Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 196 - One Hundred Ninety-six

"Wha-Why?" She whispered painfully looking at him. "What reminder?" She whimpered.

He shrugged simply. "I have too much going on within the new territory to even think about a vacation. So I have decided to let you and my mom along Nikita go on a little to get together to Switzerland." He smiled down at her. "Now where is the thing I am the most concerned about, my mother and Nikita are aware of how you deal with the FBI and had ignored and walk away from but on the other hand always seek help." He looked over to the officials as a proven his point and she immediately understood it. She knew where the conversation was coming and the outcome of it.

So she hurriedly tried to gather it's bits and pieces. "I understand but you are trying to say and I will keep this in mind before I talk to anyone official or not."

He smiles once again this time it seemed full of mockery. "Yes Sweetheart, I know." His expression when vanishing and once again the dark mafia boss appeared. "But as your husband and the boss forces organisation, I have to make sure that you always remember it because whoever you talk to you hold there lives in your hands."

"Angelo don't.." she shook her head and muttered out in a pathetic whimper. "..Please don't..."

He sighed and turned her around. Holding her arms in place by her sighed as he hugged her with his arms made of steel. the matter how much she tried to resist she could not get out of his hold.

"Angelo! Please, we did not even talk about it. Instead, I defended this relationship! Please do not use this!" She yelled looking at the people who were tied down and looked scared.

"Shh..." He whispered. "Just watch the show sweetie." He mused and she hated it.

The men black came closer to the three people turned down by ropes and tape and were also tied together to each other. Alexis cast in horror as the poured down liquid on them and she yelled when she saw what next happened.

The men came near them with three lit lighters and threw them and the officials while staying for away from them.

Alexis closed her eyes as tears fell from them when she's always people screaming from horror being burnt alive. She cried for them and didn't care to look at them. She didn't dare to do so. It just her soul.

"Why?" She whispered. As she opened her eyes and once again witnessed the horror taking place. She now understood why they work change together.

"I told you," he spoke in her ear. "it was important to tell you that is going against would cost you, well not you given that you are my wife, but other people their lives." He chuckled a bit. "This is for you to remember that no matter how much power query official holes I will find a while to end it." He hugged her tighter making her cry out more. "so remember next time, what would happen." He tapped her temple.

She winced at the screams of the victims and couldn't help but cry more. It was because of her. All of it was on her. She was warned time and again by people for this and she had done just that. The exact thing.

"Please," she pleaded to look at them. "End it for them. Please I got your point, they have suffered enough. Please.." she whimpered at the end.

He sighed and she wanted to kill him. He acted as if this was all very exhausting for him. Like he didn't want to even...

"Well, I guess if I have made my point clear.."

"You have!" She added sniffing, not wanting him to go back and make up his mind. "Please, end it. End the pain for them."

"Okay," he relented and the expression on his face which was hardened muscles are relaxed a bit and she breathed in relief. "Shoot 'em dead!" He yelled at the men.

"What! Angel-" she yelled as she heard three loud gunshots run out and the dropping of the noises was heard. She closed her eyes in utter helplessness. There was nothing that she could do or could have done. No matter how hard she tried Alexis new one fact for sure that she would always fall short and fail in front of her husband. There was always in one way or the other found out about what had truly happened and she always paid the price through witnessing the pain of other people.

"What did you get out of it?" She asked in a helpless voice. Yelling or dreaming was not going to get her anywhere. All she felt was tiredness now, she felt drained of every bit of energy.

"Oh I got nothing," he tsked. "It's you who I wanted to have understood something from them and I hope that you have learnt your lesson because quite frankly I don't think you have just friends to watch people burn." He winced.

The fucking audacity, she thought but didn't say a word. She had had enough. Now all she wanted was a good old break from everything.

"Please.." she shook her tiredly. "I want to go. I assure you that I have completely understood what you wanted to say and please never repeat it." She begged. "I swear to God I would never talk to everyone in any way that could harm you ever." She vowed to fear for the life that she might take in the future just for a stupid conversation with them.

He did not comment or reply immediately rather he seemed to be taking in whatever he said with a thoughtful expression that he was thinking it over.

"Alright," he said after some time as he stared at her, "let's get you to the airport."

"Airport?" She mumbled as she sat into the car with tiredness taking over her mind. "I need to go ..away.." she mumbled sleepily.

"Oh sweetie," she heard his taunting voice.. "When will realise that if I can burn people alive, I can surely get your bags packed."

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