Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 169 - One Hundred And Sixty-nine.

Alexis was anxiously waiting in the living room. Why was she waiting anxiously instead of patiently? She had no idea. Isabelle was going to come in and she was nervous about how this encounter would go after they had practically fallen out when Angelo had asked her to leave and also shot at her. The latter gave Alexis a good reason to understand if they did not want to talk to her.

Shooting at his mother seemed a step too far.

The bell rang and she looked up, walking to the door sheopened itt and there stood Isabelle.

"Hi." Alexis greeted with a small, nervous smile.

"Hello darling, Can I?" She pointed to the living room and Alexis jumped back, letting her in immediately.

She followed her mother in law inside who took a seat on the couch.

They both looked at each and has the same thought in mind.

"I'll begin first," Isabelle broke out. "I really shouldn't have.."

"No! No, I got really scared, I mean like how a could ghost get in the house.." she rambled on and on.

Isabell shook her head. "Alexis. I was at fault. I didn't know if you believed in the ghosts or not. Usually for those who don't, their reactions and lovely to look at but I know I scared you and I apologize for that."

"It's fine.." Alexis smiled. "I didn't expect it."

A smile came to Isabelle's face in an instant. "I knew it! Everything apart, this was so much fun!"

Alexis winced a little and shook her head. "Maybe not" she offered a bit hesitantly. "So, change your target next time..please?"

Isabelle laughed at that. "Oh, you don't need to tell you about that." She shook her head. "You are never going to be on that list."

"I feel like that should make should make me feel back but it doesn't." She shrugged. "I like that very much actually."

"Well, I am glad for one." Isabelle mused as she took the tea from Agatha. "Anyway, how are you settling in?"

Taking a sip of hers, Alexis shrugged. "Alright, I guess. I mean there is not a lot for me to do."

"You have to ask for that. If it were up to these men, for your safety they would never let you work," said she. "It is a given. They have enough money and they would never suggest you work."

She frowned at that, "Isn't that a little egotistical?"

"It is." Isabel agreed. "But women prefer it. I mean everybody does. If you are given a life where you don't have to work hard, you will most probably take it up."

"That's gold-digging." Alexis pointed.

"Then I believe everyone is a good digger. Because when given a chance, everybody wants an easy way out." She took the cup of its saucer and with her little finger pointing out, she delicately sipped it. "Now, is that not true? Does everyone not want the easy way?"

Alexis thought about it a little. It was true. Even though people worked hard if they were ever given an easy option they would take it up. So she nodded, agreeing to it. It was true for most of us.

"Angelo told me about your Halloween party." She smiled, "when it is?"

Isabelle immediately smiled giddily, rubbing her hands together, she started to gush. "I do this every year. Now, I send out this exclusive invites and if you cannot dress up, you cannot come. These are amazing and most of the time you have to bring someone with you. This time Angelo would come too. What are you going to dress? Halloween to in two days."

"Two days?" Alexis repeated with a shocked yelp. "what am I going to do by then? Even the malls won't have anything!"

Isabelle shushed her, "You knew about this!"

"Wh—I.." she breathed in and out, "How m I supposed to know about something when I did not even know that you existed?" And then after a second thought she also added, "also did you not just say that this party is our invite-only?"

"Ah, yes." Isabelle winced. "I'm sure you can work something out. It's not like you have to dress up like teenagers, you can make your costume."

sceptical about it, she asked her to confirm but was immediately intervened by Isabelle. "Just don't break the pairings."

"Pairing?" Alexis rolled her eyes, "Did you not say that I could make my costume?"

"yes, you can I said that, but that is not mean that you can break the whole spirit about the Halloween party." Her mother-in-law countered back. "That the whole part about dressing up. Also, send in your costumes early. We have it at a sight so that no one can have the same."

"And now, I hurry more." She muttered Sarcastically. "What re you throwing an exclusive party though?"

Isabelle sighed and looked up at the ceiling, seeming to be reminiscing about the reason.

"It..when we first came here we were not accepted by everyone. It was always that we were the outsiders and the criminals. of course, no one could just blatantly point that out but it was aware amongst people what we did for a living and when you better than to mess up." She shrugged as if she knew there was nothing to be done about it. "so I thought that I would throw a good party once a year. I decided to choose that holiday. Of course, dressing up is a plus, everyone likes it." She winked.

Alexis asked further, "so this was for networking and expanding your reach?"

"No, not really. It was more so because I wanted us to stand somewhere and be known as something other than outsiders and criminals."

she smiled. "So everyone likes it?"

"Oh, they love it!" A smile graced Isabelle's face. "And if they don't, they know that they won't be invited and that would be a tragedy"

"A tragedy?" She frowned. "Why?"

"Because when you are rich you are expected to be invited everywhere. That means you are with the correct crowd otherwise you can come and go like any other millionaire. Unless you want to go, you must be remembered and that happens through networking." She then added after noticing Alexis's stare.. "Watch the frown Honey you're going to add wrinkles to your face and don't be shocked it's the truth of life."

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