Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 121 - One Hundred And Twenty-one.


That was the first thing she felt when she woke up. She had no idea how long it had been since she had had food. They had been drugging her in and out whenever she woke up and no one had arrived in the room except that woman.

Constantly she had been the person who arrived in the room dropped Alexis and then left. A for sure that they had some sort of plan that only that women would be in contact with Alexis and the rest of them would come and when she was unconscious by the drug.

"Hello there," the women whispered next to the ear to Alexis which made her cringe in an instant. "Aw, you are cringing from me. Now that makes me feel bad!" She said in a sad and depressed voice making Alexis feel frustrated. Couldn't she come in, do her job and leave?

"Do what you want and then leave." Alexis murmured not having the strength to talk in a loud voice. She knew that she did not have enough energy and to waste it on this woman she would think twice.

The woman laughed at that. "Well, aren't you miss uptight," she huffed. "I will do my job and leave but I thought that you will like to have a conversation with the human."

Alexis snorted in return, "nobody likes having a conversation with a despicable human being that is if you are one."

"Despicable?" She confirmed.

"No, Human being."

the women did not reply. Alexis knew that she had taken her friends but she did not care. She would do her job and leave anyway she is not here to make friends with her captive.

She felt the needle of the syringe is injected into her skin. She said the slight pinch of it but then the feeling of numbness spread throughout her body and put her in a meaningless sleep. Asleep where she knew there only would be nightmares.


She could not sleep.

Something was constantly disturbing her for a long time and the more frustrating thing was she didn't know how long it had been since she was being disturbed.

There was a sound of a bell ringing constantly. It would wake her up as soon as she would fall asleep.

She had been violated again. She knew that as soon as she had woken up. The pain was there and it was more than before. So much that she had not bothered to get up from her position on the floor. She continued to lay down and tried to fall asleep on her own without that vile woman coming and drugging her. But alas, this was also not possible because there was a constant beeping sound that would ring as soon as she would fall asleep.

Alexis huffed in irritation. All she wanted was sleep and from the deprivation caused by it, she was feeling herself slowly going mad. It was eating her away. Her eyes were heavy from sleep and all she wanted was to over away.

It continued for a long time or maybe she thought so, she had no idea anymore of what was happening. But all she wanted was sleep. Sleep and only sleep.

Slowly she tuned our everything. Her eyes became more droopy and her mind cleared of everything. She ready to let go and fall asleep.


"AHH!" She aggressively yelled in anger. The sound came again. Just as she was going to fall asleep again and it had developed sudden aggression in her.

"Would you like the sound to stop?" Someone said within the room. "I can make it happen, only if you talk to me. You do not even need to open your eyes for it."

Still, sleepy Alexis did not pay much attention to it. For all, she knew it could be her mind playing games so she sleepily muttered, "why would I talk to you without opening my eyes?"

"Do you think that you can get away from your husband?"

he asked but Alexis chose not to reply. why we are asking that in the middle of nowhere? "Why are you asking me that?"

"Because I happen to know about the murder and you have one person who would protect you from going to jail."

She was silent. So he continued, "your plan to divorce him was not fully thought through. you could have easily ended up in jail and he won't have bothered to look after you."

"You are advocating for him," she concluded from her observation. "Do you work for him? Are you here to get me out?"

The man gave out a loud sigh and she heard it. "No, I am not here to get you out. I am here to make you realise what you should do when you go out."

The sound of the bell ringing came again and Alexis frustratedly grimaced. Her cringing expression had received no reply from the man in the room who had tried to talk to her.

In an aggressive tone, she answered him. "Go away. If you cannot get me out then you are of no help to me."

"I am off more help than you know but only if you realise it." His words were irritating her more but that did not stop him. "What makes you think that you will ever get out of here?"

"my guess is someone had noticed that I am missing and my husband would come looking for me." She was mocking him and her last answer made that clear. "As obvious as it was, I understand that it takes time for some people to understand."

The man immediately replied to her. "Ah, that is quite funny. Which means your mind is functioning properly despite having suffered trauma and starvation."

"Starvation?" She questioned. "How long have I been here?" She couldn't help but ask the man in hope that he would answer. The woman that came in whenever she woke up and drugged her seemed free up tide and sadist who never seemed to utter a word that she did not want to say. whereas on the other hand, It seemed like this man wanted to make a conversation with them so Alexis was going to use this to her full advantage. Otherwise, why would he be here?


No, she would not think about it. Thinking about it would only make her worry about their situation that possibly might not happen.

"Do you not think that if you know you will only panic more?" He asked with an underlying curiosity. Alexis almost wanted to whack him on his head. What situation was this to be curious about? It seemed like it was either life or death to her but life after this even seemed like death.

Anywho, she explained to him in calm words as he was trying to make a civil conversation. "I am panicking about the fact that women can come in here at any time and then drag me. Then there would be someone who I do not want to know about would come in and then violate me. You think that I have other things like starvation to worry about?"

"Ah, yes, that does seem.."

She sighed. "I know what it seems like, please you do not need to finish that sentence. Just tell me how long have I been here."

"A week. At most." He answered. "I mean, I do not know exactly when you were brought and but I have been here for the past seven days and I have been aware of your presence." He took the liberty to explain further as she did not comment on it immediately.

"Hm," was all she said.

He did not let the silence settle instead he continued to talk. "I am aware of your killing an innocent man."

She snorted loudly. "I can assure you the man was no innocent."

"And how do you get to decide that?"

Ah, the little detective.

"I don't but do you get to decide that?" She threw his question back at him.

He almost smiled. Knowing that she had not opened her eyes he did. She was soo interesting. No wonder the boss had taken a liking to her. Anyone in their right mind would.

"Are you leaving?" She asked without looking at him. "If you are, then let that woman know I need her to drug me I cannot sleep."

And wasn't that what I wanted, he smiled. "But do you not think that human confrontation is better than sleeping?"

"No," she growled. "I think sleeping is better than anything. I need the drug to fall asleep." She admitted it. She was addicted to it or maybe not yet, but the admission of it was enough to get her addicted to it.

"I apologize for the noise but the speakers are defective. Maybe, I will get that lady here and she can drug you so that you can sleep."

Frustrated by his lack of action she yelled, "Yes, get me the fucking drug! "

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