Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 302 - Three Hundred And Two

She stepped into the mansion and Agatha informed her that the Don was in her office. She entered the office and saw him sitting on the couch. Usually, she would have gone to sit next to him but given the circumstances and his disloyalty she chose to set in front of him.

"What is it?" She asked with a concerned expression.

"Madison was caught, as I told you." He revealed and she nodded. "Now the most important thing is, I know where Julia is and the message has been sent that she won't be alive for long."

She frowned, "Message?" Text message—

"Madison's dead body." He answers immediately clearing all of the doubts.

"Okay," she nodded clearing her throat and wondered why did she even get surprised at this point. "Now what?"

He sighed and leaned forward, staring into her soul. That gave was something that she had not seen in the past 5 years. That was the stare of a cold Mafia boss and not her husband and a father.

"Now, I am going to make sure that through Julia that sends out a message and whoever it is that it is backing her needs to understand who he is exactly trying to mess with."

"Wait, you know that there is someone else who is. . Using Julia as a puppet?"

He nodded. "Like a puppet, I'm not sure but I know one thing for sure that Julia must have gone to them first without realising that she has no power against us, just information."

So she got used? That meant that Alexis was right in thinking that in the end Julia has been trapped in her web and her theory stood correct.

"But," she raised a finger, "Maybe she isn't the culprit here."

His face contorted into an ugly expression as you remember that his mother died because Julia had killed her and if she hadn't then it could have when his wife. "The fuck are you talking about woman?"

She gulped at his expression but still explained, "I don't understand for Madison but Julia, don't you think that she has suffered all her life under a man that has been very abusive both mentally and physically. Isabelle was loved by people and Julia, I cannot even say the term respected. She wanted respect from people and wanted them to acknowledge the power that she had which led her to be a narcissist. The same thing happened, that instead of love if it was the fear that was going to give her what she wanted then she took it."

"What are you getting at?" His leg bounced up and down in impatience.

"All I am saying is, she is not the villain here, she is just . . Broken."

"What?" He barked and then laughed. "You mean to tell me that psycho woman who has been going around killing people and selling information is just a little broken girl?!"

"Yes," she nodded firmly. "Angelo, it matters a lot when it comes to your mental health. Because believe me or not, but a woman can be suppressed and made sure that she will only cook and do nothing but when she wants she can go out and conquer the world. It is the same for any person out there."

He scoffed making her redden, she continued to talk with a pinched face. "Julia is a woman who is 70 years old, she can not do anything alright but your mother got killed by her and if not your mother it was going to be me. I think it's time to start estimating people to their capabilities." Authoritatively she said.

"Really?" He rose a brow, taunting her back.

She nodded.

"Pray do tell me, how is she just broken then?"

She stared at him with a little dip in her forehead. Did he not hear what she had just said? "Broken, as in she is in an unwell and confused state of mind and if she was a villain then we would have found a pattern for which she is doing all of this." She explained, "I suppose the person that is using Julia as a puppet is it, true villain, here."

Angelo nodded seeming interested, "But what if, they were a broken person too?"

That's when she realised that Angelo was not interested in the conversation rather he was just mocking her point of view for this.

"Angelo! This is not funny." She spat. "Julia might not be the one who is responsible for all of this but just a puppet-like we are assuming!"

"It doesn't matter." He shook his head. "At the end of the day, she is the one who was responsible for a lot of pain that my family was caused and that of my mother which makes her enough guilty in my eyes to have her throat slit."

Alexis shook her head. "No one is stopping you of that. Julia deserves punishment for killing someone." She leaned back into the couch with a tired expression on her face. "Just, it wasn't her fault Angelo." She shook her head with a pitiful expression on her face. "Don't punish your grand father tortured her to the level where she thought that taking revenge from the whole organisation of thousands of people a sane option."

Come to think of it, if Julia still was in her right mind she would have never killed Nicolas or even think of going against an organisation that had the police and the politicians in their pockets. If given the chance that she would have moved very far away and left everyone alone but it was her mental state and irrational thinking which led her to believe that revenge was the only option to make herself once again respected.

How cruel was life?

"I don't give a shit to any of that. I will what I want regarding the killer of my mother. Tortured before or not, she will be now. Just like Madison was." He stood up and stared down at her while buttoning his jacket. "Now, stay within your limits.. Don't forget your place I am not going to tolerate this behaviour from you."

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