Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 120 - One Hundred And Twenty.

Pulling up his pants and buttoning them up to his fixed his belt. Next came on the shirt as he rebuttoned them, he looked at Alexis who was lying down on the floor.

Lily has changed her clothes and taken out her after bounds the rest Angelo had taken care of. He had to break her psychologically and that was a process of isolation.

This was going to go for long. A week or two at least but Alexis won't be aware of that. the room had no source of ventilation or any windows of such. She won't even be aware of it were day or night. That would contribute a lot in breaking her in. When she won't be aware of how long she had so can't there, it would take a toll on her mind. Her mind would consider every day as a minute and those prolonged moments would have her thinking about things that she didn't know existed.

She was not going to wake up, for now, that was. She was going to be out for most of the night so he had no worries about getting dressed up and leaving in a hurry in fear of her knowing everything. But what he worried about was how long it would take. Would it take long enough people to start noticing her absence and if it did what was he supposed to say about it?

He had to make sure that she was prepared before that and that, for someone like Alexis, would take time. She was a strong-willed woman. Even though had had no idea about her being abused he was known that she was an independent woman. However, when he knew of the abuse, he knew that a cycle of it repeating itself would be an easy way to break her in.

But what about people and family?

"Ah," he sighed looking at her form. 'How much longer are you going to make me do this why can you not just be mine and not think of anything else?'

God, he realised how desperate he had become for this one woman. She had singlehandedly caused him to think about her twenty-four seven. If only his grandfather knew, he would have preferred to kill Angelo or break Alexis herself.

Squatting down beside his wife, he caressed her face. 'How long before you finally become mine,' he wondered again and that was all he wondered about. How much more would he have to take from her before she submitted to him. He hated it as much as he wanted it.

Getting up he walked out, closed the door and locked it shut. There was no way that she could ever leave and he made sure of that. He had to make sure that everything was according to the plan.

Lily was outside the room waiting for him and any commands to be sent away she nodded and respect as soon as she saw him coming out. She had not been good at picking up any skills but she was narcissist, so Angelo made her one. She usually was the manager and set the workers straight.

She possessed no conscience and he used that in his favour.

Pointing back to the door of the room Angelo said, "inform me as soon as she wakes up."

Lily nodded and as soon as Angelo saw that his command was received, he walked out. He had to make sure of a lot of things and one of those things were keeping the attention away from her. To divert the attention Angelo had taken on new territory in Miami and Chicago. A new territory meant new war and new enemies for which he had the perfect excuse of keeping Alexis hidden. And by the time Alexis will be out she would be in the palm of his hand.

For he had to keep his weakness hidden.


When Alexis woke up she immediately gasped and sat up. She looked around the room to find if anyone else was here and watching her but everything seen by her was white except for the camera and the speaker that was planted upon the world.

Everything was white and she hated it.

She believed that whatever was in that syringe had not caused any long term effects and that's when she noticed that her bound had been taken off. Collecting herself off of the floor, she tried to stand up when antagonizing pain was felt in the lower abdomen. She immediately palmed the area and gasped out in pain.

The haunting realisation dawned on her but she refused to believe it.

This was not something that she had usually experienced. Yet the pain did not seem natural like her monthly mensuration. That pain was on and off at the time, it was bearable though sometimes she had to take a tablet with a hot water bottle.

This was different. This was not her lower abdomen that was painting, it was something lower than that. It was something far more precious than that. She did not touch the area where she was feeling the pain instead she focused on her body to where she was paining. Her hands and feet hurt from the bounds, her forehead hurt from behind as if someone had pulled her hair and then she felt it went down there. It was not any normal vaginal secretion but it was something that she always felt after having sex.

The word danced in her mind and she knew it. She was well aware of what the word was but she refused to say it. Maybe, somewhere and somehow, it would create an alternate scenario in her mind that it did not happen. 

But the realisation alone had caused a blow to her head so hard that she had no idea how to react. But she had to check with her shaking hands she palmed her core and press a bit.

She immediately gasped as she felt the smearing pain.

It was true. Something had happened and she did not want to name that something. She did not want it to become the reality but wasn't it always a reality for humans when they wanted to face something that they felt unfamiliar to, unlikely to relate to named reality? 

She didn't want to face what was in front of her and for that's he had simply termed the situation as reality. 

She felt like not acknowledging the fact was going to turn the reality to something in her favour but of course it already had happened and she was experiencing the aftermath of it. It was in the syringe, something to Knock out and make sure that she felt nothing. They had drugged her for this. 

"Water, lovely?" The woman had come inside and once again Alexis had not had heard her. She quietly stood in a corner with a bottle of water in hand.

"No thank you," in her hoarse voice Alexis answered her and looked away as she finished. She had no intention of staying on the woman's face who was ready to let someone violate a woman just for fun.

In an exaggerated tone, the woman spoke, "oh come on I am sure that you are thirsty. Do you not want to take one sip?" She took steps towards Alexis and held the water bottle out. Then she let it dangle. 

Rage ran in her veins, how could this woman be so insensitive? "And what makes you think that I would never trust your word?" She spat. If possible and not in dear of her life, she probe would have spat in the woman's face. 

Smiling slyly like a fox, the woman tilted her head and said, "but I am just claiming that it's a bottle of water I never said anything else." 

Alexis scoffed, oh how innocently clever that was. "I am not an idiot to know that this bottle is just plain water and has nothing mixed with it!"

Then Alexis yelled at her, "get out and take your water bottle with you! You have violated me enough!" She never wanted to be here. She never wanted to be with Angelo, so why was this happening with her?! 

The woman tutted, "have we violated you enough? you still have a lot of fight left in you by the looks of it." She had the fire to look displeased. 

Alexis shook her head and chose not to answer her. She caught onto a word but did not react in the woman. for someone who was looking at the fight left in her, Alexis was not ready to let have fun by seeing her breakdown and shatter on the floor. 

She would rather become of steel and take whatever they gave her instead of submitting but that was until she saw the syringe in the woman's hand.

No, she whimpered in her mind. No again. 

After that, she paled thinking about what was to come.

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