Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 171 - One Hundred And Seventy-one

Your comments keep me going!


Black walls and pink neon lights shined through the entire hall. The table had lightened pumpkins and skulls on them. Spiders webs danced around the walls and were truly sticky. Warnings to leave or be ready for death were plastered all across the entrance in neon colours highlighting them in the dark. Candles were placed on the entire way. The dining tables were long and had thick white candles on them which were half burned.

Even the staff was wearing costumes hut they were all the same. They were dressed as vampires and they were hissing about everything.

The chandelier instead of bulbs had candles on them.

It had a dark aura, not the normal spooky one but something truly felt dark from the entire hall.

Angelo in a white pantsuit, wore a cross across his neck and got off the car and opened his wife's door. Her leg which shimmered in the light somehow was brought out first. The toned muscles had immediately attracted the attention of men around, especially with the heel. A blonde head popped out and slowly her body too. She stepped out and jaws were dropped.

The green satin silk dress was just like a shawl on her body. It gave away everything. Every curve and muscle she held on her was there. It was deep necked and backless and Alexis was no better.

She had a seductive smile on her crimsoned coloured lips. The small wig of blonde hair that she wore and the eyeliner had given her a complete vixen look.

As he noticed the stares around them that she was getting, he couldn't help but pull her closer to him. His grip on her waist pretty much told everyone that she belonged to him.

With her tightly pressed to his side, they made their way inside and Alexis immediately awwed at the entrance.

It's was fabulous!

She could tell why people would want to be invited and how every time they chose to come. This party had every right to be invite-only.

"You had to wear this piece of cloth?" Angelo grumbled under his breath making Alexis giggle a bit.

"Why, yes. It's so soft against my skin." She purred. "Soft an-"

"Shut it!" He hissed at her making her giggle again. The dress was certainly working its charm on him and unfortunately for everyone else too. Not that she minded it, it was kind of wonderful to be the centre of attention.

"Whatever happens," he whispered in her ear, his lips touched her ear's shell making her shiver. "think before anything."

It was advice and she was sure that it came from experience. So she nodded and tied a knot to it.

Think before anything.

She had a feeling that something was going to happen and she definitely won't be thinking.


"February actually," Alexis smiled. "It was just close family and friends." She lied. 

"Why?" The woman asked with a soft smile on her face. "If I was marrying that man, I'd surely let the world know about it."

The woman next to her gave a snicker, "You just got Married to your fifth husband and here you are thinking about number six already!"

Everyone laughed softly and a few gave a witch's laugh. Alexis didn't understand if they were going according to the theme of the party or they naturally had a shrieked laughing voice.

She nodded and moved forward, mingling with people and knowing them. Half of them she was not even sure were going to be there next time. Given they had married their way up and were most likely to get divorced too.

Two ladies came her way and one immediately took Alexis in her arms. "Oh, hello, the new Alessandro bride. Now, aren't you pretty!"

Alexis laughed out of kindness. "Thank you for your kind words." She appreciated. 

"Aw! Look at those manners! They certainly pick the best women out there! If I had met you any sooner, I swear you would have been my daughter in law."

A wide forced smile graced her face as she continued to talk to the woman. The conversation seemed neverending but fortunately, the woman saw someone else that she wanted to talk too. Or have her become her daughter-in-law.

"Wine please," she spoke to the man behind the bar. She leaned on the bar a little and turned to her side. Her husband was talking to someone, around he age and he seemed to be enjoying the conversation, unlike the times as previously seen him. He looked annoyed and rather bored.

He looked handsome in the white suit and the cross hanging across his neck.

He looked dangerous. And that was attracting glanced from everyone.

"Hi," a woman came to her with a small smile. "I am Kenna."

"Hello," she nodded back at her but did not immediately introduce herself.

"your husband is talking to mine over there so I thought that maybe we could talk too." She took a sip of her wine as she pointed direction where Alexis had previously looked in for her husband.

She looked back to her husband and then nodded back at the woman."I am Alexis." She held out her hand which shaken immediately.

"I know," she chuckled. "You have been the talk of the night. Every woman is discussing or more like gossiping about you."

"Hmm," Alexis took the wine that the barman had served to her. "I cannot say that I don't like that." She winked.

"Hah," Kenna laughed a little but then she got serious. "Before you hear it from anyone else, I would like to tell you that I am a victim. Everyone here acts hush-hush about it and are quick to pull back."

Alexis frowned a bit to which the woman answered, "Of abuse." 

Understanding, she nodded her head but observed something more. "Oh, but you don't look.."

"Embarrassed? Or more like victimised?" She finished but with a smile. "No, I am not either of them now. In fact with the help of my husband, I run my organisation to help girls and boys going through similar situations."

Alexis nodded and fell silent with her. She looked around the room with dim lights and how everyone was talking.

"How though?" Alexis turned to her. "the way you talk and hold yourself, I can tell that you are well educated and well brought up. So why did you not stand up to the abuse and get victimised by it?"

Kenna nodded to what she was saying. it was a common interpretation about the abuse that people always assumed it to be physical.

"I am not just talking about physical abuse. There are other, more dangerous kinds, one of them is the mental or psychological abuse because you can see what's happening to you physically but what the other person is doing or how is he playing with your mind is something we notice very late." She glanced at her sideways. "With the parenting that we have had, our parents of often chastised us or telling us what to do because they know better, it leads us to just follow what is being told to us and that is where it all falls apart."

Alexis couldn't help but raise her voice in objection to that. "But they are our parents and does it not make sense for them to tell us what to do?"

"It does. Yes, it does." Kenna agreed. "But only to a certain age. after that I believe that we should be able to make our own decisions because from them we will learn all lessons instead of listening to their experience. We will learn better with our own experience."

"Hmm," she nodded for her to continue further.

And Kenna did. "it's just when you think about someone doing what's best for you. You blindly start to believe them and that is where you are wrong." Kenna smiled as she stared at Alexis. "when you blindly start to trust someone you forget that you are your own personal and more of that, you just become a pawn that they play and you get played."

"Slowly you start to get so much dependent on the person that you forget your existence. That is all about mind games you never understand until unless it's too late and you do not know what to do."

Kenna took a sip of her wine and said, "if I have to say anything from my abuse to you, never trust anyone blindly no matter how close they are to you. Everyone has intentions that we are never aware of."

Alexis nodded to her understanding what she had said and from there she was coming from. But what hit her was that this was the second time someone had said the same thing to her and perhaps into the same direction.

Mental games or mind games.

Unconsciously so, but Alexis's eyes could not help but wonder into her husband's direction.

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