Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 197 - One Hundred And Ninety-seven

! The next when she woke up, she was on a plane and in a bed. They had used the private jet this time and Alexis couldn't help the appreciate the fact. She wanted to be alone right now. She sat up on the bed with her back against the wall and covered herself to her chin with the duvet. It was so comfy. Her mind wandered back. 

'I am scared out of my mind.' she sighed. 'He always seems to prove that his power has no limits but how? How can it be that every time that he has the means to get what he wants?'

She frowned as she continued to think about it. 'There has to be a certain limit. They always say that the sky is the limit and no matter how much it might be, the sky does vanish and space comes in. So he has to have limits too. Certain if not many.' She rubbed her hands for warmth feeling the cold getting to her. The air had a chill around it and she wanted to wrap herself more in the covers. 'Should I find this limit? But what would I do even if I find it?'

"Hey," a knock came to the door and it opened. Nikita came in, fully dressed in winter clothes. "How long have you been up?" She asked with a small smile.

"Not much longer." She had no idea herself. All she had done was think about Angelo.

By the rate that she thought about him, it could be easily assumed that she was obsessed with him. It was him and all him that she ever thought about. The man itself was a mystery that couldn't be solved.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Nikita took a seat on the bed and covered herself in the blanket too as she snagged a bit from Alexis.

"Nothing..much." that came out wrong. Especially with the sigh at the end. The expression meant that something was wrong.

"Aw, come on." Nikita lightly nudged her leg with Alexis's. "Tell me, maybe I can help you."

Alexis sighed, she was irritated by her attempts for an of conservation.

When a person wanted to be alone, they wanted to be alone Period. There was nothing more that you could do about it and initiating a conversation was the worse thing to do.

"Alexis," this time she looked at Nikita with frustration clear in her face but that didn't make Nikita stop from talking. "When you came here, you were dead asleep. Angelo was carrying you. I know that you were at the hospital for an anxiety attack but you were dead asleep." Nikita stressed on the word dead.  I tried to wake you up before, for food, but you didn't even move."

Drowned in confusion, she frowned and asked, "How long was I asleep for?"

"Well, we have a flight for ten hours and it's just two left before we land." She muttered a bit sheepishly. "we did try to wake you up but you seemed.."

".. drugged." Alexis completed looking away from her. "I seemed drugged." She muttered.

"Yeah.." Nikita sighed. "So what happened? I am sure that the boss is too busy to even think about drugging his wife out of the blue and so nothing."

For nothing? She wanted to scoff loudly at that. He had done worst that this and Alexis couldn't help but shake her head. She hated it when someone took his side. Were she and her plight not visible to them?

"Why?! Why is it that he can't do anything out of the blue and I have to be the one who has to do something!" She turned to Nikita and did not hold back on her words. "What do you mean by 'drugging his wife out of the blue?' Is drugging her within a reason good? Or excusable at all?"

Nikita looked offended, to say the least. She opened her mouth but closed it as Alexis continued but then her face reddened in anger too.

"What? No! That's not what I meant!" She defended herself. "It really came out wrong!"

But Alexis was in no mood to listen. "Really? Cuz' that is what anyone should make out of it?!"

"Oh really?!" Nikita threw the overs off of her and stood in front of Alexis. "Anyone or you, Alexis? Who are you talking about ?"

Alexis glanced around the room and tapped her chin thoughtfully. "Well since there is no one in the room, I think that I am talking about ME!" She yelled at the bed. "Who else would I talk about?"

Nikita scoffed. "No one! Because all you think about is how you are suffering! How you this or how you that! Why the fuck are you so wrapped up in yourself!" She yelled at the top of her voice inviting Alexis to join in and raise her voice too.

"Really? Then what the hell do I do? Cry all the time? Or wait for my husband to come home and play happy, happy wife?" She taunted Nikita knowing that's exactly what she did. "Because I can't ignore what they do or overlook it. It's right Infront of my eyes!" She pinged to herself. "I saw it happen!"

"And it's going to happen again!" Nikita yelled at with a pointed finger. "Given that YOU never really learn. Always looking for an escape this here or this there, just looking for a way out. Do you know how many times has it happened that people think that Donna is weak-"

"I don't ca-"

"Shut up and let me speak Damm it!" Nikita yelled at her. "You think it doesn't matter but it does! It's in front your eyes? Well, you could have avoided it from happening or have stopped it but no you didn't. Pathetically pleading does nothing! But you'd don't know that either because Alexis doesn't need to ask anyone!"

Alexis sat up straighter. "Well, who do I ask then?!" She yelled.

Nikita pointed to herself. "Me! you fucking idiot! I have been there since literally, my birth. You should have asked for help! You need to live for yourself and only yourself not for some measly officials for would die anyway instead of living."

Alexis gaped at her in horror. "What's wrong with you? How can you be so twi-"

"Really?" Nikita intervened again. " because if they wanted to live there won't be involved in something that would demand their life at sone point!" Nikita reddened with anger. "At end it's you for yourself!" 

Alexis gasped In horror. "What is-"

"That's enough of you two yelling and calling names!" A firm voice rang out through the bedroom and they both looked up to the person who had a furious expression on her face. "Nikita, cool off. Alexis get dressed properly and meet us out in the seating area." Isabella's voice meant no disrespect and both of woman stood up at once without caring to spare the other a glance.

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