Indulgent Husband and Sweet Wife

Chapter 164: Ai Changhuan is with other men

The three thought to themselves, still pretending to be generous. Rushing back to ask his wife clearly.

Everyone knows what's going on, and pretends to be stupid, saying, "Go and go, don't worry about us."

Lu Zhanke was also rude, as soon as he got on the car, he let the driver increase the throttle and left.

Jin Bo and Ke Yisheng lived very close to each other. Just when a taxi came, the two got in the car and left, leaving Meng Xian wearing flower clothes and standing in the streets in the middle of the night shivering in the cold wind.

After a while, Meng Xian suddenly remembered: "I rely, didn't you say that you want to borrow my car money? Why are all people leaving?"

On the surface, Lu Zhanke was very calm, but no one knew the anxiety in his heart. He could only urge the driver to be faster and faster.

The driver is an old driver and knows the importance of safe driving. He maintains his own speed and steadily advances towards the Lu family. He only takes Lu Zhanke's words as his ear, and even if he is in a hurry, he can only stare.

When they arrived at Lu's house, they saw two people standing under the street lamp at the gate of Lu's house, one man and one woman. They both laughed and hung their shoulders. In short, their actions were very intimate.

Lu Zhanke's eyes were furious, but he calmed down and didn't make a noise to make the driver drive faster because he knew that even now it was too late.

Just before the car was approaching, the man got into the car and drove away, so Lu Zhanke didn't see the man's face.

And Ai Changhuan stood still and watched the man.

After passing by Ai Changhuan, the driver subconsciously stopped, but Lu Zhanke said coldly, "Don't stop."

Then the driver drove the car straight into the yard, and after the marine war got off, he drove the car to the garage.

When the car passed by, Ai Changhuan did not expect that Lu Zhe Ke would be sitting in the car, because she thought that Lu Zhe Ke had already arrived home.

When he got out of the car, Ai Changhuan stood in the yard before reacting, hurriedly trotting all the way, and asked, "Why are you coming back so late?"

Lu Zhanke glanced at her and said, "They and Meng Xian are together. Have you eaten?"

Ai Changhuan said, "I have eaten it."

Then there was no more words, and Lu Zhanke didn't wait for the explanation.

Ai Changhuan stepped forward and grabbed Lu Zhanke's arm, and said with a smile: "Let's go, let's go in."

Lu Zhanke looked at her smiley face, and felt a little uncomfortable in her heart, and asked, "You seem very happy. Have you encountered anything happy?"

Ai Changhuan said, "Yes, today is really a very meaningful day."

She originally thought that her knowledge of law was enough, but after chatting with Shan Xiao, she found that there are still many things that are outside the law. When using the law as a yardstick, you should also take into account human feelings. This is also often said The law is nothing more than human feelings. She really learned a lot of things other than textbooks, and she loves the job more and more.

Lu Zhanke was again chest tightness, but because of the man's self-esteem, he couldn't ask, and only said, "You're happy."

Then silently sulking, even if the heart is already jealous and going crazy.

Shen Qingyan waited for Lu Zhanke one night, and finally couldn't stand it. He crawled to sleep. On this day, there was a rare thing that made Lu Zhan Ke comfortable, and Ai Changhuan went upstairs.

On this day, Lu Zhanke spent an extra long time in the bathroom. In fact, he had already taken a bath and then kept looking in the mirror.

For a while, I thought that I was still as handsome and as manly as before, and then I wondered if Ai Changhuan would not like this one, after all, people's tastes will always change.

He leaned closer to the mirror and looked at his own skin. Although there were no wrinkles before, it looked a bit rough, and there was still a little gap with the small white faces of those fine-skinned and tender meat. Should he also take care of it?

This idea just flashed away for a second before he was abandoned. He is a big man, and rough is rough. What's the matter, is it better than sissy?

Ai Changhuan waited for a long time before the land battle Ke did not come out, she was still a little worried, thinking that something had happened to him, hurried to knock on the bathroom door and asked him what had happened.

Knocking at the door, Lu Zhanke finally awakened, then annoyed himself how to become a woman.

After spitting himself out, he yanked the towel around his waist, and went out with the mermaid thread and the pectoral muscles exposed.

Seeing him coming out, Ai Changhuan was finally relieved, but it was a bit speechless to see only a towel around his waist: "Isn't I prepared pajamas for you? Why didn't you wear them?"

Lu Zhanke said calmly, "Oh, it's in the water."

He actually threw it in deliberately. How could he show his chest muscles in his pajamas?

But Ai Changhuan didn't seem to find his ulterior motives today, and hurriedly stuffed him into the quilt. His mouth was still stinging, "You have caught a cold carefully, the weather is so cold, and your hair doesn't dry. Come out, you lie down, I will help you dry your hair, or you won't sleep. "

Lu Zhanke was depressed again, and he was about to break out of internal injuries. Ai Changhuan liked to look at his pectoral muscles. He occasionally accidentally glanced at his shy flushed ears. Why did he just look at it but reacted a little? nothing? why?

