Indulge in Life in America

Chapter 893: Beckham's visit (2)

Yang Cheng listened quietly. It turned out that when the heartfelt brows were frowning, Victoria also looked sad. It seemed that the world-famous celebrity couple had indeed encountered a lot of trouble.

"The new quarterly financial report released recently shows that all of the brand’s core businesses have achieved growth in online and offline channels, but now the more you sell, the more you pay. If reputation accumulates, you can also increase the price. The loss was wiped out, but the brand has just been established. It has opened up sales by relying on the name of our husband and wife, but the market is limited to the fan group who loyally follows us. At this time, raising the offer will hurt the mood of the fans, or it will affect the fans. Sales."

When Beckham talked about the business field, she was very eloquent, which made Yang Cheng look at her with admiration.

Yang Cheng doesn't know much about their brands, and can't give effective suggestions for the time being. He can only ask from a general business perspective, "As far as I know, your brand has been established for ten years, right?

It’s just that it has been selling through online channels before, and it has fallen to the ground for the first time. The high shop rents, basic decoration, and staff costs are bound to squeeze a large amount of operating profit, not to mention the overall weakness of the global market environment in recent years. , And the expansion cost of your brand in various countries and regions. With this calculation, it has only lost more than 8 million pounds, which is already a very impressive figure. "

Victoria felt that Yang Cheng was right, and nodded repeatedly, "Jason, you are right, but even if the brand has been established for 10 years, it has been in the state of online sales before, but it still failed to get rid of losses. Sales of 29.5 million pounds and a net loss of 4.58 million pounds. By this year, due to the offline, the revenue growth is obvious. So far it has exceeded 36.5 million pounds in turnover, but the loss is as high as 8 million. By the end of this year, the loss will continue to increase.

Regarding the reasons for the loss, we have analyzed internally. In addition to the weak market environment that Jason said, and the increase in internal investment in brand infrastructure and employee salaries, we also increased investment in markets such as Asia and the United States.

With this series of investments, the pressure on us is increasing. According to our plan, the company will continue to increase investment in the US and country Z markets while ensuring a balance of payments in the middle of fiscal year 2018. "

Yang Cheng didn't understand the meaning of Victoria's repeated remarks at first, but after thinking about it, they figured out that they came to ask for investment.

Sure enough, David Beckham finally said in the next second, "Jason, if possible, I hope to introduce a capital from you to ease our financial pressure, but also to complete the market expansion faster, especially Z All of us are unanimously optimistic about the Chinese market."

Yang Cheng frowned, optimistic that the country Z market is normal. Of all the brands in the world, none of them say that they don’t want to make money from the people of the country. The difference is that most of them are for making money, and even more people earn money from the people of the country Z, which is insulting. People of country Z can't bear this. Of course, one cannot overturn a boat at one stroke. After all, there are still brands that really like country Z.

But the Beckhams, obviously belong to the most common kind, they just value the huge market of Z country and want to make money.

However, he remembered the cheating sons of Xiaobei in his previous life, who repeatedly insulted the people of Country Z, and his eyes changed when he looked at Xiaobei and his wife.

Now as a friend, Yang Cheng can’t say much, so she can only say something, “It’s okay if you want to enter the country Z market. The inclusiveness of people in country Z is the most inclusive in the world. There is no one. As long as you have goodwill and rely on your reputation. , Success is still very easy. What I want to remind you is that with the economic rise of country Z, national pride has also been exposed. You must not cater to all kinds of contempt behind you on the surface. Don’t talk about Z. The Chinese can't let you go, and I won't just sit idly by."

The appearance of Yang Cheng's seriousness made the Beckhams look at each other, but David Beckham explained with excitement, "Jason, please rest assured that we are not racist, you are Chinese. They are also our best friends. How can we discriminate against our friends."

Raising his hand to interrupt Xiaobei's words, "It's not just you, it's mainly to take care of the people around you. Sometimes it's the worst injustice to be involved."

Click to the end, that's enough when it comes to talking, and it will destroy the relationship.

However, Yang Cheng still has some doubts about whether or not to invest. On the surface, the total net assets of the Beckhams are now US$400-500 million. They are almost the most influential couples in the sports and fashion circles. Beckham has got rid of the shackles of the athlete's identity and successfully transformed into a fashionista. There is still a lot of time to reap profits in the future. Investing in them may not be an option.

