Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 271 - Two Hundred And Seventy-one

The funeral would be held tomorrow and the new don, her grandson, would have arrived by now. She was no longer the member of the family but someone who was wanted by all of them. Someone who had killed the grandfather of the Don in his own house, i had struck him with a vase even before and now, had eventually killed him.

She was a criminal to the entire nation.

But did she fear what was going to come? No, she didn't.

Julia was aware of the fact that she could never take on the mafia on her own, especially at the age where her own bones couldn't take her weight. But that also didn't mean that she was out of options. Being the wife of the don meant that she was aware of a lot of things, things that people were not aware of; even his inner circle and she was to take full advantage of that.

The most astonishing fact of all, at this moment would be the unawareness that people would possess. Some won't know what happened and the advantage of it was unlimited.

No many would know what exactly was the grandfather dead of especially that his wife had killed him and was still on the run. It would take time before the alliances would start in helping out too and till then she would have enough time.

Enough time to sow the seed and enough time to watch 'em all go down.

Staring at the fire lit in fireplace, she sipped her tea. "I am not stupid." She whispered, "Nicolas will see. He will see that I am too, a mastermind, even better than him."


The preparations for tomorrow's funeral had been completed but since she didn't have much knowledge about it she had taken Isabelle along with her. The funeral too was no less than that of given to a royal and everyone in attendance was supposed to dress like one. There was a particular dress code to be followed, an indication of respect to the house and in mourning too.

So basically it was supposed to be black and white.

"Thank you for coming in on such a short notice; I had no idea in particular on what to do." Alexis sighed as she thanked Isabelle for coming in. her house was not far but still.

Isabelle only smiled with a little sympathy in her eyes, "That alright child. No need to mention it. I can only imagine how much overwhelmed you might be in this situation."

"Very much." Alexis sighed. The whole world watched her, it seemed. Since she was soon to be the mother of who could be the next Don, the guards were always watching, the maids had taken upon themselves to learn basic English, one had started to have a British accent, and then came Angelo.

He wasn't really affected by the death of his grandfather and she could tell why. No one would ever mourn for their abusers, torturers yet he acted aggrieved enough that people knew to stay in their limits.

"Well double, no triple it because when tomorrow he funeral is being hosted you have be like him." Isabelle laughed. "It's going to be tough no kidding. You have to take care of a lot of things, especially what you eat. Only eat what Agatha gives you." she suggested.

Be like Angelo that would be easy. She concluded.

When arrived back at what she called the castle was met by no one but the butler, Tonino which was bad because that meant that everyone else was practically hiding from Angelo. Something new must have happened.

He too her coat, a light one for the cold breeze as she asked him, "Where is he, Tonino?"

"In his office ma'am," he hesitated a bit before saying, "May I advise you to not go. The Don does not look good at the very moment."

He never looked good to me, she smiled at his concern. "Don't worry."

She walked to his office that once belonged to the don but like the rest of the house was teared down. She didn't fear his reaction knowing that she was pregnant he could never hurt her. She knocked on the door but no one replied. She knocked again but the same happened. Sighing she just opened the door.

He sat there, behind the desk, leaned back on the chair with his head facing the ceiling. He seemed to be asleep or at least wanted to give that expression.

"What's up?" she said loudly to get his attention and he cracked an eye open at that.

"Go away. I am irritated Alexis, don't trouble me more." He closed his eyes again.

She pitied him. Time and again Angelo had mentioned how hard it had been and how she could see, with the scrutiny of so many he could not afford to make a mistake. She walked behind me him and ran her fingers through his hair gently. She massaged his head and his frown disappeared slowly.

"Tell me Angelo." She whispered and he nodded.

"There was a symbol on the bullet that was shot at my grandfather. It had a symbol of the Ricci family on it. I had it sent for authentication. Now I wait the results." He revealed as her hands continue.

"The post mortem reports came?" after receiving the knowledge that he was shot, Angelo had given the go for medical examination immediately.

He nodded once again. "Yes, the bullet was taken out and they noticed the house symbol of a grenade and nails on it. There was something else that confirms your words of last night to me."

"What? To be wary of her?" he confirmed by a nod. "What did it?"

He grabbed her hand and pulled her into his lap, gently being mindful of her condition. "There was a head wound on her nonno's head. He was struck with something before dying, weeks at least which would explain why be was not there at the Christmas celebration. Then there were drugs found in his blood which tell us that he was purposely kept unconscious an while everyone else was told that he was on a vacation and he didn't want to be disturbed but where they found a bullet with the symbol of another family on it that makes it way more complicated. So much so that.." his words disappeared after that making her look at him.

"That?" she asked.

"That you might have to witness your first war.." He completed and she wished she had not asked.

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