He was about to say that he should be here today. Ai Changhuan's stomach groaned in a timely manner. He choked for a second, then laughed extremely indifferently.

Ai Chang looked at him with a frown, and was about to roll on the ground hungry. He even laughed so loudly that he had no conscience.

Shan Xiao finally remembered his gentlemanly style, quickly grabbed his smile, and said, "I'm sorry, I forgot to order takeaway. As a penalty, I invite you to dinner."

He raised his hand and looked at the time. It was already twelve o'clock. I did not expect to work directly until the next day. It was not easy for Ai Changhuan to work overtime on the first day.

Ai Changhuan is also polite: "It should have been this way, do you know how long I have endured?"

"Okay, it's all my fault. I didn't notice the problem. Pack and pack and leave."

Ai Chang cheered, and the whole man immediately became active again.

And Lu Zhanke, because Ai Changhuan had to work overtime, he didn't want to go home to face Shen Qingyan. When he thought about it, he shouted Meng Xian Jin Bo Ke Yisheng and gathered together. After meeting with the emperor, he went directly Already.

As the emperor's major shareholder, Ke Yisheng understands and enjoys, he sets up the largest and most comfortable box for himself. His box is only used to entertain friends, and he does not open to the outside when he is not in use. These people Meng Xian are all familiar faces, and Ke Yisheng also explained it in particular. So when the Marine Zhan Ke went, he did n’t speak. The very knowledgeable manager took him to the box. He usually likes to drink drinks. Someone sent in the stuff immediately, and then the manager retreated obediently. There was no nonsense, the thoughtfulness was just right, and it would not make people feel offensive.

Jin Bo came a short time after Lu Zhanke arrived. When he saw that only Lu Zhanke was sitting there, he laughed and said, "You are always the first, and those two are always late."

Lu Zhanke lit a cigarette and threw it at Jinbo, saying, "I asked him to come for two and a half hours."

He rarely smokes, only occasionally when he is upset


Jin Bo saw him smoking and knew that the uncle seemed a little upset today, and thought that he had called himself first, it must have something to do with himself, and thinking about what happened recently would understand why Lu Zhanke was so upset. Already.

Thinking of this, Jin Bo couldn't help feeling a little irritable, and then he lit a cigarette. The two brothers sat side by side, swallowing clouds and misting, seemingly chic, but in fact they had a heavy heart.

In the end, Marine Zhan Kexian spoke, and he asked, "Shen Qingyan looking for you?"

In fact, you do n’t need to ask and know the answer. This is just a start, and it leads to the topic to be said next.

Jin Bo spit out a smoke ring, his eyes watching the smoke ring dissipating little by little, and his eyes gradually became confused. He said, "She will only look for me when she needs help, and she is usually not allowed to look for her at all. , Don't you wonder? "

Lu Zhan Ke Leng snorted: "I didn't say you, after all these years, you can't change those virtues? How can you let her call on you and leave?"

Jin Bo took a hard breath, and the light flickered in the dimly lit box, just like his mood at this time, suddenly cold and hot, and laughed at himself, saying, "No way, it's cheap to the bones. Now, even if consciousness wants to resist, the body will still obediently obey her orders. I think that in my life

That's about it. You also advise me. I can't help myself. "

"I didn't want to persuade you, I came here to give you a trick, or you just slept her directly, the person is yours, and your heart will be yours sooner or later." For his own happiness, Lu Zhanke began to come up with ideas. Already.

Jin Bo's mouth drew: "Brother, **** is illegal. You want me to go to jail."

"So you're just fine with it. Think about how much time you spent on her. When she was there, your eyes were just staring at a woman. When she left, your eyes were blind. It seems that no other woman can be seen. "Lu Zhanke reluctantly shook his head," I can't figure out what the woman has good, it is worth your obsession. "

Jin Bo said, "You don't understand, just like I don't understand why she likes you."

Lu Zhanke countered: "I don't understand you, so I use a phrase I don't understand to perfuse me. Come on, I'm too lazy to deal with your broken things, but can you think of a way to get that woman away, I am every day Looking at her every day feels upset. "

"Her purpose is to seduce you. If she doesn't succeed, she won't leave." When saying this, Jin Bo felt like a piece of heart was empty, and kept pouring cold wind into it, that heart. cool.

Lu Zhanke said silently: "Do you know her purpose and you still help her?"

"Don't you break through her?"

"I did it for you," Lu Zhanke raised his eyebrows. "This woman is really stupid, she knows her purpose all over the world, and thinks that she has concealed it well. Sometimes I ca n’t bear to see her botched tricks. Depending. "

Her sweetheart was scolded, Jin Bo expressed unhappiness, so she also attacked Lu Zhanke's sweetheart: "Then your wife is not even more stupid. People all over the world can see the scam. Only she doesn't know, and she is stupid to lead the wolf into the room. On. "

"Chang Huan is kind-hearted and innocent. I don't know that there are still such cunning people in the world. He even sets off Shen Qingyan as a man with a misfortune." Lu Zhanke protected his wife unconditionally.

