Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 238 - Two Hundred And Thirty-eight

"Are you even in your right mind?!" Julia screamed at Alexis. "I will let this go just this once! Now help me get up." She raised her hand for Alexis to take and help her get up. 

"Help you get up?" She scoffed and looked up for a second and back down at her. "I believe that where you are right now no one can bring you up." She stepped back and gave her a once over. "You are that fucking fallen down."

"Alexis! Mind your tongue!" Julia screamed again and tried to get up. "What do you think you are doing? You think you can dominate me around?"

"Hah! Dominate she says!" Alexis laughed. "Honey I'm not afraid to kill you right here and the condition that women is in no one is going to believe her even if she testifies against me," Alexis stated the fact with her shoulders rolled back, her footing firm and back straight. The woman was here to fight. "Who the hell do you think you are to raise your hand at another woman?!"

"I'll do whatever I want! That's my daughter-in-law." Julia growled. "Don't you dare think that you can get away with this, you are wrong! Don't you dare think that I will let this go!" She warned.

Alexis's eyes flashed with more anger. Rage, it was, seeping into her veins after what that woman said. Somehow she had taken Helena as her childhood self who could not stand against the bullies out of fear. But only this time her current self would be there to protect her.

"Julia, Julia, Julia.." she said with a sigh. "what makes you think that you can do anything with that woman?" She pointed at Helena. "Slavery times are over. She is an individual and demands respect like every other person out there. You are no one to take that away from her. You have no right to strangle her or even hold her hand without her permission-"

"I will do whatever I wan-"

"Don't interrupt me." Alexis spoke lowly but it conveyed how serious she was about this making Julia shut up that very moment. "Don't ever think of interrupting me. She is just as important to me or even more than you ever will be. Because of which, I warn you, never raise your hand again on her and if you ever do so, I swear to God you will never be able to pick it up again."

Julia scoffed as she stared at Alexis. "A princess who just came in yesterday into the world where I have been living since I was born, thinks she can tell me what to do?"

With all the disrespect Alexis rolled her eyes at her. "You think that you are living in a male-dominated society? Honey step out of the bubble that you are living in. This society is nothing compared to the one that I come from. I have worked in a society that was once dominated by men and here I am standing with my back straight and you lying down in front of me." She bent down and grabbed Julia but the collar, harshly picking her up. "There you go, that's the effort I have to put into picking you back up, just as much as I did to throw you down." Alexis reminded her and then took a bold, bold step.

She grabbed Julia's neck. "Do you want to know?" She squeezed a little. "do you wish to know how it feels when someone grabs your neck and squeezes the life out of you? It would be an experience that you have inflicted upon others. I think you must get it, don't you think so?"

For the first time, Julia felt fear of another woman. Pure, pissing her pants fear. She shook her head, tears forming into her eyes and shakily she held the hand that had grabbed her neck. "Pl-please no."

"Please?" Hearing that word from Julia almost made Alexis laugh out loudly. "Look at that I thought you were not familiar with such words. Thinking of it, you look nice saying them."

She squeezed a little more making Julia panic as the woman in front of her looked deranged. "Look at you, shaking and panicking with fear in your eyes, fear in your bones. Why is it that you understand the predicament that you put others in and when it is inflicted on you? Must you have it done to yourself?" Her words came out as if she was possessed. Nothing was said out for the situation rather the past and Alexis did not stop.

"I hate bullies Julia and I would appreciate it if you stop bullying people around me. Even if I am not familiar with them." She took her hand away and smiled, "I hope you understand grandmother. I am only talking about your safety and my sanity."

She turned around and turned on the faucet. She washed her hands thoroughly and invited Helena to do so too. She dried her hands and looked back at the shaken old woman. "I don't like using my power that much but if you do not fix yourself I won't hesitate to abuse it."

She walked out with Helena of course and whispered to her, "Use your brain, not power. Brain."

Alexis walked to the deserts and handed one plate to Helena whose daughter-in-law came and helped her through. Isabelle looked at her worriedly as her smile was now gone and had been replaced with an angry look.

"Everything all right?" She asked in a low voice to which Alexis nodded.

"Yes, just a little..itch I had to take care of." Alexis gave a tight-lipped smile to her. 

"Ladies, my darling ladies," Julia spoke as she took the centre stage and spoke with a Mic. "I wondered when would the young Donna throw her first party and here we are finally seeing that day. Somehow I thought that it might be after I was dead." She laughed but no one else did.. "I want to see whatever my grandson found in you. But you think that it is time that we see it as well?"

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