Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 157 - One Hundred And Fifty-seven

"Because it will, for sure, hurdle your judgement for his or anybody's intentions regarding you."

She is right, something whispered. How can she be sure of anything? 

"But then how can I be sure of anything?" She asked the doctor. That was why she was here. To get her mind in the clear.

"Do not do this to yourself." Was the first thing to doctor said in a very firm voice."You have worked with a top firms CEO and you are telling me that you cannot make your own decisions?"

"I can.." Alexis agrued. "But how do I know that they are right?" 

"No one in the entire world can tell you that your decision is right. Only the consequences that you face in the future will give you the verdict of that."

"Then what do I do next?" Alexis felt like she had been cornered. She knew now that she had to be grateful and that being grateful also came with certain boundaries and limitations but what she did not understand was what to do next?

"Unfortunately, I cannot tell you that." The doctor took a step back as she said, "I can rather suggest you what to do but I would not do that as well."

"Why not?" Now, Alexis felt betrayed. "First you tell me that you cannot tell me what to do and now you tell me that you can suggest me things but you won't?"

"Precisely." The doctor smiled.

"Why?" Alexis all but yelled. "Just why?"

"Because I believe that you can make that decision." That made Alexis shut up. "when earlier in this session we talked about your step family, you seemed to have moved past at it without any help. That means you are strong. so here I am not going to help you where you do not need my help and as for the suggestion, all I suggest you to do is observe."

Observe, "I get it." Obverse is what she would do.


Angelo waited outside of the building just like the first time. He had been watchful of her actions and so far she seemed to live in a dull environment where she had no idea what happiness was.

And was where he came in.

Her mental recovery would take time and by then he knew that he would have made enough of an impact to have her distrust anybody else that questioned him or his intensions for her because to her, they would always be in her favour.

He had not told anyone else about the whole white room incident. That his idea and his whole. He was yet to have the results out.

The doors opened and there came his muse.

"Hello darling," he once again, took her in his arms. She cuddled close just like last time.

"Hi. Home?" She asked breaking apart to look up at him.

"I don't see why not." He opened the door for her and went in after.

She had her head on his shoulder the entire drive and sighed with reluctance when they reached their home.

Yes, their home.

As soon as Alexis had expressed her desire to be living in a townhouse, Angelo had found a house one door away from Silvano's and bought it. They had not yet moved in but the basic furniture was there.

They were either eating out or at Nikita's kitchen as she called it.

"How about I call a designer in tomorrow?" He offered looking at the bland home like he had done a number of times. 

"Why?" She immediately objected. "I am going to get to it. Slowly but yes! See I got the beds and furniture!"

Walking past her he gave her bottom a hard smack and climbed the stairs. "Who are you lying to? These were already here when we came in."

Wincing she turned around and marched away into the kitchen. Dramatics. 

Looking around she knew her answer. She had to go shopping if she wanted to choose. Angelo had mentioned to leave it to a stylist who Alexis could give her tastes to but she did not want that.

Taking her phone out she texted nikita, 'House shopping tomorrow?'

She had not even turned her screen off when her phone had pinged. 'Done!'

Wow, weren't they free.

What was worse than that, she realised, they were housewives who were excited to shop.

She also checked Blake's contact but there was no text. He had not found something yet and the more delay he showed, the more anxious she got.

"Nothing yet?" She wrote and waited for a reply.

Nothing came and she turned the screen off. This was painful.

She was not even sure about how long would she be in Chicago.

What could she do? A smile came to her face as she found the answer.

She climbed up the stairs and opened the door to Angelo's office. That had been furnished to his tastes.

"What are you doing?" She sang in a bored voice.

"Work." Came his short answer.

She continued to sing, "Why are you doing it?"

"To earn for myself and others working for me."

"Hmm," she hummed and thought of what to say. "So you are busy.."

Damn, she had to get more creative.

"Yes, I am." He continued to focus.

"Very busy?" She tried again. 

"Yes, very busy."

"Very, very busy?" She asked with a slight smirk having created another trap.

"Yes. Very."

"Too busy for a strip show?"

"Uh-huh. Very."

Alexis nodded with understanding and shifted on the couch to sit comfortably.

"Wait what?!" He looked up her finally. "What did you say?"

She shrugged in return. "Whatever is was. You denied it."

"What was it? Repeat it!" He hissed.

She teased more with a little giggle. "Why? Is something hard?"

"Alexis," he warned. "Stop."

"Oh honey.." she took a seductive turn. "Reall-ah!" She was pushed back on the couch with her husband on top of her.

"You like to tease, don't you?" He said, hovering his lips above hers. "What now?" He taunted as she whimpered in need.

He pressed his lips to her and they had a full make out session.

Her phone vibrated and she held it above his ear not letting him be aware of it. It must be Blake. 

It was her mother calling.

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