The Beckham Brand Company contains two subsidiaries. In addition to the fashion brand of the same name founded by Victoria Beckham, there is also the investment company DBVentures founded by Beckham. The latter's business is dealing with "David Beckham" related Image rights, brand licensing and other commercial purposes.

Victoria Beckham is one of the earliest companies established. Victoria founded this fashion brand as early as 2008, and Beckham is one of the directors.

The company's business categories include ready-to-wear, accessories, footwear, glasses, etc., and cooperate with brands such as Estee Lauder and Target.

When Victoria first founded the brand, he said, "I want to make it a fashion kingdom."

Now, the fashion kingdom has not been established successfully, but it is already at risk of faltering.

Yang Cheng thought for a moment and asked, "What is your overall valuation of the company?"

Xiaobei and his wife looked at each other and smiled. This is a good start. Yang Cheng can inquire about the valuation, that is, they have investment ideas. The rest depends on their eloquence, whether they can successfully persuade Yang Cheng to pay.

"Our valuation of the Beckham brand company is 100 million pounds, which includes Victoria Beckham and DB Ventures. We want to raise 30 million pounds."

Yang Cheng raised her eyebrows, "DB Ventures wholly-owned Victora Beckham?"

"No~no~no, the former is my main shareholder, DB is David's holding company, the two companies hold shares alternately, and the Beckham brand company exists as the parent company."

Yang Cheng nodded and expressed his understanding, "If I am sure to join you as an investor, there are a few issues that need to be discussed in advance. First of all, I need you to carry out a series of personnel transfers and reforms to Victoria Beckham, although I haven't seen it yet. Specific statements, but based on my current estimation, at least one-third of the staff will be cut significantly to improve profitability;

In addition, I will propose new personnel appointments. The current management capacity is not enough. If they continue to lead, I don't see any hope for the rise of the brand.

At the beginning of this year, French fashion industry veteran Laftrando resigned from the original company and is currently at home. We can hire him as the chairman of the board of directors. In addition, the two positions including creative director and CEO also need to be replaced. Victoria no longer Hold any position in the company, of course, you can play your fashion design ability as a freelance designer in the company.

In addition, the funds will be divided into two phases. After the first phase of investment, I will see the happy development prospects of the brand, and then I will invest the second phase of capital for expansion in the international market. "

Yang Cheng put forward so many requests in one breath, Victoria did not dare to agree for a while. Of course, it was mainly because Yang Cheng asked her not to hold any position in the company, which made her a little frustrated. Don't reason with her.

On the contrary, Beckham’s emotional intelligence is good enough. He just hesitated and agreed to all the requirements of Yang Cheng in his wife’s surprised eyes. He had a deeper consideration. Don’t forget who Yang Cheng’s mother is. That’s the whole fashion. One of the few female demon in the circle, a real figure on the top of the fashion circle, Yang Cheng has invested in a fashion brand, will he be rejected if he asks his mother for help? Absolutely not!

And Xiaobei knows his wife's abilities in his heart, and sometimes he is bright when he engages in design, even if he engages in management, it is really not this material.

Victoria quickly added, "The newly injected funds will be used to expand the brand's retail network and repay debts. At the same time, it will also open a second flagship store in Paris."

Yang Cheng did not rush to agree, but asked, "How many stores does Victoria Beckham currently have?"

"One flagship store, one small store, and many high-end department stores have counters." Victoria said.

Yang Cheng nodded slightly, "Let's shelve the plan for now, and we will discuss it when the new management arrives."

Victoria took a look at her husband and broke out another news, "In fact, during this summer, the LVMH Group had contact with us and intended to acquire Victoria Beckham's female fashion business, but I finally did not agree, because VictoriaBeckham is an entire brand and cannot be split into business~"

Yang Cheng was really surprised, is there anything else? Being valued by LVMH is enough to prove the potential of this brand.

I have to admit that Yang Cheng still underestimated Victoria's design talent, and deliberately mentioning this matter, I am afraid he was also dissatisfied with his "excessive" request.

However, there are more people with design talents these days, and it is not enough to have a unique design to make a big hot brand. It is also necessary to understand the popularity. This is the same as the difference between a film art film and a commercial film. Everyone knows art. Movies are good movies and can be regarded as classics, but the real money is to watch commercial movies.

No matter how good the clothes designed by Victoria look, but are not accepted by the mainstream public, her brand will never become the first line, even the edge of the second line, and her ability to be an independent design that wanders through the four major fashion weeks The teacher is still more than enough, and the design department in charge of a brand is really not enough, so Yang Cheng will not change his decision. ()

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