Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 272 - Two Hundred And Seventy-two.

Her heart stilled at his words. So much so that even he noticed it or maybe he knew it was going to happen. Alexis had not experienced a shoot out much less a war. It would be a devastating experience for the mother to be. He rubbed her back offering her the comfort no one ever offered him. "It's going to be alright. Do not worry I will do everything I can in my power to not go to war."

She wanted to believe him but the reality was far from it. Come to think of it, if that the Ricci family was responsible for the murder of former Don then it was only a given a fact that Angelo had to declare a war against them and if he had declared a war he was going to be the first one in the line to fight.

She let out a shuddered breath. She had grown to be near him, his awkward attempts at providing her comfort and his stone-cold eyes. Whatever it was she had grown to be near and close to them.

And now that they were having a child together it was going to be her first nightmare to lose the father of the baby.

She nodded, having nothing else to say. "Come and have lunch. The reports would take time." She held his hand and got up, he followed and both of them walked to the bedroom.

She turned around a little and glanced above her shoulder. It was the same painting behind Angelo's desk.

The painting with an upside-down reality.

She shook her head and continued to walk out. It had been in his office in New York, in Chicago and then even here in Italy.

Her chair was pulled out by him and after he took a seat, they began to eat.

Silence blanketed them, but not enough for her to stay quiet. "What do you think Julia did it for? I told you my opinion about it but I never got to know yours."

He sighed, his exhale was heavy. "I think that either someone made her do it or even 50 years of marriage together could not make her appreciate him enough which further makes me think that if 50 years of togetherness is not enough that how can we know each other in a year."

Fuck, it clicked, this meant that he had believed her when she had portrayed to love him that night. It was Julia that had ruined her plans unknowingly making Angela question feelings for him that you developed during the year.

Even though she was miles away from her she had still managed to ruin one thing that Alexis thought was going to be saving one day but power was nothing but a relentless struggle and she was in no mood to give up.

"Angelo," her hand covered his on the table, "I'll be honest with you here. When you came to meet at night what the belt in your hand I seriously thought that you're going to hit me." Satisfaction flooded her heart when she saw a change in his expression. "I have to live with you for the rest of my life along with the children that we're going to have and it probably does not give a good image of us if we can only think of hitting each other whenever we see fit as punishment."

"So what do you suggest? Tell me what punishment that we give to each other as to see that we will never repeat the same mistake." Demanded Angelo.

She sighed and leaned back into her chair. That was not what she had expected him to say. Nevertheless, she still kept the reins to herself.

"Well since you've asked, for the first mistake I ever made I think we should forgive each other for that and then for the second one we can decide on minor punishments like who takes care of the baby for the whole day."

His frown grew more at that, "I can't take care of a baby when I am working."

She smiled stiffly, surely he could fuck one any time of the day.

She cleared her throat, "That was just a suggestion. We would decide about that later." She offers in Star and once again began eating.

"Tomorrow is the funeral, Alexis, please." She stilled at the time he had, "My grandfather and father for a force to be reckoned with and I need to establish my kingdom here without the help of my father and grandfather without dam guiding me with my allies and enemies and I need you to be on my side."

"I am on your side." She defended immediately. "I am—"

"Don't try to fool me," he cut her off, "I am aware of the fact that you think of running away whenever you receive the chance. People are going to offer you one and then when they have you with them they going to kill you if not then torture." His lips thinned into a smile, "If you cannot think of my image then think of your home because if you agree you are forever portraying yourself as a weak and stupid woman who practically slapped her way to the top."

The only thing she hated. "I understand." She murmured going back to eating.

Stupid and a whore. That's what he wanted to say and she understood.

A war brewing, her image in front got the whole world that he grew up in, she was nothing.

She had been reduced to nothing.

She was laying down on the bed as it was her nap time. The pregnancy had made her feel sleepy in the afternoon when she had been full from eating. Plus, when she had worked taking a nap in the afternoon seemed like a luxury which now she was able to take.

She looked over when she har her phone vibrate taking her phone in her hand from the citable she saw that it was Nadine calling.

She had forgotten about the case that she had given her.

"Hello, Nadine. How are you?"

"Good madam. I wanted to get your permission on something."

Alexis browse shot up for a second before replying, "What is it?"

"The previous case that you sent me on was of sexual harassment and, to be honest there has been many in the state let alone the country so I was thinking if you could allow me to take on those cases while doing your work as well."

Sometimes God had a peculiar way of showing someone something that they were meant for.

Angelo had nothing to do with the civilians like he had claimed a lot of times, he simply did not harm innocent lives and from Nadine's call, Alexis understood that her calling for helping out people where she could.

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