Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 42 - Forty-two.

"Hey," Angelo softly called as he entered her room. "Are you alright?" He looked concerned.

She had showered, changed and moisturized. She felt dead tired and was ready for bed. "Hi," she answered. Speaking felt tiring today too.

Angelo softly chuckled, "what is it? Tired already?" He said. Alexis then noticed that he was in his sweats as well. Angelo unlike others always wore a pair of cotton t-shirt and pyjamas to bed, comfort mattered to him. According to Agatha, one could never be more secured and Angelo had to be ready for a night attack as well.

"Yes. Drained." She got up and walked to the bed, getting under the covers, she got comfortable.

"That tough?" He asked lying opposite to her so that they were face to face.

"Very," she sighed. All she wanted to do now was to sleep. "I never expected myself to be vengeful, you know. I was minding my own business and I was happy-"

"You were not happy, my love. You, I think we're not even content, to begin with. You were just living your life. You had no social life, now you do, you had no one for your back and now you do. You just have to open your arms and take it, that's all."

"That's all?" She repeated.

"Yes." He confirmed. "That's all."

Leaning in, his lips met hers. He kissed her gently, as much as he could he restrain himself. To her, it felt foreign. Years had passed since she had had male contact and sexually, it naturally felt foreign to her.

Foreign but good foreign.

She copied his movements, kissing him back, turning him on more. She ran her hand through his hair as he did on her thigh and back. As soon as he reached her hip, he would drag his hand back and touch her all over again.

He is teasing me and I like it. She thought as she felt ripples of pleasure run down her body. Her feet curled as he used his tongue. Oh, that wicked, wicked tongue.


"I don't want to wake up!" Raising her voice didn't help either as now, Agatha had snatched away from her precious adult version of a blankie.

"Damm it, Agatha! Stop!" She yelled in frustration. Was why no one listening to her? She was still tired and she just wanted to sleep and disturb no one.

"Madam," Agatha hissed, "That which Madison called!"

"Don't curse people," she chided playfully, "And what am I supposed to do if she called? Wash her buffalo self?"

"No! But you're supposed to get ready; all prim and proper and show her that what you have is all she can dream about." She immediately corrected her, not taking note of the sarcasm. If Madison was coming then Alexis had to make the best of this chance.

Alexis didn't reply.

"Madam?" Agatha softly called.

She didn't reply again.

"Madam?!" She raised her voice a little.

Slowly walking towards her, she leaned a bit. Alexis was snoring away.

"Madam!" She yelled. Agatha in anger raised her hand and hit Alexis.

"What the fuck?" She yelled hurriedly getting up from the bed. "What did you spank me for?" She asked.

"What did I..? You know what I'll do more if you don't get up!" She started hitting Alexis more on her side bum and as soon as she turned to leave, Agatha started going for clear targets.

Smack smack smack smack smack

"Stop! Stop it!" Alexis yelled at the top of her voice.

In the end, she ran into the bathroom and slammed shut the door. She leaned against it and slid down.

"You're mad Agatha!" She yelled.

"I know, now get super cleaned!" She yelled back, smiling.


"I don't get it. How did she have my phone number and even if she did, why did you invite her here for later?" She mumbled as Agatha applied mascara to her eyelashes.

"Must have taken it from those two friends of yours. Shameless, they shared your number without your permission."

"Not friends, Agatha. Mind it." She pointed it out, clearly offended.

"We need to get you a lash lift," she murmured. "Anyway, I invited her because there is no best way to insult anyone than humiliating them in your own home!" She happily chirped.

"That's a bit sadistic." She commented.

"What are you so happy?" Alexis, who felt sleep-deprived at the very moment. "It's like still the morning." She grumbled.

"That is because I slept through the night. You, on the other hand, I can't say." She cheekily replied.

"Hey! Nothing happened between us! Okay!" She immediately defended herself. Honestly, nothing had happened. Alexis felt stupid enough to lead him on for something that he was not serious about. Maybe it was just that she gave into and now had a guilty conscience for. She shouldn't have done to, no matter how thankful she felt towards him.

"Oh," she chuckled. "I didn't say anything about two people. For all I could have guessed, it could have been Netflix and..chill with and s." (Chills)

Alexis watched Agatha with her mouth open. Who would've thought of Agatha behaving like this? Gesturing a come on, they went towards the dining room where Angelo was waiting for them.

"Good morning," she wished first as he read his newspaper.

"A very good morning Alexis. Slept well?" He asked. Taking his eyes off the newspaper for a moment or two.

She blushed red as she saw a small smirk play at Agatha's lips. "Yes." She muttered and looked away. Nothing other than kissing happened by Agatha made her feel like a whore.

Today, it was cheese omelette and a blueberry muffin for her with milk and Angelo was having bacon, scrambled eggs and a bit of spinach with ginger tea. He was a health-conscious man as far as Alexis had observed him. He did occasionally have sweets but most of the time he ate full meals.

"So have you planned anything for today?" He asked and took a bite after that. Alexis noticed how his hands cut through food and his fork stabbed it. He applied no pressure and looked like a teacher of an etiquette class. She felt a little inferior to him on this. His clothing style, the grace and the power he carried himself with, all but made her feel insecure. He could kill her and get away with it.

"No actually, I don't." Madison could go to hell. And also, how was she, a hostage, suppose to plan anything for the day.

"I had been informed of someone coming in to meet you," he said, "do you want to cancel your meet with her?" 

"Yeah. I never wanted to meet with her, to begin with, and I'm totally happy to keep her at an arm or two's distance. She was still so centred." She shook her head thinking about it. "She could not think of anything but herself and how she out of all was fired." 

"But you liked it," he commented. 

"I..did." She agreed, still a bit hesitant. This still seemed like a dream come true to her. All of a sudden she was placed on the top of the food chain. 

"No need to be hesitant towards it. It's human nature to be attracted to power and you have it now, it seems fathomable to be wanting to use it." He added. She needed support to deny the denial that she was facing with herself. She wanted it but she was not ready to grab it in the given situation. Angelo wanted to change things but her going to the police had caused the possibility of her creating troubles. He had to watch out for the family. 

"I know," and your words do not help me, she mentally rolled her eyes. "Anyway, I want to drop it for now. If they call, I will think of something." 

"That's good to know." He commented not bothering himself with her decision. 

"What were you saying about plans for the day?" She reminded him. 

"I thought you could go for a good shopping spree, you know with the girls and my mother as well."

She perked up a bit. Shopping with someone else's money was a yes. But why was he offering?

"Do I need to shop for an occasion?" She playfully asked, without any particular reason. She was to be out of the house. 

"Why do you ask that? The wedding of course. Have you forgotten? It was delayed not cancelled." He merely chuckled while saying that.

_____ ____

I wanted to get it cleared up. 

I have written ahead about why Angelo is abusive and how he changed by holding back little by little. Characters are meant to have flaws, major or not and not be perfect. That's where you expect the development to happen.. It can't be done if Angelo or Alexis had nothing wrong with them or couldn't go crazy.

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