Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 181 - One Hundred And Eighty-one.

With a stone-cold expression, she walked towards the new couple with intentions dark as midnight in her mind. Alexis could not remember the last time she had been so angry.

Oh no, wait. That was when she found about the child.

Ain't her life just shit?

"Hello There." With a beautiful smile on her face, she greeted the couple and immediately looks towards the young girl's hand. "oh my God! that is such a beautiful ring!" She gushed looking at it and got a positive response from the girl too.

"Thank you." She shyly smiled. "I love it. The colour is beautiful isn't it?"

Alexis laughed a little, "Yes, the colour looks amazing!"

She then turned to the man. Her eyes had turned cold even though there was a smile on her face. "Whose choice was this colour?". Then she laughed, "you must have had some help from someone. I don't see you choosing such a gorgeous ring."

"Uh..umm.." Jayden stumbled for words and Alexis loved to see him that way. All while that had been dating Jayden, he had been the most confident guy that she had ever seen but seeing him here like a broken record playing with words she loved this more than the confident guy.

"So?" She probed. "did you or do you not take any help?"

She picked up the hand of the woman where she was wearing her ring and studied it carefully. "It must have been a girl who would have helped you with that. It's too gorgeous."

Of course, it was a girl. It had been Alexis herself who had chosen the ring. She had seen the same ring in a catalogue and clicked a picture of it, Jayden noticed that and he decided to make their engagement ring a baby pink coloured diamond.

Now the emerald stone looked better on her finger.

Opening and closing his mouth like a fish out of water he finally got the words out. "Yes.. it was my mother."

'Ouch,' she winced, 'that hurt.'

"Your mother?" She gave him a nasty smile that said she was out to get revenge. "What a wonderful mother that is. With such choice, I would tell you to not let her suffer."

He nodded hurriedly wanting to her to you take her to leave. "Yes, yes."

Idiot. He didn't get the memo, she shook her head. Men could upgrade their laptops and girlfriends within seconds but when it came to their brain it was still in its infancy version.

"Well then, when's the wedding?" She smiled and gushed. "I am so excited to see the wedding dress! You will look so gorgeous and I can already much it!"

The bride blushed and gushed back. "I know, I found one inside my budget and you're so kind with the words!"

Alexis laughed, yes she was kind with her words to the girl but with the man sitting next to her she was going to be as merciless as probably her husband.

"Wedding?" Jayden spattered the coffee out and on the table making Alexis cringe at it and the girl immediately got to cleaning the mess while admonishing him. "Why?"

"Why what?" Alexis to back the words at him with sudden anger. "Have you not told her?"

That was the movement the bride stopped as she heard the word spill out of Alexis' mouth but did Alexis stop?

For dramatic effect, yes she did.

"What?" The girl whispered and then hissed at Jayden, "I don't understand jay. What is she talking about?"

Alexis happily repeated her words. "Yes, Jayden tell her what I am talking about!"

The woman could be seen getting angry every growing second as Jayden fumbled with the answer.

And of course, he would fumble. Because he knew that if he lied Alexis would jump at him and if his spoke the truth than he was pretty much gonna get dumped by his fiance.

"Oh my god!" Alexis hit his arm making him jump. "Just because I went outside of the country and our contact got minimised and then you forgot to invite me to your wedding?" She hit him again. "That is such a bad thing! You could have at least DMed me on Facebook!"

"Oh.." the girl give a soft sigh as she finally understood what was happening. "I am so sorry for his behaviour. I had no idea about this too but I have an invitation in my purse." She picked up her bag and rummaged through it. Pulling out a piece of paper she handed it to Alexis as Jayden watched. "Here, please do come."

Alexis took it with a smile and looked at her ex. "Of course I would come. I find no reason not to."

"No, no, you don't, shouldn't." He said but immediately realised what he sounded like. "I mean of course that you should come. But if you have any sort of troubles or if you have to go out of your way. Then we understand. I mean it's not ..that.."

"That important?" His fiancée spat. "What is that supposed to mean? Our wedding is not important for people that we are inviting?"

Jayden shook his head and tried to come up with an excuse. "No, I meant-"

"What for me?" Alexis pointed at herself. "Honey, we have met after like five years. How can you not expect me to come to your wedding?" Then she gives him a mysterious smile saying, "I do have to give a speech at your wedding telling everyone about your embarrassing moments in college. I mean what is a wedding without that?"

"Yes! Tots!" The woman kicked him under the table. "Don't tell her what to do! And definitely, if she wants to come to a wedding do not tell her otherwise!'

Alexis's smile faltered a bit. she winced at how life threw the words at her face after she had decided not to let anyone tell her what to do.

"Well," she glanced at the card. "I would surely come and send in my RSVP." She got up and so did the girl. "I cannot wait!"

"I know!" The girl gushed back.

Finishing Goodbyes, she walked back to Liam who had chosen to take takeaways.

"I figured." He waved his hand. "We have to hurry though. The boss is expecting us."

"Of course he is," she muttered as she rolled her eyes. He had to wait, after all, that he had wanted to avoid was happening.

The ride home was rather fast. She slowly stepped on her drink and still had half a cup of it left as she entered the house.

When she closed the door she immediately found Angelo presumably waiting for her on the couch.

"How was your day?"

Alexis could not help but raised her eyebrows for a second. That was the first time that he had ever asked that question when she had not initiated the conversation first.

"Nice. We enjoyed a lot." She nodded and sat down in front of him.

"That's good to know." He nodded back. "Did you tell her about the child?"

She scoffed. "I just made up from the rocky relationship that I had with my mother and you want me to tell her that I have entered another one with my husband?"

He thoughtfully looks up, "Alright it was your call."

Sure was. She shook her head at his words and then remembered. "Angelo, when did I ever tell you to ask my mother to stay away from me?"

Something flashed in his eyes but it was gone quickly. "She told you." Was what his answer was and that infuriated her to no level.

"What?" She spat out. "Of course she told me! How could you tell her anything like that?"

"I did it for you." He had pointed out. "for your sanity."

"For my-" she scoffed. "Even if you did that, did you not think that you should have run this idea through me first? What made you think that I would ever want to cut her off forever?" She argued.

He sat there, all calm and collected, not a hair out of its place. Her rant did not affect her and she was made aware of that.

He nodded, understanding her point. "I get it. I was wrong and I have no excuse or explanation for it."

"Oh..okay." She stammered in return not excepting him to acting agree that he was wrong. "Yeah.." Was..did she hear it right?

"I did what I had to. You were a mess and I wanted nothing more than to make sure that my wife was okay." 

That. Not okay. Misogynist ass. 

"I have been a mess my entire life and I dealt with it just fine." This time, she didn't argue as she presented her time. Rather she calmly stated it. 

With Angelo, shouting or yelling seemed like a waste of time and energy. 

"That was your life. Now, it's ours. Your life is linked mine. It's just together." That nasty glint in his eyes couldn't help but have her say this. 

"Then what if I don't want that child?"

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