Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 262 - Two Hundred And Sixty-two

She had a book in her hand, what was its name? She did not even bother to know. For the past five or six hours, she had the book in her lab opened at a random page.

No one had bothered to come to her, for food or any necessities. She had concluded that being kidnapped at Angelo's house was better.

She sighed and moved to the window, gazing out of it. they had cleverly posted a man just below the window so that she knew that even though the window was small and would never say to her there was still a man standing there watching her.

she had never noticed or observed things as much as she has started to do when she entered this life. These men like to make subtle threats.

A sound came from outside and immediately turned towards the door. They had unlocked it.

But should she go out? Staying inside seemed like a better option and safe too.

so she continues to stand beside the window yet watched the door with an alert gaze. She waited for someone to come in in drag her out by her hair and probably shoot her in the head and end her life.

Almost instinctively her hand palmed her belly. She was scared for the life of her baby of not for herself.

Someone knocked on the door and she almost answered it but then remembered that she was the kidnapper one and she had no authority here.

"Good afternoon," a mid-aged woman came in. "If you are feeling alright I would like you to follow me somewhere." She set with a sweet yet turn voice almost reminding her of Agatha.

"Where?" She questioned stupidly. But it was worth a try maybe the women could answer.

She smiled instead. "Just a few more minutes and then you would know for yourself. Come, come." She beckoned her and hesitantly so, Alexis followed.

What could be the worse after last night?

The woman store in front of a door and then knock twice waited for acknowledgement and then open the door for Alexis. one thing she remembered was never to cover in front of people because of which she walked in with her head held high as if she was not scared at all.

There sat a man behind a desk looking exactly around the age of Gabriel that was, in his fifties.

he was watching her enter his eyes following every movement of hers and somehow making her insecure about her self. His eyes were enough to make her consider all the life decisions she had ever made.

"Why am I here?" She asked as soon as she entered the room and try to take a little bit of liberty along with the control that was much needed in this situation.

The man smiled a bit, mainly his lips quirked up a little bit. "All in good time kid sit down." He pointed to the chairs ahead of him and she did so as told.

He sighed and leaned back into his chair. "You are curious aren't you?"

She scoffed. "What could I possibly be curious of? That in the past 24 hours I have had a gun held to my head by a deranged woman then add my arm scratched by her with a nice and then I saw her get killed in front of me and then get kidnapped by the very killer who killed her." She nodded thoughtfully. "I think anyone would be anxious instead of curious towards coming next for them." She corrected.

The man laughed. A jolly good one and then pointed his finger at her. "You're a good one. I can tell you that that was what attracted me to your mother."

"My mother?" She repeated. "If you were attracted by her humour than I am sure you left at the speed of lighting." She muttered. her mother could have good humour for a few seconds and then it turns into a dark twisted one. From praising someone she could go to taunting and humiliating someone within seconds.

It was.... traumatizing.

"Ah. I would not say that. All we had was a brief encounter." He said.

"Did that brief encounter, by any chance, have..." She left the sentence hanging. God knew how much she was detesting it.

The man sighed. "Maybe," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Maybe?" She shrieked. "What does that mean, do you not know for sure?"

"because to be honest, I was waiting for you to give your consent to the DNA test." He explained. "You were unconscious when you Vir brought here and I make sure to get a doctor check you and the baby," he said pointedly as if he had already taken Alexis to be his child, "both of you are alright but he did recommend a good bed rest which we did give to you."

She stared at him impassively. How kind of h to provide her with that after he had killed someone in front of her and then kidnapped her.

"Hold on," she grabbed another point, "do you take me for a fool?"

"I'm sorry?" The man showed her a hint of astonishment.

"I said do you take me for a fool? you just told me that the doctor visited me and you want me to believe that you did not have him take any sample from me to prove that I am your daughter?" Alexis did not wait any longer to help she confronted him headfirst. "The conversation was said that you said about me giving my consent was just for you to gain my trust. Which I can assure you are not getting until I return to my own house unharmed."

He stared at her. Somehow, she realised this, there was this one tactic where every man's death and try to analyse and observe the person in front of them. This was something that she had seen every man do.

They were all the same which mean one thing for sure.

They all crave respect and they all could be fooled because of it.

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