Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 226 - Two Hundred And Twenty-six

Until further notice, they were going to stay in New York. Angelo had given her this information and she knew that she could rely on it. At least until further notice, Vincenzo was going to stay there.

After Julia her inspected her restaurant with her mouth shut after Alexis had practically snubbed her into her place, Nikita and Alexis had decided to change a few minor settings and then focus on its grand opening.

And to be honest that was the only good news except for diesel's entry in parenthood, that she had received in a long time.

And for now, she had to worry for a dinner that she had no plans and interest in attending.


Instead of having usual drinks before dinner, they all had decided to give the guests short and quick dinner as they were many about to come in the following week. Which was also having Christmas in it. Alexis was sure that Julia had thought this through and she was going to stay till Christmas if not the new years.

God, don't let her be here in the new years. She winced.

They all had occupied the dining room and were enjoying the first-course meal.

"Ah, it feels so good to be back." Julia clapped her hands in excitement and looked around the house. "It looks beautiful!"

"It must have been long because it's been the same since you left." Alexis laughed a little making the old woman feel embarrassed and change the topic quickly. 

She smiled again, "Ah, yes. You never invite me over. It feels like you have casted me out."

Silence fell over all of the people in the room. This was a trick question; if answered Julia would immediately take to some responsibilities belonging to Alexis and if the answer is negatively then she would certainly cause a rift in the family.

Everyone casted glances at each other about what to say as no one had thought that she would bring up such a question at the dinner table.

It wasn't something Alexis had not dealt with before and whenever it came to a certain person named Julia Alexis's tongue was Quicker than the speed of light.

"Whatever would make you say that grandmother?" She frowned. "I believe that you have done your part when grandfather was the don, now I believe that you deserve the rest that you are getting." She smiled as Angelo nodded in agreement. "You are aged now and travelling such long distances can prove against your health so if you want to meet your grandchildren you can surely tell us." But I won't guarantee that we would come, she thought maintaining a smile. 

Julia tilted her face a little bit and smiled showing his teeth as if to snap at Alexis and tear her throat out. "Yes, you are correct." She glanced around the room ready to point out something and defuse the situation caused by her question.

But that was needed as uncle Marcus came to her rescue. "Angelo when is it that you were going to tell me about your expansion to Chicago and Miami?" Making Gabrielle shake his head but swallow his scoff.

Angelo narrowed his eyes a bit at the question thrown at him. Just who did this man think he was?

"Why would I tell you about it, uncle Marcus? You are in Italy, you couldn't have helped." Angelo took a straight yet diplomatic approach.

instead of getting the hint that Angelo did not want to talk to him and had dismissed him in the first place, Marcus continued the conversation, "yes but if you had asked for my help I would have come here immediately." He countered.

"Would you have?"Angelo repeated and looked at him in the eyes. Instead of looking at Angelo was staring at him, his eyes had turned talk and cold losing the warmth that he had at the beginning of the family dinner. he had passed on a message with his eyes and anyone even remotely using their brain would understand that Angelo did not want to talk further.

But once again Marcus was not the don for a reason.

"Yes, of course, I would have." He replied. He dared to reply and access can't help but pass a worried glance into Angelo's direction.

A kick came to his leg and Angelo looked forward to the person who was sitting right in front of him. His mother. Isabelle had a slightly pleading expression on her face for a second which Angelo noticed before looking away to his uncle and answering him. "I would remember to involve you." He said and then looked at the chef. "Bring in the next course." Marcus could not say anything else because Angelo had officially finished the conversation.

the clanking of the place was heard as the courses which changed and kept in front of them. Light conversations began as people started talking to each other.

"Grand opening?" Gabriel had a piece of conversation between Nikita and Alexis and smiled. "I take it you like the restaurant."

Alexis nodded with vigour and happiness shined in her eyes. "I will be honest with you. I was not expecting that result and to say the least, you have done a great job." She praised making him smile and thank her.

"Oh please," Isabelle came in and pulled her husband's leg. "Don't praise him that much is going to get in his head."

Alexis smiled at that too and casted a look next to her husband to see what he was doing. Angelo appeared to be thinking seriously about something and she could not help but act on the thought that crossed her mind.

His reaction would be worth seeing.

She but back her smile and leaned closer towards him. Within reach do his thigh moved her hand up making him look at her.

She lightly scratched her nails as her hand made its way upwards. She then stopped and with her pointer finger, she dragged her nail towards his knee with a coy expression.

His eyes narrowed at her.

Game on, baby.

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