Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 225 - Two Hundred And Twenty-five.

"So!" Silvano clapped his hands and rubbed them together grabbing the attention of Nikita and Alexis, "since we were all in Chicago, I thought that it was the right time to give you the perfect surprise." Both the women had exact opposite reactions. Nikita was excited but on the other hand, an irritated looking Alexis sitting beside her.

"The last surprise he gave me was my baby becoming a father." She mumbled looking at Angelo. "If this is a surprise given by him I dont trust it."

Her husband who was reading a file did not even look at anyone before muttering, "Good, I don't trust him either."

Silvano glared at him. "Fucking prick, I am taking serious offence to that. Anyway," he turned to the ladies once again. "Come on ladies I want to show you something." He walked out leaving the door open.

Nikita got up with a sigh, "do we have to? Receiving guests is quite a pain and exhausting."

"Amen to that sister," Alexis muttered with her eyes closed not even trying to get up.

Her legs were once again on his thighs and he threw them down pushing her up to sit as well and said, "you are one of the laziest persons I have ever seen. Get up and go wherever he is asking you to." When a warning was made Alexis identified it which was why she nodded and without a word went behind Silvano who had already left the room.

The ride was silent as Silvano drove the car and Nikita informed her that he never liked playing music except for soft piano tunes. Alexis did not remember roadways until and unless she had gone on it and used it daily and since she had gone on the same route numerous times it did not take her long to realise where they were going.

But since it was a surprise she kept mum or it could have a different meaning than she thought.

But it wasn't.

The stopped at Lexis.

"Silvano, what's this?" Nikita and immediately as she got off the car and looked at the building. "It's completed." She concluded looked inside the whole place when they went in.

"It is." New tables and tablecloth, new decor according to the preferences that Alexis and Nikita had chosen, they even checked the kitchen which was refurnished. Everything had been done according to what they had decided previously.

"And you won't believe who did it," Silvano interrupted their observations while smoking his cigar, "Dad did. He was the one who had taken on to this project of yours. Trust me the man's a millionaire, almost a billionaire yet he made sure that we saved as much as we could on this restaurant."

"Wow," Alexis looks at the restaurant as if it had been her dream come true. "But aren't we supposed to return to Chicago next weekend?" confusion crossed her mind as she thought how was she supposed to manage her restaurant and be in Chicago at the same time. It was possible but then it won't have the same meaning to her as it did now.

He nodded explaining, "I know. But there has been a slight change in plans, Vincenzo chose taking over Chicago, there is a better doctor there for his wife since things have quietened down. Also, one of the reasons being she would be out of New York society for a while and that would give me some mental rest, as he put it."

"She must be arranging luncheons then," Alexis concluded. "Why should taking that much of stress in pregnancy?"

Nikita sighed turning around. "Only if I knew what people did and why."

Alexis sighed and looked around the place once more. Almost everything was replaced with new and better products leaving her to feel satisfied with the furnishing of the place. Her Father in law had done a great job.

"Ah, there you all are!" Julia's voice flooded the walls of the restaurant making an Alexis look at her and considered if she was dreaming or not. She repeatedly blinked her eyes. 

"Wha.." she looked old wild woman with her granddaughter in law who still looked like a robot.

"Oh! I came to New York and there was no way I was missing out on the new launch of my favourite brand and we just saw Silvano parking around. Initially, we thought that you were going to eat in a restaurant but might I ask did he rent it all out?" She found as she looked around and saw no one in sight.

Alexis took a step forward. "No, I own it." She said it with her head held high and mighty.

Julia feigned a look of shock and looked around. "Oh dear, then you must hurry and change to decor. It's too outdated." She looked around in concern.

Outdated, my ass. She gave her a stiff smile.

Alexis smiled as she felt Nikita come in and stand one step behind her, Silvano had probably walked out or was somewhere in the building. "Choices change with time. It's alright grandmother, these are according to the new trends in time." She focused on the word new completely throwing the women of the role that she was trying to put herself in.

Julia was old and change had left her behind. That message was delivered loud and clear.

And her smile, unlike the previous time, faltered and a crease appeared on her forehead.

Her resolve broke.

"What?" Julia said with a slight smile but Alexis understood that she was angry within and there was no way that Alexis was going to hold back on this woman. "I don't think I understand, what did you say?" She asked politely. 

Alexis smiled a little. Something full of arrogance and power. "Oh, I think you got it perfectly well. I said, times change and according to that, this is the latest trend. I don't know what you heard but that line was exactly what I said." She stood to her ground and even Juliette looked a bit scared.

Julia laughed politely. "Yes of course. Trends change but I can tell you, previous trends often come back." She smiled but Alex has understood the warning that she had conveyed through her words.

Alexis replied as well, "Only if the current trends allow.." The old warning no longer existed.

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