Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 812: Hansen's difference

"Luan egg or something, after you catch someone, you can pinch it any way you want. I don't care about his life experience. I only care about one thing, whether this deserter from the signal flag was abducted by a member of the generosity family. ?Or has he sold the secrets of polar bears to the Busch family?"

  Hansen’s answer will determine whether another appetizer prepared by Yang Cheng can be made. If it is really caused by the Busch family, I believe that after learning the signal flag, he will definitely be willing to do something to save the face of the troops.

Yang Cheng waited for a while, and suddenly remembered the loophole in Hansen’s words, and asked, "Also, how are you sure that this Timoshchuk is the person we are looking for? After all, this murderer is not necessarily in the little flying shoe. It's possible to escape during the Zheng period."

Hansen squeezed his chin and analyzed, "According to my thinking, this murderer should be around 40 years old, and his experience and experience have reached the peak of his life, but it is also inevitable that his physical function declines, although on the surface he The method of dealing with the scene is extremely perfect, but he still shows his feet. It is that he pays too much attention to hiding himself, and subconsciously uses his most familiar skills to process surveillance video. If not, I am afraid that we have not been able to lock the scope of the murderer so quickly.

In this way, he should have left the signal flag at the age of 25. This is also the time when the special forces who have been training for 5 years are under the most relaxed monitoring. Otherwise, he should not want to escape from a group of instructors who have been rolling in hell. .

   With all the knowledge he has learned in the past five years, he ran away decisively when he was negligent in monitoring, which shows his cautious character.

Of course, the most important thing is that, according to the information I got, the 6 people who fled afterwards were eventually discovered by a chasing team composed of instructors without even going out of the border and executed on the spot. Even the corpses were not brought back, but were exposed. Wilderness, as punishment. "

   Yang Cheng was stunned for a moment, then smiled absurdly. After saying so much, the last sentence is the most useful. The others are dead, so the one who is alive must be the one who is alive.

   nodded, "I see, now you can answer the question I asked earlier."

Hansen embarrassedly grabbed the few golden retrievers left behind his head, and said ashamed, "I haven't found these for the time being. The main reason is that the headquarters of the signal flag is located in the Siberian wilderness, surrounded by white snow. Any suspicious target approaching the base will be discovered and driven away for the first time. If it is an enemy, the signal flag will not be merciful. Under that barren land, I don't know how many bones are buried, basically they are fed to wolves.

Therefore, it is difficult for brokers who are not afraid of the sky or the earth to get close to the base to detect the news, let alone buy it from some retired people. Soldiers who can successfully retire from the signal flag have experienced countless battles in their lives. How can it be a small amount of money? Just betray the old troops? "

   Yang Cheng is disdainful, but foreigners still pay attention to these? Not to mention just because the money is not in place.

After pondering for a moment, he decisively ordered, "Let those brokers use their skills. I can provide 1 million dollars here, so I will buy a piece of news. If I can show tangible evidence related to the Busch family, there will be an extra 500,000 dollars. Served."

   Hansen nodded solemnly, "I know what to do, boss, if we catch Timoshchuk, what are you going to do with him?"

   Yang Cheng blinked in confusion, "What do you mean? Why? Have you felt sorry for each other?"

   Hansen shook his head repeatedly, "That's not true. To become an enemy of the boss, he has to be prepared for lifelessness. I just want the boss to give him a happy life. I don't want an outstanding soldier to die in conspiracy."

Yang Cheng calmed down. This was the first time he had expressed dissatisfaction with Hansen. However, because of his past feelings, he did not open his mouth to swear, but chose to explain patiently, "First of all, you have to understand, not I want to kill him, but he chose to accept the mission of the generosity family and take the initiative to embarrass me, so his death is fixed; secondly, even if I use him to deal with the generosity family, he deserves it; in the end, he is not. What an outstanding soldier, he is a deserter. Are you sure you want to plead with me for a deserter?"

   Hansen lowered his head in shame. He didn't know what was wrong. He even made such an unreasonable request. Maybe it was because he had been investigating the inner ghost recently, which caused his heart to fluctuate? Or is it from the respect for the strong in the bones, and you don't want the other party to die too much?

   He didn't know how to give himself an answer, he only knew that he disappointed the boss.

Seeing Hansen's state, Yang Cheng couldn't bear to say anything, so she could only get up and pat Hansen on the shoulder, so as to appease herself, this capable man. "If you are tired, take a rest. This is not an emergency. Wait for you to adjust. Just deal with it later."

   Hansen opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't even lift his head, except for the door of the room.

   At the moment the door was closed, Yang Cheng's face turned dark. He felt that Hansen had hidden something from him, but he didn't say it, and Yang Cheng didn't follow up, but it didn't mean he couldn't know.

Picking up the cup, the juice made from several kinds of fresh fruits is very coupled with the cool temperature, instantly extinguished the impetuousness in my heart, opened the door and asked White who was waiting at the door to call Andrew. He was specifically asked to be careful not to let Hansen see it.

   After waiting for about ten minutes, Andrew knocked on the door with a heartless smile and shouted like a bell, "Boss, do you have a mission?"

Yang Cheng gave him a helpless look, buttoned his numb ears, and signaled Andrew to close the door. Only then did he solemnly ask, "Andrew, do you think there is something wrong with Hansen recently? "

   Andrew blinked his **** and white eyes and touched his bald head. He seemed to mutter as if to answer, "Nothing is wrong? Yesterday he had a bad stomach? Does it count?"

  The black line on Yang Cheng's forehead, he also had a brain convulsion, and wanted to get the answer through Andrew, a person who didn't know much about it, so it's better to ask Hansen directly.

I just wanted to say forget it, let Andrew go, who thought that the surprise would follow, I saw Andrew thinking for a long time and patted his forehead, "By the way, there is something wrong with him. I heard him quarrel with Cruise the other day. One, the face on going out was particularly ugly. I was busy tracing it and didn't think too much about it. It was the boss who observed it carefully."

   Ignore the simple-minded Andrew's harmless smile, Yang Cheng pinched his chin, Cruise? Cruise Moore? The little guy recommended by Hansen, a close combat expert? Could it be that Cruise Moore has a problem?


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