Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 41 - Forty-one.

"You called, Sir." Madison purred as she swayed her hips while walking towards him, completely ignoring Alexis's presence on the waiting chair and licking her lips wanting to enhance her sex appeal more.

"Stop." One word from the owner; Robert and she stopped immediately and in fact, she looked dumbfounded. Madison knew the effect she had on people especially men and rejection was something she had not expected.

"Madison," he began, "your behaviour, is something not approved by our owner, so it has been decided that you will be fired."

"M-me?" She pointed a finger at herself and watched everyone with wide eyes. "You're firing me?" She spoke again, barely whispering.

"Yes I am," Robert confirmed, "The investor or I'd rather say the owner has told me to do so. I would suggest that you go and talk it out with them." He had pointed at Alexis when he said that she was the owner and sat in his chair, completely ignoring Madison and focusing on Alexis again.

"Madam, would you like to enjoy the club? I can suggest a few cocktails mixes here that customers love having. Would you like to try?" Robert wanted to impress her and he could do anything for it.

Alexis merely nodded his way, got up and left, followed by her guards. Her job here was done.

"What are you firing me for, because of her?" Madison yelled at the man who she had spent nights with to gain favours and now apparently none of those things was of use today.

"Shut up!" He hissed, speed walking to the door, he slammed it shut. "Do you fucking know who she was? She has the power to kill your family no the entire neighbourhood you lived in!"

"Who is she?!!?" She yelled back with more anger and hostility in her voice.

"The man you've been dreaming to seduce, remember? She is his fucking wife!"

Madison stepped back in confusion. Angelo De'alassandro had chosen a wife and the news wasn't even known? Was her chance to power already been taken away from her? She had given up everything for it!

"No that's can't be true. Please if can't! I would die if it did! One night, one night is all I ask for, Robby I swear I would take you into new heights too!" She begged him. Tears came out of her eyes as she spoke. Everything she had worked for the past five years had gone to dust.

"One night? You ask for that?" He scoffed loudly. "A made man would rather die than cheat on his wife with a bloody whore-"

"Watch it, Robert!" She yelled.

"Oh shut it! It's been long overdue anyway, you think I don't know how many times you've broken my policies? Compromised my employee's security and the times you got others fired for your mistakes?!" He recalled everything that she had done. She had brought in lots of profits that could be written off the books and into his offshore accounts. But now she was created trouble and she had to be cut loose.

"You never had a problem with it before? When I had legs spread in front of you." She sassed back.

"You said it yourself, darling. You had something to give and so did I. It's giving and take. You can't do either, you're of no use, that's how the world's works." He smirked back. A life lesson, he didn't think he'd ever give one in this field of work.

"I-I" Madison didn't have anything to say. It was true whatever she said was true and she couldn't be any more surprised.

"What do I do?" At least he could help her with that.

"Well to begin with and to end it as well, just lick Alexis's feet. All that you can do is that because she is the steering the ship that you want in, in." He shrugged.

"Huh." She whispered. If that wants she had to do.


"So did you enjoy it?" Liza shyly asked her as she hid a little behind Parker. Shyness could be mistaken for embarrassment at the moment.

Really? "Yes, I did. Wonder what could have stopped me from it?" She smiled a little. She hoped that Liza would understand the taunt.

"See, I'm so happy that you enjoyed the night. So when are we going out next?" She hopefully asked Alexis.

Alexis sighed, perhaps she had expected too much from a desperate soul. Liza was still in hopes of entering Alexis's friend circle and it seemed that nothing could deter her of off it.

"I'll see and tell you when I'm free, Kay?" She smiled as she took a seat in her car and they drove away, without waiting for Liza's answer.

"So how was it?" Liam asked her from the front seat.

"Good. I have more planned though. I'll keep them around for some time, you know. It'll be fun to play around." She shrugged and Liam laughed.

Yet Alexis didn't, she was rather shocked about this change. It seemed like the deep dark side of her that was buried inside, had chiselled itself and appeared on the top.

She sighed, this was not her. Or maybe it was. Nothing made sense. Angelo had abducted her and she was behaving normally, dining with him and making routines. Was she not afraid any more or was this her fear of life making her do this? Maybe the fear of being sold or killed had made her chose the better option. 

Her phone pinged and she pulled it out of her clutch. Her phone was taken but she was given a new one and it was made clear to her that her activities were monitored.

'I hope you enjoyed it and I remind you again, you can do much more than this.' -Angelo. 

The power that she felt with these words made her rethink all her theories. She liked the revenge, she liked having Madison fired and she lived it.. Alexis knew this but she did not have the power to acknowledge it.

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