Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 294 - Two Hundred And Ninety-four

The camera showed a hidden figure and Angelo and Alexis both stared hard at the screen. It was hard to swallow that someone had entered the house while crossing the barren halls. "How could someone know the exact time when the guards were changing positions?" She whispered and heard him sigh.

"An inside job I guess. . " He said as he stared at the screen too. This was hard to believe. 

She turned to him with her eyes hard, "That's all you are going to say?!" She screeched. "That is our house where a person happens to enter the room writing death threats like a kid doodling on the walls."

He sighed harshly before rebuking back. "There is fucking extent to which I can do things. Sorry to say, but I ain't god!"

The tensions were getting to them. It was the life of their children on the line which made it even more essential to know who's the hell did a person enter.

"It must have taken a lot of precision," he tsked, "Julia cannot do that. Too old. Madison cannot be taught. ."

"In five years?" Alexis intervened.

He glanced at her wondering and then nodded. "That is. . . . Possible."

They both sighed in resignation. This was going to take time.

"Are going to find Madison?"

He nodded. "I'll give out the word. She can't hide for much longer. Whoever is it, is acting with precautions but would get caught somewhere."

It's funny how he had gotten undetected after what he did for five years straight. No one had ever gotten suspicious of his mental capabilities.

"Be careful Angelo," she wanted with a slight smile on her face. "You never know how one might turn out to be."

He stared at her. His curiosity was a given reaction but Alexis wanted to continue hinting at him.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

She smiled gracefully and tilted her head slightly, "Why, it's just advice. You have done all good things to me. What can't I give you any advice?"

She was giving him mixed signals. Taunting while advising him.

"Alexis, what are you hinting at?"

She smiled more at that. A Cheshire grin. "A few things that are done by you." She sang and stood up and walked out, "Tata." She waved him off.

Next Alexis was driven to the law firm where she found Ivan waiting for her.

"What can I do for you?" She asked taking a seat and pointed at one for him to take.

He hurriedly did and looked panicked. "Madam, the file. The file that was given to them which led to the arrest of the Don!"

She furrowed, "What about it? Do you have it?"

He shook his head, "That is the thing madam. They usually let me read the classified files but this time that file is only read by all the higher-ups in fact in the office on the middle level are not allowed to even see it. It is locked away!"

Then it was something to be worried about. If the file could not be seen by what Ivan claimed was anyone except the higher up then she has to worry about the contents in it.

"No way you can get it?" She asked with a worried hint as well.

He leaned back into the chair and thought about it. "I can . . But I need time. Also, if I get it then someone else has to come and give it to you I cannot be seen around anyone belonging to the family."

She nodded. "That's understandable. Take care of yourself Ivan and be patient."

He thanked her and left.

This was another issue for her to worry about. As if Julia was not enough now she has to deal with the file that a security agency had and which would lead to them squishing down the organisation within minutes.

Alexis knew that she could not get out and that was not what she had learnt in therapy but that Angelo has started to include her in the business and Alexis could not stand being unaware of anything.

She was involved and people had seen her. 

She took out a piece of paper and write down a few things.

First of all, was Julia just as a suspect because she was not confirmed to be involved in any of the incidents.

Then was the masked man or women who had entered their house and no one had paid attention to it.

Then came the file which was given anonymously to the CIA and happened to be in the hands of just the higher-ups which no one was breathing a word about.

She then wrote the 50-50 chance.

There was a 50% answer all of this was being done by one person or organisation behind and a 50% chance that different enemies were targeting than at one point in time.

A thought came to her mind should she have a few reserved funds for children if he ever went to jail for a crime she did not even commit?

She opened her drawer and looked at the envelope she and never opened. Maybe, he could help. 

Maybe, this could be a better distraction. She unfolded the paper and read through the contents.

Dear Alexandra,

Yes, Alexandra, that was the name I had decided to give to my first child instead your mother choose the first four letters to mock my love for you. This may seem unfair and a mockery to you when I say that I have loved you from the very start when I was not even present at the moment when your mother birthed you. I wanted to be there hild, trust me I did. But your mother ran away into hiding along with her pregnancy.

Vanessa has always been a messed-up woman who has craved attention and obsession with herself which is why she always found coming back to me but when she realised that my lifestyle was more than accession and showering her with gifts Vanessa, the very next day, was nowhere to be found.

I apologize from the bottom of my heart but after some time, I had to give up looking for her because I was not aware that she could be with my possible heir or daughter. Now, here we are, with the daughter that I always wanted but whose life I could not be a part of.

I truly wish that someday you would accept me as your father or even a father figure and we could spend time together. I would listen to you as I always wanted to listen to my daughter and protect you from any harm that would present danger to you.

Please consider this someday and give me a call.

Yours hopefully,


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