Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 119 - One Hundred And Nineteen

After receiving no reply Alexis was scared. She had no idea what was going on. No one had replied to her questions that she had directed to the camera on the wall neither has someone come in for a confrontation.

She wanted to remain calm and think it through but as the time passed, all she could do was panic and become more and more anxious. She was kidnapped and she had heard no word from someone and contrary to his word Angelo had not found her yet. He had promised that no matter what happened he would find her and always keep her safe. Now it felt like he just had said it to her when they were having sex to make a feel better.

So she had dragged herself up to a wall, leaned against it and continued to silently think and worry herself more. what was she supposed to do now? She had no communication to the outside world or to be honest, inside this building.

Dejectedly she looked towards the camera and spoke, "Can you please please tell me why do you have me here?" As if that could answer all the questions but it would be something to begin with.

She waited and kept her attention on the camera and the speakers. But she received no response just like usual she was ignored.

Alexis sighed and looked away. She could do nothing about it and that is what frustrated had the most, at least if someone came to her to talk or to demand ransom or any kind of confrontation she would have a way to solve this problem and escape this.

"Hello," a female voice from the corner of the room trapped Alexis attention in a moment. When has she entered why has Alexis not noticed anything about it? show the if you had entered the room there had to be a door and she would have noticed it being opened and closed and someone entering in.

"Why am I here?" straight to the question and the firm expression she asked in the woman in front of her. She was different than the woman who had confronted her in the washroom of the steak house. That made that more than one person was involved and further it meant that this was a planned attempt to kidnapped her.

"Why are you in such a hurry?" Women teased Alexis. "It's not like you are going to go anywhere any soon."

Completely shocked that the Alexis replied with no delay, "you are mistaken if you saying I am going to be here for long. Angelo and I are sure of the fact are coming to rescue me and it won't be long before he comes."

Giving a dismissive wave with her hand two women stood in front of Alexis, "I'm sure that he would come, I have no doubts in that. But the question is is he aware of where you are?"

The question alone stuck with the Alexis. She was surprised that she did not think of how the Angelo know where she was in no time? That her rescue would be delayed because he had to find out where she was in the first place.

Sighing, sign she resigned to her old question, "just tell me why and who is behind this."

The woman squatted down on her knees and answered her question. "unfortunately I cannot do that because if I do that I will be giving up only chance to have leverage."

"That makes no sense." Alexis shook her head negative. "he is going to know one day and there is nothing you are going to do about it. He will know who is behind this."

"Are you sure about that," the woman tilted her head as she continued to get into Alexis's mind. "there are many powerful people and powerful people have powerful enemies. those enemies are often aware of what's connections people have and I think we are prepared for any kind of blow sent our way."

Looking at her up and down, Alexis said," powerful people have powerful enemies and powerful people have powerful acquaintances. It's funny saying that he just has enemies."

"I don't know about that," she said with her lips pursued. "But all I know is do you know who is the enemy here?"

Raising a brow at her, Alexis said, "is it time, you tell me who you are working for?"

Laughing the woman answered, "now that cannot happen soon. We have to have some fun."

"What fun?" The fear kicked in possibilities of what could happen to her rushed into her mind and Alexis immediately collected herself. As brave as she might be she was alone here and that was a fact that she had to accept and tread accordingly to.

"Nothing to worry about," the woman reassured Alex immediately. "It's just some harmless fun."

Looking into her eyes with disbelief, Alexis wanted to kill her. "It depends how harmless your fun would be on me. What is  that you want and why am I here?"

"The fun Where you want anything which is to have some fun, as I said." The woman gave her a pretty smile. "Anyways I had bought you a few things."

"What things?"

The woman smiled and the smile was more creepy than the one before. She pulled out a syringe with a clear liquid. Alexis swallowed and look at the syringe and then back at the woman.

"What?" She looked at the syringe with visible fear in her eyes. "what is that?"

The woman smirked, "just like I said. It's for some fun."

Angelo watched from the camera footage what was happening inside the room. Alexis struggled as the women neared her with that the syringe. Even though she was bound Alexis tried her level best to save yourself from whatever the contents of the syringe were. She was afraid and she was showing it.

He watched as the syringe touched her arm and the contents of it were pushed in.

His face hardened.. Now was showtime.

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