Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 55 - Fifty-five

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"So Alexis," that's auntie Catalina, she immediately recognised. "When are you planning to have the first heir?"

For a moment, Alexis stared at her hands as the cuticles were being cleaned. She thought of what she should say that won't make anyone feel disrespected. Relatives were pain, especially the in-laws. Why would anyone without any reason out of nowhere feel the need to start taunting? And just for fun?

"I think that this is supposed to be the decision of Don and Donna." She clicked her tongue, finally looking into the direction of the woman who had asked the question, "or do you not trust us enough to make the right decision regarding such an important matter?" She taunted like she was dying to have his children already.

A faint blush appeared and Auntie Catalina stumbled for words. Alexis was not weak by any means, her taunt to blame the alpha couple for their incompetence regarding what she had asked, could cost her her life.

"I didn't mean that, child. I apologize for the misunderstanding." She muttered softly looking away. Isabelle was happy that Catalina at least knew when to back away in a corner and also, how Alexis stood up for herself without getting involved in an argument. Getting into Argument would have made her look petty and how she couldn't handle the talks. Arguments were the worst to happen.

Jokes; sexual jokes continued, making everyone laugh. This was enjoyed by Alexis, she loved manicure and the soft laughter that remained as everyone was talking about something to someone and soon, it was time for the hair spa. For this, Isabelle joined her.

"Here Madam, keep the nails like this so that they are nice and dry." Agatha placed them at the edge as the hair steamer was plugged in.

"I'm happy about how you handled the situation, Alexis," Isabelle commented, seated beside her. She felt like praising her child.

"I know, it was kind of fun. It's not every day that you get to talk back to your relatives and they can't do anything about it." They both laughed.

"Alexis, do you know why the men especially Angelo and Gabriel are harsh?" She softly asked making Alexis give her full attention as she shook her head no. They were men and men at times were too arrogant to think about and also, Alexis didn't think about any of this if not necessary.

She huffed. "When you are at the very top and leading people behind you, a single stumble can make your empire fall." She looked at her again, "But that's what my mother-in-law told me. You remember what I tell you,"

"Leading people is difficult, child. You make sure that no one goes to bed with an empty stomach and that you have enough left for yourself too. Taking decisions about revolving lives is not easy, child, they need someone with them. Someone to support them, to help them stand straight, make them realise their mistakes and help them in making amends." She sighed. Isabelle looked like she had tears in her eyes. Alexis realised something at that moment, Isabelle had seen things in her life. Things to which she has taken steps to improve and some to which she had turned a blind eye.

"People, if not everyone, want to rule but they never think about how difficult it is. You're eating something, there's a possibility of it could be poisoned or you're driving and the next thing you know is boom! The car is in flames and all you can think about is, this is it. No No" Isabelle's voice was hoarse. Yet, she continued, "They want their life a simple way, a wife that can be trusted and can give them a family. So, they get their share of love too. The cold heart yearns love too, no matter what kind."

"They want things in a particular way so that they can have control over things. Control that would opt the enemies outside and stop them from entering our walls." She wiped her tears and maybe it was then that Alexis realised that their life was hanging by a mere blink. Blink and dead, never to be woken up again. Suddenly, her eyes felt moist too.

"You kinda," Alexis sniffed, "dampened the mood there." She accused.

Isabelle gave a little snort as a laugh. Then immediately covered her nose. "Excuse me, " She took a napkin and turned to the other side to blow her nose making Alexis laugh.

Alexis sighed and looked into the mirror which was in front of her. Even though Angelo seemed to relish this life, she couldn't imagine anyone wanting to be born into it. But then again, she didn't want anyone dragged into this like her too. Being born into it seemed like a better option. "Anyway, I'm gonna head for a wash now." Alexis got up and moved across the hall and towards the sinks.

The employee worked on her hair as she thought of what she said. Practically speaking, they did live in the moment and from what she deduced, Angelo wanted to have no regrets when he was in his final moments but they weren't in love, so why did he want to marry her? Won't be regret not falling in love?

If his life was so short, why would he not spend it by actually marrying someone he loved? Why force her? By now, it was time for the massage and she was laying down on her stomach in her underwear and covered by a cloth. She felt a bit underdressed at the moment. 

"Madam?" A whisper. Alexis was feeling too peaceful and was wondering why no one had bothered her till now.

"Yes, Agatha, " she turned her head to the side to looked at Agatha. The woman was worked in her back and it was awesome.

"Here," looking up she saw the phone that Agatha had extended in her direction. As she took it, Agatha left without telling her who it was.

"Hello?" She whispered into it lazily.

"Hello back," his voice came through as a whisper as well.

"You're whispering." She called out, still whispering and her eyes closing with pleasure as the woman worked on the knots.

"You started it," He smiled while talking. He liked this talk. No business and no hidden motives and intentions. Just talking.

"And for some reason, Hitler tortured Jews but you don't see people doing it cause he started it?" She retorted back, biting back a smile.

"Hmm," he hummed inhaling his cigar, "that's true." He agreed. "How's your massage going?"

"Oh fine," as the masseuse worked on her foot. "Wait- what? How did you know? It's supposed to be all ladies! Sneaky boi!" She lazily drawled out. The Massage was way too good.

"Alexis, sweetheart, my baby" he cooed. "I will always know everything about you, anything and everything, even remotely concerning you. That is for your protection and my sanity."

His cooing felt like mockery to her. He was. He was just sugar-coating it and she knew that it was a mockery.

"Not protection but more like Invasion of Privacy, Angelo." She corrected. "That's not fair if you don't tell me about your whereabouts." If this was a marriage then she wanted equal parts in it. There might be a difference given his upbringing and the power he held.

"Arguing won't take this anywhere. It's the way it's always been." He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "Stop talking about it." He had loved the conversation in the beginning. Why the hell did she have to change into this?

"Well, I guess it's time for a change then." She emphasized the word 'change'. Every generation meant a new change. 

"No." His simple answer made her mad or sad. The relaxing sensations from the massage made her thoughts a bit jumbled but she felt upset. Very upset.

But she still tried to persuade him. "Angelo, you can-"

"Stop it right there. I do not want to come to you to discipline you and have you disrespected already in front of those gossipmongers. The wedding is today so lift your mood, enjoy the massage and dress up pretty. Some things will be discussed after you are married into the family."

"That's not fair." She whispered. The upsetting mood was getting to her but the massage was winning.

"I know," he sighed. It must the first time that he gave her hope. "We'll work it out." He gave in.

"Really? How?" Hope is a very strong emotion and she felt it. A little one.

"I tell you later." He hung up.

She looked at the phone for some time. The massage was so good that it was messing up with her brain. Did he give her hope? And then hung up?

Son of a bitch, I hope his car goes up in flames.

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