Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 263 - Two Hundred And Sixty-three

She stood in front of the bed, directly in front of her husband who was lying down in the bed half dead.

But did she care? Not at all. After all, she was the one who had placed him there resulting in him being hooked up on a machine keeping him alive.

He had it coming to him for a very long time. Probably the time since they got married which was 50 years ago. 50 years that she had spent while being tortured both mentally and physically, fighting to be on the top yet resulting to be the one on the bottom.

The power had never been hers and only his.

Nicolas de'Alessandro, the big bag Mafia Don who had once conquered the country along with his father was now lying in bed because of one hit to the head that his wife had delivered. If only he could ever wake up and she the power held as well.

Even if he did wake up and see and realise what was going on, she was sure that within seconds he would die of a heart attack.

She walked to the side of the bed where the heart monitors were placed along with other necessary instruments. She stared at his face. In his prime, this man was ungodly handsome but he was even was on the inside rotten beyond the cure.

And she, his is a dedicated wife, had coloured herself in his colours without a second of thought.

That was the only regret she had. That she had ruined her innocence for a man that was never truly hers.

She leaned to his ear and whispered with a taunting smirk. "Tick tock, tick tock." She sang with a slight giggle. "Your time has come." She smiled.


She got out of the car with her sunglasses perched up on her nose and a new Prada bag tucked underneath her arm. The woman who was in her seventies boost confidence as she walked to the entrance of the house that was once considered to be the enemies of the family.

She did not wait for a god to come and take her inside the house. She knew her way around she had been here countless times.

She opened the door to the office of the young Don and placed her purse on his desk taking a seat in front of him.

"You don't fear for your own life do you," Francesco said as he continued to look at the paperwork in front of am not bothering to give the woman in front of him a glance. "Maja remind you your family still considers me to be an ally so if I kill you no one would ever know."

She smirked. "But are you truly?" She leaned forward and stared into his eyes. "you did not invite me to your sister's funeral. I feel sorry for the way Tatiana died."

The man did not even blink in return and Julia knew that the man had made his peace with the fact that his sister had been killed. "You don't have any feelings for vengeance." She concluded. "Why?" She tilted her head in the utmost curiosity.

He scoffed. "you mistake me to be your grandson when you ask me a question and expect me to answer it."

She sighed and leaned back. "You must have something to say."

He smirked. "I heard that Nicholas de'Alessandro has suffered from a heart attack. Sorry to hear that." He Titled has had just like she had done. "Mind telling me, that if anything ever happens to him what would your powerless self do?" He taunted with a smile.

"Excuse me?" she remained motionless knowing that if she showed him but she truly felt that he would have the ball in his court.

"Nothing." He shook had ever so innocently that no one would ever doubt his intentions being impure. "In this life, Julia as I suspect you might know, a woman usually derives her power from either the maiden family name that she had ordered the one should receive from her husband because usually, women don't choose to work." Due to security reasons and what not but he did not mention those. "now as far as I remember your husband never maintained anything with your family and eventually the ties broke off. Now my question is your husband is almost dead and you come to my door expecting to be greeted with respect." He stood up and tower her coming around the corner. "Why don't you tell me what is it that you have to offer me?"

She smiled and replied. "Everything."


Alexis had been traced. She had been traced an hour ago but in a completely different state for which Angelo would need to travel for hours. they had to take the roadways AS level would not allow as much as amination as he needed.

Nothing had ever made him most furious than this and God forbid for the entire Williams family if his child or the mother had had a scratch on them.

They had been driving at an unbelievable speed but the cops had been paid off informed so no one was going to stop him and given that it was the middle of the night no call dad to come out of his car when he saw a whole motorcade moving.

This life certainly paid off but not in the way anyone wanted.

His phone rang and he picked it up. "What?" He muttered saving his strength for what was about to come.

"Betrayal makes us furious, doesn't it?" Angelo immediately recognises the voice and the taunting tone that had to make him feel furious for the lack of a better word. "But what if I tell you a family member murdering the other for no apparent reason? No significant logic?"

Angelo sneered as he answered, "Did the loss of your sister make your brain go Haywire?"

The man Laughed, "Not really.. but your brain would go Haywire when I tell you that your grandmother is sitting in my house trying to sell me your secrets."

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