Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 3 - Three

The usual morning routine followed but there was a slight change. As soon as she would open her door her new neighbour would pop out too. She met Angelo two days ago and hadn't heard from or seen him since. It was something she was happy about. The routine was still the same, going on a walk with diesel, and getting work done and of course Mr Walker meds and it would have followed too, but someone showed up. Shaking her head, she focused on what she had to wear today to her office. She had to look her best since being a Secretary and the CEO's personal assistant meant being dragged to luncheons or brunches and that meant to dress up like elite class.

Brushing thorough and lightly tapping the fingers on the clothes hanging on the racks. She selected a blue suit with white blouse. She kept her hair straight and open and grabbed a white purse by Michael Kors. After feeding Diesel and fixing breakfast for herself, she grabbed her car keys and locked her apartment door. Even though she had a parking space reserved for her, she often took the Subway trying to make an environmental effort at her level.

Reaching her cabin, she kept her purse and files on her desk and went to Mr Walker's cabin. Knocking on the door, she heard a distressed 'come in'. By the tone he spoke in she knew he was troubled by something. Her suspicions were confirmed when she saw the old man was laid back in his chair and his head resting on the head rest. Breathing in and out heavily, it clearly showed that the man was stressed.

Alexis walked to the mini fridge and poured him a glass of water and kept it in front of him.

"What's wrong Mr Walker?" She politely asked the old man, respecting his age and position.

The man didn't reply. He took the glass of water and emptied it and stared ahead. He worried Alexis. He was one who taught her everything because of which she was actually living in a society which was recognized as a good one and clothes that were straight from designer showrooms.

"I ...Huh…What the fuck.." The old man muttered and shook his head. "Nothing," He mumbled a bit louder in the end.

"Come on. Please, there is that's something bothering you." Mr Walker shifted his gaze to her. His eyes softened looking at the genuine concern in the eyes of the girl who was like his daughter. He couldn't help but share the problem he was facing.

"I…You do know Alexis that I don't have a child, regardless of the gender, I don't have a child. So to speak of the future, there is no one to run the company." He breathed in before continuing again, after receiving a nod of encouragement from the girl in front of him.

"I've had an offe― I've had many offers but this one just got me. It's good. It has money and growth opportunities; a bright future too, since the offering party is pretty good in business and I'm familiar with them. Uh…I'm selling the company, Alexis. I can't do anything else." He looked up at her, finally gathering the courage.

Alexis was stunned. She knew of the future heir problem he was facing but selling the company? It was too soon. She nodded not knowing what to say and who was she to say anything to him? He was her boss. Their relationship was pretty much defined. Leaving his office, she felt like crying but why was she crying? It wasn't her company. She was going to work for the new boss now. There was nothing she could do in it. Seated in her chair, she opened the file to get the work done.


"What a lovely afternoon it is, isn't it, love?" As soon as the door opened she saw Angelo walking in all his glory and charm. "Uh? W-what are you doing here?" She couldn't help but stare at the man she hoped to never see again.

"Well, I came here to take you out on a date. It's actually time for lunch and I happen to know a fine place too. So pack your stuff and let's leave." He stated. His voice clearly betrayed the fact that he would not take no for an answer.

"I don't think so, Mr Alessandro. I - my boss -" She was sure that he won't allow it or she hoped so.

"You have nothing to worry about. I have already talked to him about it and do not address me formally again Alexis. It's Angelo for you; since we are going to see each other way more than you know."

"I am not-" 'wait talked to him?' she thought. "How do you know Mr. Walker?" If they had a scheduled meeting, she out of all people would've known.

"You do not need to worry about that. Hurry up," Telling her off like that. His whole aura changed from warm to something that sent chills down her spine all of a sudden. It radiated power and dominance. It was impossible to say no to him.

No doubt it scared her. Her legs were shaking badly under the table but he still seemed to notice it. "Come on, Alexis I am waiting for you at the entrance." and then he left. Alexis couldn't gather her thoughts let alone she couldn't believe it. He literally just left after scaring the life out of her but she didn't want to anger him. Grabbing her purse, she walked to the entrance where he was waiting. He grabbed her hand in a tight grip and started walking to a Mercedes Benz. Opening the door for her, he helped her climb in and from the other door he climbed in as well. Driving through the roads to New York she couldn't help but look at them. The car stopped at a high class restaurant; too much of high class for her. She was lucky that she liked to be dressed well. She was wearing a burgundy red blouse with a pencil black skirt and a necklace of pearls.

But also it meant people, a lot of unknown people and crowds weren't her thing. "Stay,", saying that Angelo hopped out of his seat and walked towards her. Opening the door for her he held out his hand which she took, both of them then walked towards the entrance. She noticed how his warm personality changed. It became dark, dominating and powerful. People were staring at them. As if what they were seeing, they couldn't believe it. They didn't stop there. Placing his hand on her waist, he walked her to a private room. It was beautifully decorated. Just to her liking.

Angelo pulled out a chair for her and sat down in the one in front. He ordered the wine and a few appetizers and ordered the waiter to leave the room until called for. Alexis did hear a faint click when the waiter was on his way out. "So Alexis, I would like to introduce me to you again. I am Angelo De'Alassandro and I am a business entrepreneur. If you search for my name you would be able to find that out very easily. Now I am going to talk you my main purpose for calling you here." Alexis was listening intently to him. She somehow was thinking that he did have a purpose behind it after all.

"Yes please continue," and then let me leave the hell out of here,

"Since, I already told you that I'd like to pursue you, I wanted to clear the fact that if you're dating any other boy, you should immediately put a stop to it. We clear?" he said as if he hadn't just stated something outrageously stupid to her.

Alexis couldn't help but gape wide eyed at the man in front of her; a man who just out of nowhere asked her to be his girlfriend.

"No! I won't be. What do you even think of yourself? Being in a relationship is something based in mutual consent and understanding and I don't need to explain this to you. I'd like to leave." As a switch turned, he stood up. Power radiated off of him. She could even feel his anger. He strode towards her, backed her up against the chair she sitting in. Keeping his one hand right beside her head and the other down on her waist, he spoke.

"Alexis, I am a very powerful man and I have taken a very bad liking to you. I have the power to crush you and all around you until its left to nothing. So make use of that thing above your shoulders and think wisely. "

Now she was scared, too scared to even look him in the eye, this situation was something she had never dealt with before. She looked down on the floor, knowing not to make an eye contact would make her feel somewhat better, because it only made them angrier than they already were but something caught her eye, it was hiding inside his jacket and it was black.

A Gun.

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