Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 301 - Three Hundred And One.

"I am joking when I say a shiver went up to my spine." Alexis cracked a joke to lighten up the atmosphere which had thickened up due to the last thing Rachel had said.

"Forgive me," she blinked her eyes repeatedly, "It's just . . . There is this overwhelming urge to give them a taste of what they have done and then there is . . I don't know something inside me that wants to move on and-nd become a better person." Rachel, at the end of a ramble, looked at Alexis with a highly confused expression like she had no idea what she was doing. "Am I sounding right? To me, it is I don't even know what I want anymore."

"What is it you don't want? Let's start there." Now, she felt like her therapist Bailey Peterson.

Rachel sighed and leaned back in her chair. She nodded as she thought over, "I don't want . . . To ever see that man again or have my children ever come near him. I don't want to ever come close to a man because now I am not sure."

Alexis smiled sadly because it was sad but it was the truth. No one ever realised that when one made an impression it always stayed there forever. It tainted the trust, or more like shatter it forever.

That was what Angelo had done time and again, he had repeated his faults and Alexis had no power but to forget about it.

Even though he had hidden grave facts from her it felt like he should have told her about the miscarriage then and there. He never should have kidnapped her in the first place. He should have never raped her.

He did not have that right. Nobody did.

"Revenge would be taken if the mistakes are repeated," Alexis repeated to which Rachel nodded her head.

"Yes ma'am. I know I'm never going to be in a position of power where I can snub an ex-police officer. But if it comes to protecting my children in any way, I will take the law in my hands . . . Because at times it can not give you what you want."

Alexis and nodded as well. That was true.

She looked to the wall behind Rachel and saw Ivan standing there—

"Thank you, Rachel." Alexis cut it short in a hurry, "The lawyers will talk to you about what needs to be done next and everything will be done according to your wishes."

They both shook hands and Rachel left. As soon as Rachel closed the door Ivan barged in.

Adrenaline rushed through as she saw him here, "Ma'am." He huffed out the words, "It's . . . Bad." He wheezed out.

"How bad?" She whispered as fear gripped her heart and made it pound harder. "What's in the file?"

"I couldn't get the original but I could click a few pictures. Bless technology for that."

"Yes yes," she made the Christian sign in a hurry.

He handed her the file and placed his hands in his pockets showing his nervousness about the situation.

She snatched it from him and hurriedly opened the file and fumbled with the pages she turned back to the first page and read through the contents with a shaking hand.

She read through as Ivan watched.

"Wait what?!" She snapped shut and looked at it, "That's not even half of the shit he has done or even a fourth of it!" She yelled. "What is that?!"

"A joke . . I guess . . "

"A joke?" She repeated. "Do you see me laughing then?"

He shook his head.

"What is this Ivan?" She pointed at the fire that she had now kept on the table. It had significantly nothing if Angel had to go to jail than for these charges he would go for at most 10 years or 15.

Ivan shook his head grimly, "That is what the CIA received. Technically this is a good start for all of them because it has significant proof and evidence to get him into jail and not just at the agency. That is why it is a big deal. Also, it is written on the last page that more will be provided later." 

She sighed and took a seat slowly and sighed. "More will come, huh." She mumbled looking away.

How much information could Julia have or even if it was a hacker that she had how much information could they have? This only concluded that there was someone else, someone bigger and better and more powerful than Julia who was helping her.

But the question was why was someone helping Julia?

Because in the end, she was an old woman who was out for revenge which anyone could tell was off the rails so no one in their right mind would ever help and go against one of the more world's most powerful organised crime organisations.

That meant Julia was only a pawn and there was something bigger and much dangerous going on which they might have had no idea about.

She should be a crime show's writer.

She turned to look at the man, "I thought you said that you couldn't come."

He nodded, "My cousin is a lawyer here."

Alexis nodded and then asked, "Did anyone see you?" He shook his head. So further continued, "Alright then, is there any way that you can make sure these charges can be countered?"

He looked down for a moment and then nodded, "There is but it is quite a lot of paperwork so it would take me at least two days. I'll have it sent over."

She nodded. "Send it directly to him." She would give the file to him too.

Ivan Adams nodded and left. Alexis once again opened the file.

Drugs. That was what he had been charged with and Alexis knew that with this much evidence hardly Angelo could take a sentence of 10 years.

Not a big of a punishment for him but Alexis knew that it would Sure be something.

Her phone rang and she picked it up.

"Where are you?" She heard her husband say.

"The law firm, why?" She frowned. Why was he asking her this all of a sudden?

"Meet me at home. I have something important to discuss." Saying so he hung up.

This had not happened many times in the past years of the marriage that he had called her home for some kind of emergency. So whenever he did she came running to wherever he said.

Picking up the file, she moved out and drove home knowing that it was something of utter importance.

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