Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 100 - Hundred.

Drop a red some or two, please.


When the mattress shook slightly from a moment and Angelo immediately became aware of his surroundings. He was waiting for her to wake up after all and the movement had given him the indication that she was up.

He didn't have to open his eyes to know that his wife was awake. He did not open his eyes as he had portrayed the image of him sleeping. If she wanted him up, she would have made an effort to make him.

She shook once and a sob came out. He heard it.

He remained still, as still as he could.

But then he felt mattress dip and then soft padding was heard, he knew that she got up from the bed. Moving slowly to the bathroom she closed the door very softly.

And she did, he opened his eyes.

It didn't take an out of intelligence to figure out that she didn't want him to wake up and it was not out of her love and concern for him.

It was because of the confrontation that would come if he woke up. She was avoiding that.

He swiftly got up and walked to the bathroom. On his way, he picked up a glass of water for her. Standing outside the bathroom like a creep, waiting for his wife to come out. But what would he say?

How was he supposed to say anything to his wife after he had injured her in an anger episode? But that all came later, at first she had to open the door and come out.

His phone pinged and he knew what was more important. He immediately reached for his phone and picked up the call.

"What?" He barked into the phone. No one was to call him at night unless it was an emergency.

"Sir, the feds are storming in the area. What do we do?" A straight situation was thrown at him and the answer was as clear as day but he could not understand. His attention was still at the door that was closed.

"What? Where the hell are you?" This was fucked up. He didn't remember a pickup tonight and if had did. He had to be available which he was not.

He had made a mistake. And the feds are there.

"The pickup for drugs was supposed to be next week and other than that it didn't authorise any neither did any of the top tiers. The fuck are you?" He seethed.

"The pick up was preponed. Did you know—" the man stopped and then cursed, "We had received the message from the chain of command and if you did not authorize it, then it means.."

"..that we have a mole." Angelo hissed as he finished the sentence. "Retreat immediately and this is the first thing I will deal with tomorrow." He hung up.

Fucking hell, he still had shit to deal with. Had it happened the day his family had an episode? Was it his imagination or something was there to worry about?

He could hear the water running, was she taking a bath? Her wounds would bleed again she touched or scratched them. They could get infected.

The tap turned off and he sighed. Maybe she was just washing her hands. And went ahead to knock when he heard something.

"Alexis?" He knocked. If he had heard it correct, she had fallen.

This time he tapped the door loudly. "Alexis?" He said a little louder.

And she did not reply. Which she would in any scenario even if she was ignoring him. At least to hold him at the door and not let him enter.

Pushing the door he found it locked. Aiming his shoulder to the door he slammed himself to open it. The door rattled but didn't open.

The door slammed against the wall after repeating the process several times. His eyes immediately scanned the whole place to find his wife and he found her fallen form on the door.

Running to her he gathered her in his arms and began to walk. He walked down the stairs in a hurry and yelled, "Agatha!" And then he yelled to the guards. "Get the cars out!"

"Master," an unkept Agatha came into the view which was in much contrast to her regular form that did not have a hair out of her place throughout the day. "Oh my," she gasped.

"Call my mother. Tell her everything." He said as he sat inside the car and then they drove off. He was breathing heavily. His first guess was that the wounds were infected or the fucking nurse didn't judge correctly and Alexis had lost a lot of blood that led to losing consciousness.

As soon as Angelo's cars drove into the hospital grounds, a stretcher was brought out with a doctor and a nurse. They placed Alexis on it and wheeled her to the emergency room.

Angelo stayed out. He was waiting outside with two of his men. He sat down the waiting Chairs without bothering to look at anyone present around him. His men knew better than to come of something unimportant at this point.

"Angelo," he looked up and found his mother coming towards him in full speed with his father behind them. "My baby, how is she? What happened?"

"Maybe it was the wounds being infected or that she lost a tonne of blood and the nurse did not judge her condition correctly." He answered with a sigh.

Isabelle pulled a face at that. She sat down on the waiting chairs and covered her face with a sigh. She was not expecting any of this.

Alexis was going to make some power move and she knew that very well. But what she had not expected was to involve in some kind of legal procedure without having to consult anyone. What disturbed home was the reaction that Angelo gave her, I had not thought this through while being angry about it.

And now she had ended up in a hospital because of what happened. But she also knew that Angelo was at fault here because it was his job to make sure that Alex knows about such threats and the boundaries that she was not meant to explore beyond.

"Angelo," she said sighing a little, "do you know how much you overreacted, to what extent? You could have handled it in a better way that did not land her in a hospital at 3:00 a.m."

Angelo nodded not replying to her but implying that he had heard her and also that somewhere she was right. He had handled it in the worst way possible and now he had to bear the consequences of it.

"The doctor come out yet?" Gabriella spoke to change the topic. He was trying not to be pissed. This was just as before, him trying to solve his kids shit at night.

"No, not yet," Angelo said, sighed again. He had sighed enough for three days in today itself.

"Mrs Alessandro's family?" The doctor came out and looked at the family as they all got up.

"Doctor, how is she?" Angelo hurriedly got up and questioned the doctor.

"She is stable now," He seemed to be carefully choosing his words. 

"Was it because of her wounds?" Isabella asked with a frown on her face. She was panicking inside. The girl did not deserve it.

Shaking his head, the doctor answered, "No, they were well-attended to but just to sure we looked at them once. They are fine and will heal well with time." 

"Then, why did she faint?" Angelo asked with the least bit of patience. He was losing it. Why the hell couldn't they just answer his questions? Were they not suppose to know everything? 

The doctor stepped back a little, he had heard about Don's anger and he was not going to be on the hit list. "We do not know that yet. A thorough check-up has been done, the reports will be here within a few moments." He nodded at them. "I will be back with them."

Angelo sat down with a thud irritated with the time taken for it. With the technology they had today, were they not supposed to be fast? 

"Don't be irritated kid," Gabriele muttered with his eyes closed. "It consequences of your doings that we are dealing with."

Angelo sighed and didn't reply. It would seem like a waste of energy anyway.

He got up and walked to the bed of the corridor for the water cooler. Drinking some water seemed to cool him down. He took a plastic cup and filled it with water, drank it and repeated it several times.

When he went back, the doctor had a sullen expression on his face. "If you would be kind enough to follow me to my office, I have some news.." And from his expressions, Angelo knew that it would be something he didn't want to hear.

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