Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 293 - Two Hundred And Ninety-three

"Angelo!" She screamed and within moments guards entered and after a minute or two, so did Angelo. Alexis took the kids away to her room as she still listened to her husband as a dutiful wife and stayed out of his room. For which he had thrown her out for. 

She had the kids on the bed and looked out of the room to the hallway where the door to her kid's bedroom could be seen.

Angelo came to her and hugged her closely, "Don't worry. It could be a prank for all we know. Sleep, for now, I'll have the cameras checked." 

Alexis nodded and closed the door to her room with her children and side with them. She made sure to sleep with them make sure her mind was not at all calm. She did not even blink her eyes as she stared at her children sleeping on her bed safe and sound.

When she had opened the cupboard her eyes immediately saw something red and she made out the word 'Bastards die'. She knew that it was talking about her children but how could someone coming to their house with the security that they had and enter into her children's bedroom?

The halls but never empty. There was always one member of staff roaming in them cleaning something and everyone was familiar with the faces of each other which is why it made it harder for Alexis to believe that it was an intruder.

She sat up on the couch that she was sitting in. Just have to be an inside job because no one from the outside had the access to the house and whosoever there could not come into their floor.

She stood up immediately and open the door in a hurry but only came to a standstill as she remembered that she still had the children in her room. If this was an inside job then the Intruder could be waiting for the opportunity to murder children any moment.

"Alexis?" She turned around to find Angelo coming from the front of the hallway probably coming to his bedroom. "Why are you not sleeping yet?"

She shook her head. "I cannot sleep knowing that there is someone out there who is going to murder my children and is considering them bastards."

He took a sharp breath and peered into the room to his children."What do you think?"

"No one could have come inside the house without having encounter one of the guards and his clearance level would have been checked. Angelo, only a handful of people that I can count on my fingers are allowed to come to our floor and even less into our children's bedroom. So if it is not an inside job, what is it?"

"Inside job . . . . " He muttered, "It would have taken even longer to write the words. . . "

"Was it blood?" She asked, "Was it real blood that they wrote out the words in?"

Angelo's eyes scanned the women that stood in front of him like a mother who was ready to dash on to the person who had questioned her children's security. The blood was real and belonged to a human but Angelo could not possibly tell her that which is why he lied. "Now it was pig's blood."

She nodded and her breathing visibly calmed down.

Pig's blood was certainly better than her own children's.

"Who was it, Angelo?" She asked and her breathing picked up again. "If I hadn't opened up the closet then we would have never known that there was someone inside . . ." She sobbed, "They will kill my babies!"

"Alexis, love, no." He gathered her shaking body in his arms letting her cry it all out. He agreed on all of her concerns, they were right after all someone had entered their children's bedroom with the intentions of threatening their lives.

He was furious too but Angelo knew that he had to act without panicking and letting the angry crowd his mind and judgement.

He wrapped her arms back letting her cry it all out and lessen the burden on her heart while he tried to soothe her with his words.

"Love, I will increase security around the house and they will be cameras installed in our children's bedroom. If you want to add something more that can be done too but you need to stop crying and take charge." He cooed, "They cannot know Alright?"

"B-but," she hiccupped, "What i-if someone kills them on the path-their way from the school or is it?"

He smiled sadly at that, his own heart broke. "I am sorry then but a few things will always be according to fate no matter how many precautions I take sometimes what death wants to take, it takes."

"Don't say that!" She glared at him.

He smiled at her. "My words will never change anything that is bound to happen. I will do everything in my power to make sure that my children and family are protected but Alexis I am no one and in front of God and his will."

Her body shook again and he hugged her again. "We will find out who did this and I assure you that the people will think twice before targeting them."

She nodded her head to his words. "Please do."

He pulled her close tighter, enjoying the closeness he and with her. If Angela loved something that was consoling his wife when she was at her lowest. It made him feel responsible for her. Something they wanted to do.

"Now, if you don't mind, can I stay in the room too?" He pulled away from her. "I am a bit worried about what the kids too and I would like to sleep with them if you have no problem with that."

She looked at him and then at the children. They were his too and she could not deny the fact so she nodded and let him through. Both of them taking either side of the bed with their children between them.. She closed her eyes and sleep came to her once again she had trusted him without having realised it.

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