Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 110 - One Hundred And Ten

"That is quite understandable," he said as gently as he could and kissed her forehead. "I understand that, however, I would likely to talk to you about the contract."

Alexis's heart thundered. She had not expected him to say that and since he did, she was just staring at him like she had no idea what he was talking about or he had gone bonkers.

"What?" She whispered. Her eyes indicated the message to him that she did not want the topic to be discussed. But then again had she ever had a say in what he wanted to do? 

"The contract sweetheart," he answered with a smile. "How could you not remember it?"

Alexis, no matter how much he had been patient with her during her tantrums, felt the need to answer him back.

"Because I do not want to remember," she answered him. She didn't want him to feel bad and leave her alone. If she was left alone then she would start thinking and if she started thinking she would again search about the prison and how long sentences were and things related to the topic until she drove himself to the point of madness.

She watched as his gentle expression turned into a frown on what she had said. It looked like he had not expected her to say something like that but what else could she say, that the whole contract was something that had started the whole ordeal and landed her in a hospital.

"Really?" He asked. "I thought you wanted to have your demands or as stated in the contract, terms," he teased her a bit, "signed by me and agreed upon."

Alexis looked away from his face. Yes, to be honest, she had wanted him to sign away her freedom if he ever went against what was stated and agreed upon in the contract by them. But now when she realised that

he knew about what she had done, maybe keeping him close was going to be a better option.

"Well," she thought of a way out of having him sign the contract. "I don't want to have it signed now."

It was obvious that given one day every man would cheat, only the lucky ones never did but she was sure that she was not one of them given the power and influence that man had he could easily hide an affair from her and continue it behind her back.

"Why ever not?" He asked with a more prominent frown. "I want to sign it for you." He is set in a gentle expression and that broke her resolution. With all the patience he had shown with her tantrums and how gentle he was being right now with the consideration of signing the contract for her, he was trying to make up for the abuse.

But wasn't that the whole point? To stop abuse when it first happened?

The contract seemed more than necessary right now. But what if one day she was caught and he was the only one who could protect her?

"We don't have to sign it. I trust you, I don't even know why I did it in the first place." She groaned. She wanted to be with him because he would defend her.


"We don't have to!" She yelled desperately in the end. Why could he not understand what she wanted to say? she didn't want them to sign the contract, that means it. Then why could he not leave it alone? why now?

Tired of this conversation, she took the blanket off of her legs, letting her feet down she started walking to the closet.

Angelo irritatedly clicked his tongue and looked to the side. She was not making it any easy and that meant that she needed some more of this.

He got off the bed as well and followed her to the closet. She just stood there and staring at clothes. Taking a deep breath, he hugged her from behind, ignoring the jump she did when touched her for the first time.

"You are my wife, Alexis," he whispered into her ear making sure that she heard and felt everything that he said. "My wife. Mine." He said Possessively making her heart stop.

"I don't know what is going on in your mind until you tell me about it." Turning her around, he held her shoulders and said, "I am trying to make it work honey, but if you do not tell me what the matter is, how would I do anything good to help you?"

His voice made her a little guilty. He was trying and if anything, she had to tell him the truth someday. He had the contract that she had drafted for them and she was the one who now said that she had no intention of signing it.

"I..." What should she say? She whispered in a sad and "I don't want a Divorce. I don't want to be a woman who got divorced and then married and then got divorced again.." placing her head on the wood of the closet she sobbed. It was not for the divorce. It was the fact that he was the one who could protect her better.

"Hey, I get it." He turned her around. "but you also have to understand that I would never cheat on you." He told her that with a firm expression. His resolve was commitment and loyalty to her was visible.

"I am a man of loyalty. My organisation is based on that word. I would never betray you." He palmed her face. "Loyalty is a two-way street. If I cannot give you that, then how can I ask that from you."

"Angelo," she whispered shaking her head.

"Come on," holding her hand he took her to the dresser and kept a pen and the contract there. "I have signed it for you." Then looking at her he stared as he stared into her eyes, "for a new start between us."

And that broke her down.

"Why would you want to be married to a murderer?!"

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