Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 155 - One Hundred And Fifty-five

"I'm glad I could help." Dr. Peterson smiled at a red faced, runny nose and sniffing Alexis. While telling her what had happened, Alexis has had a full blown crying session. 

"Now," she placed a notebook on the table. "We will meet after five days and I want you to write down every scenario where you feel triggered and what is responsible for it. No matter how small the thing might be, I want you to write it in this diary and I will look over it the next time we meet."

Alexis took the diary, still breathing heavily with shaky arms. She felt so much lighter. All that weight of not telling any had gone away.

She felt relieved.

"What is it that you are thinking about right now?" The doctor asked in a gentle tone. She never raised it nor she lowered it.

Alexis with any unblinking stare answered her, "I am thinking about how relieved I feel. Like if this is a memory and its not weighing me down." She tried to express but didn't know if she was being able to get her point across.

"I understand." Which felt surprising to her but then again, she was not the only client the doctor had. "I am glad that you have made such progress. If you want to share something else, please feel free."

Feeling encouraged, she tired but won't she judge?

"I won't." Dr. Chuckled. She answered at Alexis's baffled expression, "It's really obvious to me after so many patients. No, I would not judge you in fact let me assure you that I am here to help and if I discuss this to anyone else except you I would be committing a crime which I am looking forward to avoid." She winked with a smile.

Feeling reassured Alexis began, "I have always tried to let go of the past and never really bring it in my present but at times I have glimpses of it and I do not really feel anything about it. Does that make me emotionless?"

Nodding at the question, the Doctor Understood it. "Now, at times we have moved past a situation that we think we have not but we have,  is that what you were asking, correct me if I am wrong. You understand that this was in the past which is excellent but what matters more is if it affects you in your daily life."

"It does not." She answered immediately. "Earlier it used to but it no longer does now."

"Good to hear. We will have to talk about those memories and know more."

Standing up she thanked that doctor. Taking the diary she walked out of the door. As she walked out, the gaurd on duty joined behind. She felt light.

Free in some way.

"The boss is here," the guard informed. "He is waiting for you."

'He is waiting for me?' She felt a flutter in her heart. it was her first day of therapy and he was waiting outside for her. It made her feel so special inside.

Hurriedly boarding the lift, she watched as the guard pressed the button. Tapping her foot for more patience she rushed out as the door opened and went straight into his arms.

"Hi," she melted in his arms and he cuddled her close.

"Hey yourself." He smiled. "Missed me that much?" To which she nodded.

"Tired too. Drained actually." She added.

He pulled apart and walked to the car with her. As the driver started the car and Angelo remember that he had to say something. "Theodore, remember to switch the child locks on. I have a kid who bounces out of the car every time she sees someone."

Gasping at the outrageous claim, which was partially true, she smaked his chest. "Angelo!" She immediately chatised preminded. "stop!"

"Really?" He taunted, starting at her with an unforgiving gaze. "That's what you say after you got kidnapped and then you run into the most dangerous traffic?" His words were a taunt but she understood the concern behind them. What she did would have scared anyone. 

She turned her neck to the order side. That was wrong and she knew it.

"I am sorry for giving you a scare." She apologized in the most sincere voice. "I really should have thought that through but I saw someone and I couldn't.." She heaved a little. Past memories had been resurfaced and she did not want to talk about them.

But Angelo did not know that. Infact, he had no idea about any of that past of hers. So he believed that there was another reason behind this. "Was it one of those men?" He stared at her face. Her eyes got mum and he knew that he had hit the bull's-eye.

"I..I.." she covered her mouth as choked on her tears. "No..I.."

"What's wrong?" He asked pulling her near. "Can you not recognise them?"

'Them?!' Her mind screamed the word. Them; so there had been more..

"Them?" She repeated once more just so he could confirm it or say that it was a slip of tongue.

"Oh..him. I meant him." He corrected immediately but it was too late. She understood and caught onto his words. 

Them. It was them. She knew it before but she had ignored it. 

Was ignorance not supposed to be a bliss? She felt a tear drop on her cheek. She was crying thinking about it. 

"Hey sweetie," he hugged her close and she let him. She liked being hugged. 

As the car stopped in front of the mansion they got out and moved inside. 

She sat on the kitchen counter as Nikita prepared the tea. 

He kissed her temple in farewell and said, "I'll see you at dinner, love." She smiled and watched him leave. 

Opening her purse she took out her phone to call Blake when she spotted the dairy. 

Taking it out with a pen, she briefly glanced at Nikita who was attending a call, she wrote her first trigger. 

Her husband's words.

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