Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 892: Beckham's visit (1)

"What is delicious in the kitchen?"

Anna squinted and smiled sweetly, "It's ice cream puffs, specially prepared."

Yang Cheng opened her mouth and exclaimed, "I have a heart, and I will send it to the swimming pool just in time to add heat."

Every time he comes to the swimming pool, Yang Cheng can think of the large gold treasures found here. That scene is really shocking. Although the swimming pool has been restored now, there is no trace of the existence of treasures here, but Yang When orange is useful, there is always the illusion of wandering in liquid gold.

After swimming more than 1,000 meters, Anna walked over with a plate of freshly baked golden puffs and placed them on the table in the small garden, calling for Yang Orange to come ashore to taste.

Yang Cheng simply jumped up on the shore, taking advantage of no one, slapped Anna's hips wearing a black hip skirt with a big hand, shaking and feeling great.

Anna blushed and said angrily, "Master~"

After the delicate flowers of her own were picked by Yang Cheng, the feeling of being out of the body was unforgettable, but it was a pity that Yang Cheng could not take her with her all the time, and the emptiness couldn't describe the feeling at this time.

Yang Cheng did not expect that this girl was just slapped by her own evil taste, and a spring of spring came to her cheeks, and the pink slowly fainted on her white face. Of course, Yang Cheng, a veteran of flowers, would not fall. Beautiful heart.

Sitting on the chair, unfastened the elastic cord of the swimming trunks, gave Anna a look, and enjoyed the deliciousness of ice cream puffs.

The drizzle blurs the glass curtain wall and cuts off the sunlight, but the room is not cold at all. The constant temperature system is always maintained at a comfortable 24 degrees. Unknown flowers planted by the table are blooming, just like Anna's face, delicate and beautiful Want to drop.

Afterwards, the moving orioles screamed, the unknown flowers were like mimosa, the stamens were leaning to one side, avoiding the scene of the shame, the chairs creaked, and the floor tiles trembled slightly, as if all this was in harmony with no rhythm. Yan's applause, the rain is quiet outside, and the huge waves inside the house are overwhelming.

. . . . . .

Yang Cheng always feels that exercises between men and women can exercise people better than other exercise methods. After all, it is all-round, and every muscle of the body can be exercised.

After finishing the matching exercise with Anna, Yang Cheng felt that all the fat in her body was burning. After these few times, she could lose at least 5 pounds of meat. Well, he admitted, this was a joke.

Taking advantage of the time when Yang Orange and Anna were exercising, Carson and McAndrew had completed the transaction process, and just waited for the final payment and sent someone to receive the manor.

Seeing Yang Cheng sweating back to the living room and pouring milk to replenish protein, Carson didn’t notice the flush of Anna’s cheeks and the hurriedly dressed and neglected neckline, otherwise he must have guessed that Yang Cheng just dried Well go.

Handing over the contract to Yang Cheng, he asked at the same time, "Do you have any specific ideas for the transformation of the new territory?"

Yang Cheng scanned the contract with a glance and ten lines, and said without looking up, “The racecourse can be restored. This time we don’t specify pure-blood racehorses. We can introduce some beautiful niche horses, such as Shetland pony, Gypsy horses, Norwegian fjord horses, etc., we introduce a batch of stallions and mares to breed their offspring.

In addition, the main building in the middle of the manor will be transformed into a jockey club center, all functions and facilities must be perfect, and it will be used as the office center of the racecourse and the place where I will entertain guests in the future.

The houseboat must be expanded and renovated. The decoration adopts the American country style. The small docks and piers must also be built with the latest technology and built according to the level of permanent facilities. We ordered a luxury speedboat from the British yacht manufacturer to facilitate us to travel to and from London on the Thames. Passable, at least 8 people can be accommodated.

My requirements are probably these. You are responsible for communicating with the designer for the rest. "

After all, Carson is getting older and his instant memory ability has declined, but this does not prevent him from using high-tech means, such as a voice recorder~

After Yang Cheng finished speaking, Carson played it in fast forward again, confirming that Yang Cheng’s request was clearly recorded, and then said with certainty, "I have written down the master, next summer, you will see one Brand new manor."

The rain outside was getting heavier, Yang Cheng couldn't help frowning. Originally, he was planning to go to London to find William. Seeing the **** weather, he couldn't hear the rain for a while, and he didn't plan to go in the rain. It's London. It's too wasteful not to sleep in this weather. Just exercise has consumed a lot of energy, and I can recover my energy after a while.

I told Anna, don't bother me in a hurry, and fell asleep.

I slept until the evening, and the night came as expected. The rain blew before the strong wind. Following the sound of the wind, Yang Cheng could even hear the sound of waves hitting the reef.

Fortunately, the castle was renovated and maintained and became indestructible again. The strong wind was firmly blocked outside the heavy bricks. Inside the castle, Yang Cheng could not feel any temperature changes.

The dinner was carefully taken care of by the chef and enjoyed the meal. During this time, Yang Cheng received a call from David Beckham. Hearing that Yang Cheng happened to be in the UK, he had to bring his wife to visit, even outside. It was raining heavily, and it seemed that Beckham had something to ask for.

More than 2 hours later, when it was close to 8 o'clock in the evening, Beckham took a Mercedes-Benz S-Class and drove in along the private road of the manor. Carson held an umbrella to greet him outside, while Yang Cheng waited under the eaves of the gallery.

"Hey, good evening David, Victoria."

"Good evening jason, sorry to disturb you so late~"

After hugging Xiaobei and his wife one by one Yang Cheng motioned to the two to enter the house and asked the servant to come over and help them take off their coats. This was a polite way of saying, "No interruption, I am bored by myself, but You are lucky, I also just returned to England."

Beckham showed a charming smile, "In fact, I also learned from the news that you have returned to Liverpool, so I tried to call and ask. I didn’t expect you to have returned to the manor, otherwise we plan to go to Liverpool to find you tomorrow. ."

Victoria, with heavy makeup, also smiled and said, "Yes, we are indeed lucky."

Yang Cheng introduced Xiaobei and his wife into the living room, and the servant quickly set up drinks and snacks and retired. Carson waited not far away.

"Then, what can I do for you?" Yang Cheng sipped the black tea and asked straightforwardly.

Xiaobei and his wife looked at each other, and in the end, Xiaobei said, "This time I really came to ask for your help. You also know that I have been working in fashion since I quit the mainstream league. It should have been smooth, but recently we encountered Some troubles, the brand flagship store named after Beckham has lost nearly 8 million pounds since it opened at the beginning of the year." ()

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