Jin Bo grinned and said, "What's the difference between innocence and stupidity? Is it in the face? The beautiful is the innocence and the ugly is stupid?"

Lu Zhanke sneered: "It's interesting to have a fight? You can take Shen Qingyan down if you can."

"It's boring, if you have the ability to kick her out."



The two were relatively speechless and each smoked a cigarette.

When the second cigarette was lit, Lu Zhanke said, "I have a plan, find a chance to get you drunk on a bed, what do you think?"

"Article 236 of the Criminal Law: Anyone who rapes a woman by violence, coercion or other means shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of three to ten years. The key point is that against the will of the woman, it has nothing to do with whether the offender is drinking. I have something with you Revenge? You have to drive me on the road to breaking the law? "

"It hurts for you, so sometimes it's not good to know too much."

"..." Jin Bo was speechless. If he understood the law, he would abide by it. If he did not understand it, he would not be able to break the law.

"Then you have no other way? Ask the old senior how to chase the girl." Lu Zhanke was so depressed, he knew that Jin Bo could not bear to hurt Shen Qingyan, so he was under the guise of law. If this kid is really so Honestly, when I was a kid, I wouldn't steal the peaches from other people's trees. Unfortunately, such a peerless good man, Shen Qingyan, was like a blind eye, but he couldn't see.

Jin Bo said, "I did everything that I could do, and accepted it. I gave her what she wanted. I thought it was fresh and interesting at the time. I enjoyed it. After so many years, I haven't read it thoroughly, but I'm tired. Sometimes I think, it would be better to help her a little bit more, after all, she is sad enough to fall in love with you. "

"Do n’t be able to bear the white lotus in your family. Do n’t drag me with her. I have nothing to do with her, who I love. I wouldn't bother to care about her unless I was afraid of being cheated by Chang Huan." After the land battle, Ke sighed rarely, "I can't get home now."

Therefore, every family has a difficult scripture, but seeing the tragedy of Lu Zhanke, Jin Bo felt better immediately and asked, "Where is your wife? Why did you let you out today?"

Lu Zhanke shook the ashes, and said utterly: "I don't know if it is good or bad to let her go out to work overtime."

"Your wife is young, beautiful, and smart, and was taken away by others carefully." Jin Bo was afraid that the world would not be chaotic.

Marine Ke Qi stomped at him: "Can you look forward to me?"

Jin Bo laughed out of laughter: "Brother, you have to admit that you are old, and you can't compare with those younger ones. Before, your wife only faced you alone, so I think you are the best man in the world, wait for her to see If there are more men, you will find that you are actually an old vegetable dumpling. Do you know what is popular now? It is called Xiaoxianrou. You also have a small fresh meat more than ten years ago. Now, it is also an old vegetable. Words like zongzi bacon are more suitable for you. "

Lu Zhanke gave another kick: "Get out, you're no less than a few months younger than me. If I were an old vegetable bitch, you wouldn't be better off."

Although his mouth seemed to be indifferent, Lu Zhanke still secretly took a look at his face through the glass in the private room. Is he really old? No, it's still handsome. Jin Bo, this kid's nonsense.

Seeing the small movements of Lu Zhanke, Jin Bo took a breath, and then the smoke in his mouth pierced his throat, and he coughed violently, almost coughing his lungs.

"I should!"

When the two were very happy, Meng Xian and Ke Yisheng finally came.

Meng Xian is still dressed like a flower peacock. Everywhere he goes, he attracts countless people. Ke Yisheng wears sportswear and wears casual clothes, as if he is going to run at any time.

Seeing Lu Zhanke and Jin Bo sitting on the sofa, Meng Xian immediately took three steps and took two steps to get up. He squeezed and sat down between the two. He asked Lu Zhanke with a smile: "Oh, how is your wife slave today Call your brothers out to drink? What about your daughter-in-law? "

Lu Zhanke didn't bother to ignore him, he just said, "Don't sit so close, panic."

After being suspected of being abandoned, Meng Xian expressed his unhappiness: "Why don't you feel hot when you hold your wife to sleep?"

Jin Bo smiled and bowed his head.

Ke Yisheng picked up a bottle of cocktail and pried the cap off with his thumb. He sat down and said, "It looks like he was kicked out of bed by his wife. It's pitiful."

As the only one of the four married, Marine Zhan Ke Anran accepted their jealous attack, and then announced a blockbuster message: "Shen Qingyan returned to China."

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