Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 161: The man Ai Changhuan likes

Ji Xingfan asked, "Did I get drunk yesterday?"

Ai Changhuan nodded, nodded and almost fell asleep again.

Ji Xingfan pushed her again: "Then I didn't say anything strange?"

Ai Chang thought for a while and asked, "Which sentence do you mean?"

Everything she said last night was strange.

"Ah? What did I say, what did I say?" Ji Xingfan seemed panicked and nervous.

Ai Changhuan couldn't take it anymore, and the whole man slipped into the bed again, saying, "Let me sleep, otherwise I won't tell you."

Ji Xingfan fluttered and continued to shake her shoulder: "After you finish talking, you will not sleep."

Ai Changhuan is almost crying. What did she do to Ji Xingfan in her last life, so she will punish her like this in this life?

Ai Changhuan stood up, kneeling in front of Ji Xingfan, and said in tears, "Sister, I beg you, let me sleep for a while, OK? After I wake up, I promise to tell you everything, okay? "

She's so sleepy, she's really sleepy, no more, she really wants to sleep.

She tilted her head and fell asleep on the quilt.

Ji Xingfan poked at her, and saw that she really didn't move before letting her go, and then she tilted her head to sleep.

It was twelve noon when Ai Changhuan woke up again, no sooner or later, it was just off work, and she was absent from work for a long time.

She woke Ji Xingfan very silently and asked her, "Why don't you call me up to work?"

"..." Ji Xingfan reacted for a while, then said, "I shouted, at six o'clock, but you fell asleep again."

"..." Ai Changhuan was speechless. She got up and washed in silence, and her clothes were not dry. She picked out a set of clothes directly in Ji Xingfan's wardrobe.

Ji Xingfan also got up, and conscience found that he prepared breakfast, no, lunch.

The two sat at the table, silent.

In the end, Ji Xing couldn't help asking: "What did I say after I was drunk last night?"

"It's nothing, just keep calling my name, and let me turn off the light in the living room, say not to take pictures, and spit on me." Thinking of Ji Xingfan's strange actions last night, she felt speechless, "You What the **** is going on, why do you suddenly drink so much alcohol and cry so sadly. "

Ji Xingfan was a little hesitant: "I'm still crying? Oh, I'm so sorry."

"Come on, what happened?" Ji Xingfan would not suddenly drink so much alcohol for no reason, something must have happened.

Ji Xingfan's eyes flashed, and suddenly he grinned and said, "Oh, what can I do? I'm just in a hurry. I want to drink a little wine and feel happy. As a result, one is uncontrollable and drunk It's shameful. It's okay, it's okay. "

Knowing that she had a strong face, Ai Changhuan didn't force her to ask her anymore, so she took out her cell phone and dialed Ji Xingfan's agent.

"Who are you calling?" Ji Xingfan was alert.

"Since you refuse to say it, I have to ask your agent."

Ji Xingfan quickly snatched her cell phone and asked for mercy: "Okay, can I tell you not yet? In fact, it's not a big deal, just because I was in a bad mood recently, this depression doubled, Can't help but want to drink a little wine to express. "

"It's even more sorrowful if you drink wine, don't you understand this? Don't pull those who are useless, first tell me what happened."

Then Ji Xingfan talked about someone who slandered her for being fostered. She said very angrily: "Why is it so difficult for a woman in this society to succeed by her own efforts? Even if it is successful, it must be said It's betraying yourself and being attached to a man. "

There are no three or five articles of this kind of lace news in a month. Ai Changhuan is tired of reading, and this is not the first time Ji Xingfan has been said that. Why is she so angry this time? Is it just because of a bad mood recently? She had doubts in her heart, but didn't ask the question, she just asked Ji Xingfan what to do.

Ji Xingfan said that she had already found a good lawyer and asked the other party to draft a lawyer's letter. She would sue them to see if they dare to talk nonsense.

Ai Changhuan asked which lawyer.

Ji Xingfan said, "I'm not very familiar either. It was introduced by a friend. It seems to be called Shan Xiao. It will be here this afternoon."

"Oh!" Ai Changhuan sipped all the juice, "Shan Xiao? How so clever?"

Ji Xingfan blinked: "What a coincidence?"

"Shan Xiao is my brother. I didn't tell you last time? But he is a lawyer of Huaxing. Why did he come to you?"

"I'm not sure. I was introduced by a friend. It's probably a personal profit. Don't say it." Ji Xingfan also exhorted.

Ai Changhuan's mouth was drawn. Is Shan Xiao short of money? Why did you take such a time-consuming case?

"Well, you just happen to be acquaintances. Then come together in the afternoon. You just happen to be an assistant to Shan Xiao, and by the way, gain insights." Ji Xingfan took the opportunity to make a request.

"Me? I can't, I won't go." Ai Changhuan quickly refused.

"Why? Do you think you can really receive such a good case in that legal department? Don't be stupid, I think you have to practice for at least a year and a half before you have the opportunity to practice. This ready-made case will be put In your hand, you can show your skills, but you pushed, you said you are stupid? "Ji Xingfan arrested Ai Changhuan and scolded her again, scolding her for not cherishing this great opportunity, and finally dragging her Ai Changhuan went to meet Shan Xiao together.

