He couldn't help but be attracted to her naivety. He could always sense the motive behind other people's actions but he couldn't tell anything when he looked at her. So either, she was damm good at it or she was just plain stupid.

"Please have a seat. I'll get the first aid kit and if you want to use the washroom; it's right there. And the kitchen is ri-"

He cut off her rambling, "Its fine. Please, just get the first aid kit." Saying that he took off his suit jacket, on seeing him unbuttoning his shirt, her eyes immediately went wide.

"Wha- why are you doing that?" She asked while inching away from him.

The man couldn't help but softly chuckle at her expressions. "Well, you are going to bandage my arm, so I need to take off my shirt and have you bandage it properly."

"Ye-yes, I'll the kit, yes, I'll get the kit for you." He was charmed by her; for the first time he was cared by someone and without any other influence involved. He sat on the couch and it was comfortable. Looking around he was impressed for how she had decorated her entire apartment. Everything felt homely to him. Strange, he felt like that only when he was with his mother. She returned back with the kit in her hands. When she looked up to him she was surprised to see him shirtless. She quickly hid it but her flushed cheeks with crimson colour gave her away.

She walked to him and sat on the coffee table in front of him. Bringing his arm forward, she opened the box and took out the bottle of antiseptic from it. She dabbed it on cotton and applied it on his cut, luckily it was a graze. Alexis never once saw him wince once rather she saw him looking at her.

Keen amusement was visible in his eyes. She couldn't help but gulp and bite her lower lip to concentrate. As if something happened, his eyes turned dark and flickered to her lips and back to her eyes. She copied his actions and eventually both of them started leaning in. She could feel his breath over her nose and lips. A mere inch was left for their lips to meet when they heard a bark all of a sudden, which caused Alexis to jump and pull back.

"Jesus, D, quiet and go into the kitchen." Whining a bit the dog left but not before growling at the unknown man's presence. The man himself was quiet amused by the dog yet agitated on the opportunity missed. As she finished dressing his wound he got up to thank her.

"Well miss-" he waited for her tell him her name,

"Alexis Williams," she immediately answered.

"Miss Williams, thank you for your hospitality. I must take my leave now." He sent a tight lipped smile her way.

"Oh no, it's fine. You saved my life back there. Patching you up was nothing. If I could pay you back by any-"

"You might as well." Muttering under breath, the man brought his lips down to hers. It was slow and gentle, truly showing that he was savouring the taste of her plump lips. Their lips moved in sync.

After a while they broke apart. The man stared into her eyes and right into her soul.

"My name is Angelo De'Alassandro and I am going to pursue you, Ms Williams. So, you'll be seeing a lot more of me." He smiled which was something he wasn't use to doing.

Alexis couldn't actually believe her ears. A man she didn't know existed until later tonight was practically asking her for a relationship. An unknown man whose name she just came to know about, wanted to be in a relationship with her but it was her past that was holding her back otherwise she could have given relationships a chance long time back.

But now she was terrified; both of the situation and the man who had very intimidating and dominating presence.

"I'm s-sorry Mr Alassandro, I don't-"

Cutting her off again, he said, "Then go on a date with me."

"Huh?" That caught her off guard.

She didn't reply because she was too busy thinking about what happened when she went out on a date last time and the guy turned out to be a freak but Angelo seemed like an intelligent man. He knew when which opportunity was to be grabbed and which wasn't and that's what he exactly did. He grabbed it.

"Well then, I'll inform you about the time and the destination, in fact I'll be picking you up." With that said Angelo walked out of her apartment. As if the situation finally came back at her, she broke out of her trance.

"W-wait but I didn't give you any of my details or any such information."

Angelo let out an amused chuckle and answered her, "You don't need to, love. That is my headache. Good night, darling. We'll meet again." She watched him walk into lift. Turning around a mere inch was left for the lift to close, when he winked at her. Being stunned was an understatement. She couldn't understand what had happened. But she knew sleeping might help or she was just lazy.

I should sleep. Maybe I'll figure it out tomorrow.

As soon as she put a step inside, she heard the lift ding. A man around 6 ft. in height walked to her next door apartment and stopped to talk.

"Hello there. The names James; James bond and I am going to live right next door. " He said in a horrible British accent and a wonderful smile.

Alexis couldn't help but giggle at the cheesy guy in front of her.

"Hi I am Alexis Williams and if you need any help do let me know." She politely greeted him as well.

"Sure will." Smiling, he opened the door and walked in, closing it after him.

Alexis walked to the kitchen, took out some snacks and turned on the TV wondering what tomorrow might bring.

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