Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 163: Hide from him

Immediately after he finished speaking, Meng Xian and Ke Yisheng immediately looked at Jin Bo as a conditioned reflex.

Jin Bo smiled: "Yes, she asked me for help."

Meng Xian patted his shoulder sympathetically: "I see. It turned out to be a memorial service for you today. Come and drink two more."

Lu Zhanke said, "Don't you help me think about how Jin Bo can win that woman?"

Meng Xian immediately patted his **** and said, "I have no choice but to let my brother 10 years ago. After all, there were too few women at that time. After so many years of training, my brother has cultivated to a certain level, what? All the women brothers can win, you wait, he will help you win this time. "

Ke Yisheng raised the wine bottle in his hand and said, "When you need to stun and fight, you squeak."

Then the next time was spent in Meng Xianzhen's teaching of chasing women. Land War Ke was originally to pass the time, and he did not feel bored when watching Meng Xian's amusement.

The four people played a few more laps of mahjong. Winning or losing is not the key. The key is to pass the time!

The frustrated Lu Zhan Ke and Jin Bo casinos are proud. The two men took turns playing cards. Meng Xian and Ke Yi Sheng almost lost their pants, but they did not want to take off their clothes when they took off the battle.

Ke Yisheng is the boss here. When he has no money, he immediately asks his men to bring a few bags of cash and put it next to them. They can always ask for money at any time.

Meng Xian was so jealous that he hated himself for not being so mad and cool.

When the card player finally turned into a loser, he circled under the table to learn dog barking. When watching Meng Xian in a flowered suit with a depressed face, he felt better.

When it was almost twelve o'clock, several people finally decided to go for a supper and then went home separately, and the big winner, Lu Zhanke, invited guests.

At this time, it ’s basically a place like a bar KTV. It ’s not easy to find a place to eat. Several people are very talkative. The general restaurant ca n’t catch it. I looked for a Sichuanese restaurant that looked quite emotional, asked for a private room, and waited to eat after ordering.

During this period, Meng Xian went to the bathroom. When he returned, the mysterious Chong Jinbo and Ke Yisheng winked, as if there were any secrets that could not be told.

Lu Zhanke nudged his chair leg lightly and asked, "What's up? Piss on pants?"

Meng Xian had a black line on his face: "You urinated your pants. I just asked the two of them to borrow some money for a taxi to go back later."

Lu Zhanke was too lazy to scold him: "You are dead as an elder brother, can you still send you back?"

Meng Xian touched his nose: "I'm really afraid you will throw me on the street."

After a while, Jin Bo also got up and went to the bathroom. When he came back, he looked very strange, and quietly rushed to Ke to raise his eyes.

After a while, Ke Yisheng also went to the bathroom.

Lu Zhanke thought it strange: "How are your three sons like the calabash baby? The boss has finished urinating and the second child has pissed, and the second wife has gone urinating."

Meng Xian said that he had just drunk too much in the emperor, and the alcohol had turned into water.

When Ke Yisheng came back, the dishes began to serve slowly. A few people were hungry, and they stopped talking, and just buried their heads to eat.

Between meals, Meng Xian quietly gave Jin Bo a kick and asked with his eyes what to do.

Jin Bo glanced at Lu Zhanke and shook his head secretly. He didn't know what to do.

After a while, Jin Bo kicked Ke Yisheng again and asked him when the two were outside when he returned.

Ke Yisheng nodded slowly. The two seemed to be eating, but they did not plan to leave for the time being.

Ke Yisheng exchanged a look with Meng Xian again and asked him what to do later. If it hits him, it would fight.

Meng Xianxin said that it could be a while, and he must persist until the two people left.

So the three of them all slowed down the pace of eating, just like a wolf. At this moment, they seem to be full, and they use slow motion to stretch their chopsticks, and they must chew at least one dish. For half a minute, I swallowed until I chewed.

Lu Zhanke finally found out that the three were wrong. He felt as if he was eating with three neuropathy, and could not help but stand upside down, and asked, "What are you doing? What the **** are you doing? This dish is poisonous?"

Meng Xian said: "No, I saw an expert on TV last time that chewing slowly when eating, this will not only help digestion, but also enhance the absorption of nutrients."

Lu Zhanke sneered: "The 'experts' also said that they could not eat breakfast on an empty stomach. Do you think it is credible?"

Jin Bo was taken aback again, thinking which ‘expert’ is so amazing.

Ke Yisheng said: "I don't think it is necessary to chew slowly and swallow slowly, but it is necessary to eat two more bowls."

Eating one more bowl will earn you more time for one bowl of rice, and two more bowls will earn you more time for two bowls of rice.

Meng Xian and Jin Bo deeply thought so, so under the premise of eating two bowls of rice, the two reluctantly ate two more bowls. When the four bowls of rice fell, they felt that their belly was about to burst.

