Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 54 - Fifty-four

Enjoy people. It's pampering time. (Not for you)


It was after dinner when Alexis checked her emails again. Her mother had not replied to her email. What was she supposed to do now? Did she even see it or was it the dreaded option, did she choose to ignore it? Alexis had craved to eat something sweet and as she had walked out of her room, she had decided to check if her mother had replied or not. And she didn't. She had wanted something sweet but the idea of her mother ignoring her made her mouth turn sour or if correctly put, it made her bitter. She had stopped in the stairs when she thought about it again and now, begrudgingly so, she went up the stairs to her room. She didn't want anything anymore. It was all so stressful. 

How could her mother do that? She was ignoring her daughter when she had made no effects to reconcile in the past. When Alexis decided the date and time to meet, even if it was after months, Vanessa never questioned her whereabouts or even called her up to check on her. She just tried to make a presence in Alexis's life but didn't make any efforts for it. 

Sometimes it seems to Alexis that Vanessa was in denial. That everything was Alexis's fault when it was not. Whenever she thought about it, she knew Angelo was right. Vanessa as a mother should have known and even if it happened behind her back, Vanessa should have asked Alexis about the happenings in her life. At least after gaining some courage, always would have eventually told her then.

"Oh my god!" Gasping, she immediately said as she went into her room and snatched the sheets from him. "Leave it! Down boy!" Diesel in return playfully growled and gave another pull to them.

"Diesel, drop it!"

He gave another pull in return.

"Diesel!" She now yelled.

He started shaking and jerking his head back. The husky was trying his best to snatch away the sheets. And much to Alexis's horror, he was going to tear them.

"Diesel, I mean it. Drop it!" Her command was visible to him. She meant business and they were no longer playing, much to his disappointment. He looked up to her and when he saw the no-nonsense expression he dropped them.

He dropped them immediately and looked at her with Bambi's eyes again as if he was not chewing on the sheets at all. Still, he managed to meet Alexis's heart and she hugged him. She hugged him as close as she possibly could.

"Oh, I missed you so much, my baby." She spoke into his fur. Maybe, a tear or two slipped in as well. After hugging him to her heart's content, she changed into her nightsuit and dragged him up to her upper waist and hugged him to sleep.

Tomorrow is D-day. She thought before closing her eyes. Alexis did not necessarily believe in God but now she just wished he would show mercy on her or protect her. The works that she was about to enter was not the best one and she wanted to live, if not happily then just live.


"Wake up Alexis!" Isabelle's voice rang to her ears making her immediately get up in alarm. "Why are you still sleeping? Did I not send you to sleep early yesterday? I even had your furball brought in!" She was angry and her red face was a clear indication of that but a sleepy Alexis could only think about sleep. She closed her eyes and laid back on the bed and cuddled to her dog.

A splash came through and both the dog and his owner yelped. The water had them jerking awake and diesel ran away. "What the hell?!" Alexis yelled wiping her face.

"It's your goddamn wedding day and you're sleeping like a log of wood! People can't even blink their eyes and look at you!" Isabelle threw her hands up in the air, frustrated to no end.

"They marry for love, I'm marrying so that I don't get killed. You see, there's a land sky difference." She slowly talked to Isabelle, like a baby.

"Haha. Aren't you funny?" Isabelle sarcastically laughed. "Get up and come down." A stern command was issued out, yet Alexis struggled to keep her eyes open. When she figured that Isabelle might have left, she leaned over and looked at the clock. 

3:15 AM

Should have chosen death, she begrudgingly thought as she got up.

Walking down the stairs, she winced at how bright it was like every light had been switched on and the noise, felt like every loudest person had been invited into the castle of nightmares.

"Hey," Nikita came next to her. She looked as if she would have stayed in bed too like Alexis. "What are you thinking about?"

"It's so loud and bright." She groaned out. She still wasn't completely awake yet. " And too many people that I do know and don't want to know." She mumbled.

"Believe me," Nikita scoffed, "many are yet to come." She laughed looking at Alexis who had an already tired expression. "The Don is getting married. It's like a festival itself." She muttered. "It is going to be a big fat wedding."

She turned Alexis to face her and took a few steps back from their hiding spot from which they looked at people and stepped away. "Listen, down there are going to vultures, mostly if not all of them. They will seek any reason, no matter how small and try to make you feel insulted or belittled. They might be family but here power talks more than love. So whatever you feel like, do it. Talk when you wanna talk and ignore what you want." She held Alexis's shoulders firmly, who by now was fully awake, this family had more drama than the Kardashians. "Show no weakness okay?"

Alexis nodded. It wasn't even dawn and the drama had begun. "Alright, but won't they make something up when I don't respect them?" 

"Why won't you respect them?" Nikita asked. 

"Didn't you just say, with all of that, that I can say anything?." She mumbled still sleepy. 

"No!" Nikita hissed. "Alexis, how sleepy are you"? 

"I don't know you.." 

"Let's just go." 

Both of them descended the stairs which led to attracting the attention of the ladies immediately.

"Well well well, here comes the bride." A chubby lady came to her with a glass of wine, she kinda seemed drunk already and it was not even the morning.

"Aunt Marie," Alexis greeted her with a nod. Now she understood why Isabelle gave her the book, it saved the introductions. And gave Alexis a somewhat advantage.

"Oh you remember me already," she gave a loud cheery laugh. "come come, it's manicure time." She slowly jogged up and stumbled a bit making the others laugh at her clumsiness. Alexis tried her best to stable her.

"Good morning Madam," the employee greeted her. Alexis wished back while handing her left hand, to begin with. Immediately Agatha came in carrying a sweet cup of heavenly coffee for Alexis that worked miracles. She was waiting for the cup. If she had to deal with mean girls, she had to have her brain be wake and working. 

"Okay Bride to be, there's a manicure and then hair spa and also a massage scheduled up for you. Remember to enjoy it the most. These men are a bit rough, you might have sore muscles after tonight." Elizabeth commented, making everyone laugh loudly. Even Alexis blushed a bit because of the number of people she said it in front of. That lady too crude.

"Oh I remember," a young woman spoke now looking all excited, "I couldn't even get up for the loo, Mario had to carry me!" She laughed, covering up her face with her hands in embarrassment. She laughed heartedly at it too.

'Why tell when you are ashamed of it?' Alexis thought while she politely laughed as well.

"Mine handcuffed me to the bed! He even made his initials with HICKIES Oh." She dreamingly sighed. She looked like she was reminiscing the night with a blissful expression.

"I knew you were into freaky shit, Hailey!" Isobel loudly commented making everyone laugh louder.

"Hey, you all should try it!" She immediately said. "It's good once in a while." She winked making everyone laugh loudly again.

"But whatever, I believe that you should enjoy this the most. This is the time when the realisation finally set in." Isabella said. 

"True, " someone added. "There is going to be nervousness and anxiety surrounding you. Especially cold feet, but don't panic. Never panic." The lady warned Alexis. Her eyes widened as she talked and it spooked Alexis. The woman seemed to be speaking from experience. 

"So Alexis," that's auntie Catalina, she immediately recognised. "When are you planning to have the first heir?" 

Yup, found a vulture and she targeted a good topic.

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