Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 237 - Two Hundred And Thirty-seven.

The second course had already begun. Everyone sat in their groups and so did Alexis. But this time, Alexis had chosen to sit with the woman of the third and fourth in command. Instead of traditional family members. Merely because Julia had run her mouth and at the end moment, she had changed the seating plan.

Plus, Adriano's finance was sweet. Mia seemed to be a sweetheart and she was a doctor.

"The food is really good." Mia complimented while talking about another bite. "For a place just launching itself, it's really good."

"Thank you." Nikita beamed. "It took a while to find the chefs."

Alexis mailed a little as well. Her mind was still at the fact that Helena was that much troubled. She sighed, her appetite was gone.

The dessert was a choice. It was self-service and that allowed women to talk and mingle once again.

Alexis nodded as Cynthia said something about her daughter. "Yes and also, she scored among the top then of class."

"That's great." Alexis praised the girl who stood next to her mother confidently. "I hope you get a career of your choice."

She nodded as a blush crept in. "Thank you, Donna." She whispered.

"Oh look at that! She's all shy!" Her mother teased and Alexis winced a little at how the child might be feeling. "She's just going to be sleep after this. Her baby sheds all her time studying-"

"Oh, that's bad," Alexis commented immediately. She saw an opportunity and she took it.

The mother looked a bit shaken. "W-what?" Her husband would kill her if she stepped out of the line in front of Donna.

Alexis further explained with a concerned voice. "I mean, you cannot possibly be studying all day. You must find yourself a hobby or a..part-time job even. It would clear your mind a little and meeting new people always teach you something."

"Part-time job..." The girl spoke and Alexis encouraged her to do so. "I was thinking about to but father says that it's not a safe option."

Alexis nodded thoughtfully, "Hmm, that's true. How about here?" She smiled and took her hand in hers, "You could work here. My students do that. They earn their own pocket money."

Her mother looked at the child who seemed happy. She turned to Donna, "I think she would love it. Do you mind if I take it up with her father?"

"Take your time." Alexis said and then turned to the girl, "And you, invite your friends as well as you want. We can find some volunteer work." She smiled and moved forward.

Two tasks on her lists what checked now. The one was to meet Juliette's mother in law and the other to talk of jobs for girls outside their homes.

She took one more mousse this time of butterscotch flavour and moved to sit with her mother-in-law.

"This is tiring. My cheeks hurt from all the smiling and talking," she complained about a small smile to her mother-in-law as people were still looking at her. "It's like I am the guest of honour here."

Isabelle laughed softly. "That's because you are a child and you are going to be the centre of attention till the time you are son and daughter in law take the throne."

Son. Listening to that smile Alexis's smile faltered a bit.

Son. Child. She could be pregnant. Because of this possibility, Alexis had avoided drinking any alcoholic beverage for the night. She was not taking any chances until she received confirmation about her condition.

But that possibility could... She shook her head. She was not going to think about anything negative tonight.

"Ahem," she cleared her throat. "So did you like it all?" She waved her hand around the room. "I think ideas from various events."

Isabelle, who had just taken a bite, nodded as she hurriedly chewed on it. "actually I thought I would tell you about it tomorrow but since you've asked, it's all beautiful. I love how you have made desserts available for everyone so that they don't have to limit themselves to one table and the food especially, was the best of all." She moaned.

Alexis nodded and turned around you look at the room once more. She frowned when she saw Helen is being dragged out by Julia and what she hated the most was Helena was resisting.

"I'll be back in a moment." She told Isabelle and got up. She knew where Julia was taking Helena after all she had designed a layout of the building.

The Washrooms. And they were the ones at the back which meant they were not as frequently used.

"Why would you come here?! Did I not tell you to stay where you were?! Must spoil everything that comes your way, you have spoilt the life of my son and hey you are trying to take everything away once again!"

Alexis looked down with sadness. 'It's not a mystery why Helena's mental condition is in such deterioration. Which such demeaning and belittling words anyone's strong resolved with scatter within moments especially if they heard the word for over two decades.' she sighed as she heard more yelling. 'do I intervene? I do not want to worsen her condition more than it is now.'

Once again Alexis heard yelling but this time she closed her eyes and took a step back. What was she to do about it?

She took another step back at halted immediately when she heard Helena yell in pain. Now that was something she did not want to hear about.

She quickly raised steps back and open to the bathroom door banging it and then slamming it shut. Julia held Helena by her neck.

Alexis walks forward quickly making her heels echo inside the washroom. She Helena out of Julia's grab and pushed the woman back making her fall down.

"Are you alright?" She turned to look at Helena who nodded with tears in her eyes. 

Checking for any and injuries and finding none, Alexis turned to look at the woman who was on the ground.

It was high time that she showed this woman how to treat others with respect.

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