Ke Yisheng is a martial arts person. He usually eats a lot. Four bowls of rice are just right for him. Given that he is the only person who can move, he is dispatched to check the situation again and see the outside. Are they gone?

Ke Yisheng went away.

After turning around and coming back, I nodded at Meng Xian and Jin Bo.

As a result, Meng Xian and Jin Bo had to lift the bowl in pain again, hoping that the two people had left before they finished the bowl of rice.

In fact, Lu Zhanke has already eaten, but he has been waiting for the three of them.

Seeing the tangled faces of Meng Xian and Jin Bona, and the reluctance to stretch out chopsticks, Lu Zhanke said, "Don't eat if you don't want to eat."

Meng Xian shook his head: "No, we don't want to eat, but we are reluctant to eat, because these dishes are so delicious. Each dish has its own special feelings, and I almost touched tears."

Jin Bo said: "We must respond to the CD-ROM operation and not waste a grain of food."

Ke Yisheng said: "A horse has no nightgrass and is not fat."

Lu Zhanke nodded to the desktop with his fingertips, waited again, and said, "Eat slowly, I'll go out and smoke a cigarette."

When Lu Zhanke said this, the other three were shocked.

Meng Xian hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't, just smoke here."

Lu Zhanke felt terrified: "Why?"

"Because ... uh ..." Meng Xian said entangledly, "Because I want to eat and smoke, but I can't do both of them at the same time, so I think, you smoke next to me, I can smell The smell of smoke is as if you are smoking, and the rice is more delicious. "

Lu Zhanke looked at him strangely: "Meng Xian, are you okay?"

Meng Xian almost burst into tears, thinking to whom I am for, if I am not afraid that you will go out and see your wife is eating with other men, do I need to punish myself like this?

Jin Bo said: "He's just like this. Every now and then, you have to draw a wind, and you just follow him."

Lu Zhanke's eyes turned around the three of them. Jin Bo's face was calm and somewhat abnormal. Ke Yisheng would not lie at all, and his eyes were particularly dodging. Moreover, Meng Xian had too much tonight Now, all things can be summed up into three words: abnormal.

The three of them are too abnormal. This abnormality started when Meng Xian went out to the bathroom. What did they see outside?

Lu Zhanke narrowed his eyes and said, "Then I will put a cigarette next to you, and I will go out and smoke."

With a bang, Meng Xianzhang squirted all the rice out of his mouth, and Ke Yisheng, who was sitting opposite him, quickly jumped up and hugged the bowl, and successfully avoided that.

Jin Bo looked at the sudden addition of rice in his bowl and smiled with relief. His grandmother finally could not eat any more. It is estimated that he didn't want to eat rice anymore, and he vomited when he saw it.

Marine Zhan Ke more and more determined that they must have seen something outside, waved Meng Xian's obstruction, strode out, and when he got out of the box, he saw a familiar figure walking towards the restaurant door.

He could not recognize the back of Ai Changhuan, but the man next to him looked a little embarrassed.

Just, how could she be here, or with a strange man?

Didn't she say that she worked overtime? Is it a colleague of the unit? But if it is a colleague, why are there only two of them and no one else?

Jin Bo's remarks about small fresh meat and old vegetable dumplings suddenly came into his mind. He thought it was ridiculous, and he thought he must have thought more about it.

The three came around quickly, and Meng Xian also cleverly blocked him in front of him, saying, "Oh, sorry, I just sprayed rice on you."

Then he stomped his hair on his toes and took the opportunity to isolate his sight.

Jin Bo coughed and quietly observed Lu Zhanke's face.

Ke Yisheng moved his wrist a bit. Later, if the land warrior Ke talked to him, he would be relentless.

All three of them were tense, like each of them, but Lu Zhanke smiled easily and said, "Why are you so nervous, isn't it just to have a meal with a colleague? Any fuss?"

He was so calm, but startled the other three.

What Meng Xian thought was: lonely man and widow.

Jin Bo thought: three more in the middle of the night.

Ke Yisheng thought: there must be ghosts.

"You think too much." Lu Zhanke enlightened them in turn, "not what you think."

Meng Xian said, "What do we think?"

"Let me pretend to be confused here. Is this the first thing you found, right? What did you hide from me, and you should tell me at the time, I'll call people to eat together, you guys, I really don't know what to say about you What's so good, what's so ingenious? "Lu Zhanke taught them all three.

Meng Xian thought, I only know what an accident is! In case you hit someone, we have to take care of sending the person to the hospital. It's more tortured in the middle of the night.

Seeing the three of them lost their words, Lu Zhanke waved his hand and said, "Is it all full? Let's break up when we are full."

After checking out, four people went out.

However, Lu Zhanke said, "I won't send you anymore. Go back by yourself."

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