Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 109 - One Hundred And Nine

When Alexis opened her eyes, she immediately winced. They hurt. Raising her hand she lightly touched her eyes, wondering why had happened that it hurt all of sudden when it all came rushing back to her.

She had admitted the fact that she was a murderer. She knew that she was one. She was responsible for taking someone else's life. The guilt weighed on her like a thousand tonnes and she was not sure that she could carry it. It felt like it would bury her under the ground with how much it weighed. How was she supposed to protect herself against it? What would happen when the whole world would know?

She had pretty much killed a public figure. Who would defend her? And why?

Her eyes were burning and it was a matter of time before her tears fell.

Alexis took her phone from the nightstand beside the bed and sat up straight on the bed. She opened Google and googled the word prison.

The word sent shivers down her spine.

The first headline was Cruel and inhumane things in the prison.

Her finger hovered on it. Did she want to know? She clicked on it.

The post was written by a man, in which he said, 'I have been in the country's prison for almost 45 years. All this long, I felt like I was dragging everyone behind with me. My wife fell in love again and she wanted a divorce, I mean who would not? It is not like I would have been there for her when she was alone.

My daughter was married and had kids by the time I came out. Turns out, they knew her stepfather as a grandparent and nothing about me was told. This was all personal, now let's get to talk about what it is inside the prison.

No basic sanitary conditions and I mean that for both men and women and ladies have it worst. Guards don't bother with anyone. Many times there are murders that are swept under the rug and brutal treatment is there.'

Alexis shut it close immediately. Everyone had seemed to move on. She tapped on another site and hold her breath while doing too.

'They were f*cking brutal!' was the first line and Alexis was ready to cry again. She read further.

'No prison guards care for you. If there is a fight, they enjoy it and then throw you to the infirmary. No sanitation facilities for us(woman). They don't even remain human in there. No privacy and no humanity. They are ready to harass you for fun too! Yes, woman against woman and they make you their bitches and I mean it, you are their pet.'

Shakily Alexis shut it as well. Harassment, no sanitation and the world moving on while she was caged in the four walls of the prison where she was going to be someone's bitch was going to be devastating for. She was going to die in there and who would stop their lives for her?

And no one would give her a job if she had years of prison time in her résumé.

She was finished. If she ever went to jail, her life was over. As if the guilt weighing down on her was not enough, now she had to deal with this fear of looking behind her shoulder every day.

"Alexis?" Angelo closed the door and walked to the bed where his wife was. She looked similar at the moment just like she was last night. Panicked and tear stricken face with her chest heaving and her hands shakingly holding her onto each other for support.

"What is wrong my love?" He asked as he cupped her face in his hands. "Are you hurting somewhere?"

Shakingly so, she looked at him. Her husband seemed concerned, his eyebrows were frowning and his eyes were focused on her and from his body language he seemed somehow nervous.

Was he nervous that someday she would get caught for murdering someone?

"I..uh.." she stammered forwards. What was she supposed to say to him about wherever she hurting, why was she feeling a sudden weight on her chest?

But he knew, didn't he? He was there when she had killed a man and he had not yet reported the crime so was he in with her or would he turn her in at the end?

"I am..fine." she whispered and then nodded, "I am fine." She said but this time it was to herself, she could not tell him what she felt. She was way to insecure to do so.

"Hey," he gently whispered and kissed her forehead tenderly. "It's okay." He nodded with her and she, involuntarily, nodded along with him.

"Yes," she whispered, trying not to cry but fat tears once again gathered in her eyes and were ready to fall off to her cheeks. She sucked in a breath and closed her eyes, letting her tears fall.

"Why, my darling, why do you cry?" He brought her face her to his and let her weep for a few moments. This was necessary for everything that he was doing. It had to be, otherwise, he had to take the more harsh approach.

"Hush, baby," he cooed as he caressed her hair. Gently like a princess, he made her feel loved and she liked it. Maybe Angelo won't let anything happen to her.

Prisons were ugly. Period.

"Sorry," she nodded and pulled away. "I can't stop, I don't know why. Maybe it's my period." She offered explanations. Alexis hated crying in front of anyone, no matter what the reasons might be and here she was, doing the opposite. She cried every time he came near, maybe it was him that had her crying. 

Side effects, he thought immediately. Mods swings and crying were the use effects of the Medication that's she was being given.

"That is quite understandable," he said as gently as he could and kissed her forehead.. "I understand that, however, I would likely to talk to you about the contract."

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