Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 123 - One Hundred And Twenty Three


That was the first word she thought of when she opened her eyes. She was seeing the face of two people that she had vowed to never see again with the feeling of fear. But here she was as they were staring down at her and all she felt was fear and panic.

'I don't want to look at them, ' she thought. She didn't want to see them but they were standing right in front of her eyes and as much as she wanted to look away, her head did not have the power to turn itself around. She was drained.

She felt exhausted. She felt exhausted from the whole ordeal of being kidnapped, she felt exhausted of breathing, she felt exhausted of living.

Her body felt useless right now as she just could not move. It was not the first time she had woken up after a conversation with the women she had woken up by the number of times but she had been immediately drugged.

She wanted to know how long it had been since she had been brought here.

The Past few times that she had woken up, she was in and out, in and out and in and out of it. Now her body could not wake up after the effects of the drug were over. With the continuous use of the drug, her body had gotten used to the effects. In the early days, whenever she would wake up, she would feel some kind of headache, dizziness and nauseous. Now, she felt nothing.

Her body was getting addicted to the drug.

It wanted more.

It was her worst nightmare coming true and she could do nothing about it no matter how much she wanted to stop it. She left so helplessly as she could not even open her eyes at her own will. Her body felt drained. It was on the verge of collapsing. Someone more days of pain and she would permanently lose all that she had.

Alexis gasped out loud as she felt a blow to her back. Something had hit her. She let out a sound when someone again hit her leg. Alexis now felt blows thrown all over her body. They were hitting her now!

Over the blows, she felt immediate pain over many and sometimes she felt it being number by the drugged. She laid there like a dead body taking every hit coming her way. She wanted to cry from the pain but the drug had her numbing her senses, so she just felt the pain and nothing less. She did not feel herself needing to excrete her bodily wastes. Maybe she already had. Since she could not feel anything.

She felt like crying, maybe tears came or maybe not. She could not even feel them with how much she was being hit by people. Alexis was trying to stop them from hurting her but whenever she opened her mouth only screams of pain came out. She was not even sure if any sound was coming out of her mouth. Her ears had stopped to function. She could not hear the talking, yet she could see his lips moving as her eyes dared to open in instalments as they had no strength to remain open.

Her mind felt blocked. It could not register anything.

They were hitting her on the back of her thighs and legs. Maybe her back or her feet. She did not know as her body refused to feel something. She was numb. Maybe she felt pain in a few areas more than the others.

She felt something wet on her face. Or were it her tears? Or was it her blood? she could not even open her eyes much less know what was happening around. All she knew was that she was being hit by someone she did not know or maybe she did know because she was not even sure if she was hallucinating or not.

Was any of it real?

Maybe it was not. She could always hear his manic laugh and today she couldn't. He always alighted wjiel hitting her, torturing. So, why not today? Was it just hallucinations of her mind? Just some petty tricks making her think crazy scenarios which were very unlikely to happen. 

Why would they be back? They were gone for good. 

Another blow came to her chest and she knew that it was real. None of these were tricks. 

The two faces that she had imagined were of those that she would rather forget but they were in front of her and maybe they were the ones that were hitting her. What should she do but what could she do, to begin with?she was not in position to help herself much less command them to stop.  

Please stop, she begged in her mind not trusting her mouth to rely on what she wanted to say. Alexis knew that whenever she opened her mouth to yell from the pain she was suffering or when she wanted to tell them to stop, nothing was coming out. It felt as if she had lost her voice.

Her body had no strength. No strength at all even to feel the pain sent her way from her assailants. Her body took her tumble when a strong Kick was sent to her chest. She heaved, struggling to breathe. The pain was dimming or increasing according to her mind. Her body no longer felt in her control. 

The dizziness returned making her mentally groan. She was going to be out of the conscious world and into the one of dark and scary sleep.

Alexis did not want to sleep. She tried to focus on the pain to make the dizziness go away but who was she to try?

Her eyelids, regardless of her struggles closed, lulling her into the world that she did not want to go to.


"Well, I enjoyed that." Thomas Johnson commented as he left the room. "I am glad that you could find me for this."

Lily squinted her eyes at him. "Yes of course," she dryly added to the conversation. The man had no idea what was going to happen to him.

"Anyways," she smiled stiffly. "I have to take you to meet the boss. So, follow me."

Thomas nodded and followed. When he was called, he did not immediately believe what was happening but he happily complied. He had been edgy since the divorce and she had been a good vessel to get it all the frustrations out.

She turned to him, "Stay," she knocked on the door and went inside. "He is here." He heard lily say.

Lily came back and nudged him to go inside. Thomas saw her smile but thought nothing of it. She was, according to him, being polite. 

He looked at the young man sitting in front of him. He looked to be in his late twenties or so.

"Were you the one to call?" He asked as soon he was asked to sit down by the man.

"Yes, I was the one to call," the man nodded. "And you came."

Thomas, with an evil grin, shrugged, "couldn't resist the temptation of it."

"Ah," Angelo said. He was not shocked by the man coming in. He had expected him to come knowing well that the man would not be able to resist the offer.

Thomas grinned, "Yes, I have enjoyed myself. Thank you for calling me." He was overjoyed by the looks of it. He had enjoyed more than Angelo would have appreciated someone hitting his wife.

Angelo nodded again. "You hit my wife." He accused completely changing his tone and taking a three-sixty degree turn. Thomas had been foolish enough to have himself fallen in the trap. Now, Angelo would play the next part.

Thomas immediately raised his eyebrows as he felt shocked, "Wel— you called me for it." He defended himself. This situation had taken a turn so quickly that he didn't realise how.

Tilting his head, Angelo asked, "did I? There is no proof that I called you." He smiled as the realisation slowly hit the idiotic man.

Thomas blinked back in shock. The man was nuts! He had called him to hit his wife. And to think of it, he had fallen for it. He had received a call from an anonymous number and immediately taken up the offer to relive the stress and anger caused by her mother; Vanessa to him.

"You don't even know me," Angelo took something out of the drawer. "Yet you came without thinking of the consequences." He raised the gun to the level of Thomas's head. He was ready to shoot.

"Look man," Thomas raise his arms in surrender, "I am leaving and I assure you that I won't ever talk about this.." He helplessly tried to get out of the situation. The man had a gun pointed at Thomas's head.

Angelo aimed and took a shot.

A thud was heard.

Another bully of Alexis was dead.

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