Before Ai Changhuan agreed, she was brought over by Ji Xingfan. When she saw Shan Xiao, she was still a little embarrassed.

Suddenly a case was sent by the boss to let him help a female celebrity to gossip a lawsuit in a private name. Shan Xiao was also the second monk in trouble.

After thinking about it for a long time, maybe this female celebrity is my boss's mysterious girlfriend. Maybe I was going to secretly gossip. The boss stared at him coldly and kept him secret. If there was a leak, he would let him Clean the toilet for a year.

In the end, he could only pretend that he didn't know anything. He had an appointment with the female celebrity to discuss things. It turned out that the other party was Ji Xingfan from the film. It was still his former idol. Big, there is nothing to fight at all.

But since it was explained by the boss, many meaningless lawsuits can only help.

Waiting in the cafe, I suddenly saw Ji Xingfan coming. What surprised him even more was that she was followed by an acquaintance, since it was Ai Changhuan.

Shan Xiao ’s brain is running fast. Does Ji Xingfan be Ai Changhuan ’s friend, then Ji Xingfan finds Ai Changhuan for help, and then Ai Changhuan goes to the second boss, and the second boss goes again Looking for a big boss, did the big boss assign the task to himself?

So what about the girlfriend's guess?

Ai Changhuan pointed in the direction of Shan Xiao, and then walked straight with Ji Xing.

Ji Xingfan took off his sunglasses, first reached out and greeted Shan Xiao: "Hello lawyer Shan, I'm Ji Xingfan."

Shan Xiao reached out and shook his hand: "Hello Miss Ji."

Ji Xingfan pointed at Shan Xiao and Ai Changhuan, and said, "You both know each other, shouldn't I need to introduce them?"

Ai Changhuan smiled awkwardly, "Brother."

Shan Xiao nodded, and then asked, "Where have you been this morning? Why didn't you come to work again?"

Ji Xing smiled and said, "She overslept in my house. As soon as you guys know me, I brought her here."

So, is the relationship between Ji Xingfan and Ai Changhuan really good? Shan Xiao thought with some regret, and sure enough he still did not catch the gossip of the big boss.

Ji Xingfan took the opportunity to say that he wanted Ai Changhuan to help. Shan Xiao also agreed. He just needed an assistant. The original candidate was Ai Changhuan. Now that Ai Changhuan agrees, it is better. Individuals hit it off.

Ai Changhuan who was driven to the shelves by ducks was left.

The lawyer's letter list Xiao has been drafted, let Ji Xingfan look, if there is no opinion, send it to the other company, and then submit the relevant documents to the court.

Ji Xing looked at it in a rush, without any opinion.

Then Shan Xiao and Ai Changhuan returned to the company because they had to prepare the materials. In case the court opened for trial, they were fully prepared.

After the sum was good, the three separated.

Ai Changhuan really thought that Shan Xiao had taken the case personally, so he didn't ask more, and Shan Xiao really thought that Ji Xingfan had contacted the big boss because of Ai Changhuan's relationship, so he didn't ask more. When the two looked at each other and smiled, they both had a sense of tacit understanding.

When I arrived at the company, because I didn't come in another morning, I couldn't finish the work.

Is about to leave Shan Xiao called her in the past and said that he would have to work overtime privately to prepare Ji Xingfan's case materials.

Ai Changhuan blinked: "But ..."

But Lu Zhanke was still waiting for her at home.

"What's wrong?" Shan Xiao asked.

"... Nothing, I'll make a phone call." She thought about it and thought it was more important to resolve Ji Xingfan as soon as possible. After all, she cried so sadly yesterday. This incident must have a great impact on her.

She called Lu Zhanke over here, and was about to tell him that she had to work overtime at night, but Lu Zhanke first said that she would pick her up from work.

"Uh ... that ..." Ai Changhuan hesitated, not knowing how to speak.

"What's wrong?" Lu Zhanke asked.

"I have to work overtime at night, you don't need to pick me up, go back by yourself." Ai Changhuan whispered.

Lu Zhanke frowned: "Overtime? Who asked you to work overtime? You asked him to answer the phone."

The waterfall Khan in Ai Changhuan was busy and said, "I asked for overtime myself, and you know that I often arrive late and leave early, and the work is not completed on time, and I can't drag everyone behind me, right? Let me say, you Did n’t you fully support me to work hard and work hard? Why not allow me to work overtime now? "

Lu Zhanke was speechless and could only say, "Okay, but you must not work overtime late. I will let the driver pick you up."

"I know, I know." After finally getting the land battle, Ai Changhuan was relieved, and then actively engaged in work.

Ai Changhuan discovered that Shan Xiao is really a workaholic. Once he takes things seriously, he can really achieve a state of selflessness.

She was ashamed, because her stomach was so hungry, but Shan Xiao didn't say when it was over, and she was embarrassed to ask.

There is no food to eat, Ai Changhuan can only drink water constantly, drinking too much water, going to the toilet more often.

When she returned from the bathroom for the third time, Shan Xiao finally realized that it was late, and Ai Changhuan accompanied herself to work overtime for a long time.

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