Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 182 - One Hundred And Eighty-two

Then what if I don't want that child?"

"Do you want me to kill him?" He asked in return with a blank expression.

She gawked at what he said making her yell at him and question his sanity. "What is wrong with you?" She asked in a high pitched voice. "Do you even know what you are talking about? That is a child Angelo, a child you are talking so causally about to killing?!"

He simply shrugged. "It is what you want. You would get."

A terrible feeling ran through her entire being. She didn't know what to call it but she knew that she never wanted to feel it again.

"Angelo," she stressed on it. "I don't think I want the baby. I didn't say that I want it killed."

What was wrong with this man? instead of understanding the whole situation and wrapping his head around, he has simply presented her with the solution that he deemed was fit.

It was rather the most horrifying solution she had heard for anything.

Killing a baby? How could he even a think about the thought of it?

Alexis understood that where he came from killing was as easy as it was taking a walk in the park for him but people have their certain limits and she had always assumed that he would stop when it came with children or women. Perhaps she thought that he could be that human.

But he was not.

"If you do not want the baby then you won't get the baby." He said. "If that is all you want then there it is."

Baffled at his solutions she could not help but ask, "that's it? What I want I get?"

He looked at her with an incredulous expression. "Do you not want to have what you want?" He then frowned, "or would you rather have me force you to do it?"

"No!" She immediately denied. "I don't want either of that."

He gave her an expression that said he had proved his point. "Then there that is. You are getting what you want but here you are questioning it."

"I..uh.." she wants getting it. What was happening? Nevertheless, she shook her head and continued to ask the questions that were in her mind regardless of what he answered she had to look for them anyway.

"Then what about the child?" She waved around and then continued, "he is going to be a part of your life and since you clearly said that my life is yours too that means he would be a part of mine."

He shook his head very slowly. "He doesn't have to be."

"Excuse me?" She asked with her eyes a bit widened. "What?"

"I said," he repeated in a more firm voice. "He doesn't have to be involved in our lives. We stay here and he stays there."

This whole conversation was baffling and now that was the major feeling that she felt for everything he said.

"Angelo that is your child." She tried to inform him of the fact in case he had forgotten." you cannot possibly think of abandoning him."

He waved his hand around as he answered, indicating that it was of no major concern. "I am not. I won't be involved directly but I would make sure that he has a comfortable life."

"He?" She repeated. "So it's a boy. A baby boy." She muttered unconsciously.

"Yes. He is. His mother named him Lucas." He then smiled as he told her something, "I remember when she informed me of his name's, I heard it was Judas and I immediately wanted to tear his birth certificate. There was no way I would let her do that to a child." He shook his head and that brought a smile to her face too.

When she looked at Angela reminiscing the past, she had a thought come in her mind. The thought made way to a realisation.

But this realisation did not matter to her because it was supposed to matter to him.

"Angelo, how old is the child?" She softly asks him trying not to break him out of the bubble of memories that he was in.

"Two, in November." He answered looking at her. "Why?"

She is not his first and continued to ask, "How many times have you met him?"

"A handful." He answered her sceptically.

"Have you not, ever, wanted him to be with you?" She probed into his mind. "He is your first child." Hopefully, "and don't you saying that he should be here instead of staying with his mum."

She had no idea how much he thought about it. She could not even fathom the number.

And you did not know what being a good father was. He had no idea about that but he always made sure that he knew what was going on with his son every minute of the day. That was his caring.

Lucas was not an Alessandro and that was for his protection. If he could not be with his child then he had to make sure that in his absence his childhood is protected and he won't be hurt by anyone due to his name.

The name alone made the boy carry a red flag with him everywhere he went.

Angelo knew that he could not tell Alexis that because she frankly would not understand the gravity of the situation.

The boy could die if he was made known to the world, especially as a bastard. his organisation would become a threat to the boy is Alexa did not take him under or being and he was not sure if she was going to do it.

For all, he knew she could throw him to the world and act innocent about it.

"No," he answered. "I believe that women know what is better about the child more than me."

And also she could provide him with than I ever could.. Be closed his eyes and softly sighed.

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