Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 170 - One Hundred And Seventy.

"No." Came his straight answer which he said without even bothering to look up."Wha- ugh! Fine." She groaned and continued to think.

"Ariel and a sailor?"


"Angel and devil?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary then." He shook his head.

"So?" She probed further it getting it. Was it a yes or a no?

"So, no."

She continued to present. "Okay, Popeye and olive?"

"No to.. whatever that is." He blinked and she felt the disgusting vibes coming her way.

"Then.." What more could it be? She looked at him, unbothered and eating away his meal. "Why don't you tell me something? You have said no to almost everything!"

He nodded thoughtfully and then raised a finger while holding his cutlery. "How about you put on a lacy bodysuit and I wear a red heavy velvet robe."

She frowned. What was that about?

Then it clicked.

Shock and embarrassment ran through her but she dare not show it. She was not going to give him that satisfaction.

"Well," she made a delightful expression. "Okay. I think we can do just fine with. But I think instead of the lace bodysuit, I should try to see-through and umm..yes! Bunny ears!"

With wide eyes, he repeated. "With bunny ears?"

"Yes," she smiled. "With a see-through bodysuit too!"

He looked caught in his own game. Not believe believing that she had said yes he stared at her for a few moments as she continued to eat.

"No, I changed my mind." He grumbled. "We will do something else."

"Nope." She immediately denied. "You never say yes to anything so I have decided to go with your choice."

He rebuked immediately, "my choice will make you look like a damn hooker!"

She shrugged nonchalantly, "don't care. I'll be a hooker with her husband."

He blinked a bit and then straightened himself up. "No."

"Why not? I want to." She shrugged. "We would look so good!" She smiled brightly, loving his reactions.

"Yo-why?" He sighed for some reason but she didn't bother to look why. She had heated him there for that suggestion.

"Can you not?" He rubbed his hand on the back of his neck. "Please."

"Hmm," she mused tapping her finger on her chin. "No. I liked the idea."

She continued to eat after having said that, not bothering herself to look up and see what he was doing.

She cut through the chicken and took a bite of it. Savouring the taste of the spices on it.

her chair was pulled back and she held back at the table in alarm looking up at what had happened. Angela leans down close to her face making her lean back but there was not much of space.

Stare into her eyes making her blush. Taking a hold of her neck from the back he pulled her face closer to his.

"you are not going to wear a see-through bodysuit and in fact, you are not going to wear any bodysuit. Period."

She blinked and shook her head silently. Denying him.

He stared at her and as his stare tinted hard, she felt herself blush more. The proximity between them and affected her a lot. She was breathing heavily and the rise and fall of her chest had not gone unnoticed by him.

"Now?" He whispered hovering over her. "Do you want to be a hooker?"

"Y-yes, I want to be a hooker." She repeated swallowing. She didn't pay attention to what was said by him.

"Ah, then. I must tell you something of grave importance." His lips were touching hers and she wanted nothing more than to kiss them.

"What thing?" She asked still looking at them.

"I cannot allow the wife to dress like a hooker." His seductive voice reached her and she swallowed.

She stammered a bit but kept her point on the table. "Why not? She can do it. She was d-do ever she wants."

"She can. Yes." He agreed. "But if my wife wants to be a hooker, she would be one just for me."

His words.

Ah, her poor heart.

And her poor..down there.. throbbing with heat.

"Ye-yeah.." was all she came up with.

"If she decides to be a hooker for me, I would hold her waist like this." His arms circled st. All tight and secure.

"And I would pull her to me." He pulled her close. "So close than she would feel the beating of my heart and heat of my skin. All for her. Because of her." Pulling her up, he pulled her close to him and had her legs on either side of him. His other hand left her waist and held her thigh. He grabbed it firmly and ran his hands over it, Turning her on.

"Then, I would engine the fire in her that I feel. The burn in my chest for her. For that one touch that I want from her every day, every minute." His fingers ran over her thigh slowly and she sighed in pleasure. They were firm in the hold, rough and surely knew what they were doing.

His mouth went to her neck and sucked on her collarbone. She did nothing but to give in to those assaults.

Those lovely, wicked assaults.

"Then what?" She murmured, wrapped around in the pleasure.


"Then what?" She repeated.

"Then, I would let her" his hand went down her waist and paused her letting her feel him hard and ready, making her shudder. His other hand when to her breast and enjoyed the touch of them.

"Look at that, all nice and perky." He teased as he pinched her nipples.

As much as she wanted his touch there was something inside her body that was running away from it.

Something that wanted to be away from him and his touch instead of inviting it. She felt something clawing inside her asking her to stop him.

But what was it?

Why was there this uneasiness? 


The dresses would be on my Instagram! 


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