Ai Changhuan naturally didn't know his internal struggles. After helping him dry his hair, he went to bed. He was exhausted from working so late today, and had no mood.

Lu Zhanke waited for a long time without waiting for Ai Changhuan to roll into his arms, and there was a little disappointment in his heart.

"Chang Huan ..." He shouted softly.

Ai Changhuan did not respond at all, she had completely fallen asleep.

Lu Zhanke sighed, had to circle her into his arms, kissed her forehead again, and then fell asleep with her eyes closed.

On the second day, Ai Changhuan worked overtime. On the third day, Ai Changhuan worked overtime. On the fourth day, Ai Changhuan stopped working overtime but went on a business trip because Ji Xingfan will release fake news on the grounds of infringing on his reputation. A certain website sued in court, demanded that the other party compensate 200,000 mental damages, and revoke all relevant reports.

According to the plaintiff's principle of the defendant, they have to go to the court where the defendant is located, and the office address of that website is in City D, so they must travel.

As a new Miyoshi man who fully supports his wife's career, Lu Zhanke said in his heart that even a hundred unwilling and Ai Changhuan said, "Dear, don't worry, I will definitely support you."

Ai Changhuan was still a bit hesitant. He was relieved when he said this, and he gave him a big kiss when he said, "Thank you husband, I really like this job, thank you for supporting me so much. . "

Looking at her happy smile, Lu Zhanke thought, forget it, let her go flying, anyway, she will return to her side anyway.

In addition to Ai Changhuan, Ai Changhuan can't rest assured. There is another person who can't rest assured. That person is Shen Qingyan. She did not forget that the other person was a patient, and told Lu Zhanke: "You have to help me take good care of Dr. Shen."

Lu Zhanke's temple jumped twice, and promised, "Okay."

I was thinking, how could I take care of her before I could hide?

After getting a positive answer from Lu Zhanke, Ai Changhuan was finally satisfied, put his luggage in the trunk of the car and was ready to leave.

In fact, Lu Zhanke wanted to send her to the airport, but she did not agree that she had to do rehabilitation.

However, she had to agree that the two stood at the door and said goodbye. This was the first time they had separated.

Ai Changhuan was even more reluctant than Lu Zhanke, and re-telled all the things that need to be noted before, and then pulled Lu Zhanke's arm and said, "I will call you when I arrive."

"Um." Lu Zhanke touched her head, suddenly there was a feeling that his child finally grew up.

"I will miss you." Ai Chang hugged Marine Zhanke cheerfully. "You must also miss me."

No matter how tired and cramped, Lu Zhanke couldn't bear to let her go, and had to push her away heartily, saying, "Let's go, you can't catch the plane."

Knowing that he couldn't get on any longer, Ai Changhuan had to let go of Lu Zhanke, and ran quickly into the car. The feeling of resentment in his heart became even more turbulent. She was determined not to look back, but when the car started, she still Did not hold back his head out of the car window and waved to Marine Zhanke: "I will be back soon, soon."

In fact, she should be the one who is most reluctant. This is the first time she has left Marine Ke and went to another city alone. Having been with him for so long, she did n’t seem to feel when she was together. How attached to him.

When Lu Zhanke turned back, he found that Shen Qingyan was looking at himself with affection not far away, and the goosebumps suddenly fell off the ground.

Shen Qingyanqiang pressed his inner excitement and said, "The time for rehabilitation is coming, let's go to the hospital together."

Lu Zhanke didn't move his eyelids and said, "You go first, I still have something to do."

"I'm waiting for you." Shen Qingyan said 10,000 immortals, how could she give up easily after waiting for such an opportunity for so long.

Lu Zhanke sneered with a grin on his lips: "I'm going to my grandfather's house in Changhuan, do you think it's appropriate for you to follow?"

"..." Well, it's really inappropriate, and she is not brave enough to go to Grandpa Ai Changhuan's house to grab someone, and finally can only say unwillingly, "I'll wait for you in the hospital."

As soon as Shen Qingyan left, Lu Zhanke immediately asked Wu's mother to pack his luggage. He was going to live with Mr. Ai.

Wu Ma felt panic: "Why, is it that we are not taking good care of it?"

"No, Chang Huan is gone. It is not appropriate for me and Dr. Shen to live together."

When Mom Wu thought about it, she was right, and then she helped Lu Zhanke pack his luggage happily.

Because he promised Ai Changhuan to take good care of Shen Qingyan, Lu Zhanke asked a lot more, and asked Wu Ma to take care of Shen Qingyan, and she used the best for her, so that she could not tell what was not.

Wu Ma patted her chest to ensure she would be comforted by Dr. Shen.

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