business affairs, and immediately let go of his nervousness. Before, he thought that Yang Cheng was going to get angry, and blamed them for not protecting them. Sure enough, he thought too much.

Relaxed Hansen returned to his self-confidence and nodded heavily, "Don't worry, boss, I have found out who the **** is. I have found out through the relationship between mercenaries and the signal flag in the past 15 years. There have been 3 deserters, with a total of 7 people, but only one escaped during the reign of Xiaofei Xie. His name is Tymoshchuk. At present, he is only known to be of Ukrainian origin. The rest are all. I don't know, the signal flags are quite strict on the information blockade. Obviously they don't want this shame to spread to everyone.

   As for where Timothy Chuk is now and why he escaped to the United States, it is unknown, but as long as I give me time, I will get him out and squeeze his luan egg by myself. "

Hansen bit his posterior molars with murderous look, amused Yang Cheng, and waved his hand, "You can pinch whatever you want after you catch someone. I don't care about his life. I only care about one. What happened, did this deserter from the signal flag be abducted by members of the Generosity family? Or did he sell the secrets of the polar bear to the Genesis family?"


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