Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 57 - Fifty-seven.

Marriage; the legally or formally recognized union of two people as partners in a personal relationship.

And today was the marriage of Alexis Williams and Angelo De'alassandro. Many of today's attendants knew nothing about the girl. When searched nothing appeared on her which was just as Angelo wanted. He wanted her past hidden to make her more powerful. If no one knew anything about her then no one could find and hold any leverage on her.

The dawn broke as Angelo watched it from the balcony. He was sitting on a chair and that he had dragged from a room. He just watched as slowly and yet beautifully the sun rose. How its rays penetrated the dark sky and made it a wonderful sight to see.

But why was he watching it? He frowned. He was as busy as the president. He was busy managing everything, everywhere. He used to beg for a night to sleep where he would go to bed knowing that someone would handle it and last night he had the chance. And here he was, watching the sunrise. Which had always seemed like a stupid thing to do.

As he watched the sky beautifully changing its colours he realised something. It just clicked in his mind and he knew why he was watching the sunset.


Guests were stepping inside the church as the valet parked their cars into the parking a few blocks away. They were dressed in their best simple clothes since the church setting didn't allow them to show the flashing of branded clothes. They were reserved for the reception as there was time given to change. 

Soft piano tunes flowed in the hallways as the guests mingled with each other. Hush whispers were used and were pleasing to the ears. Everyone was pleasant to each other. The smiles exchanged were fake yet they were passed. No one wanted to break into an argument at the most nefarious organisation's boss's wedding. That would be a clear death wish.

Angelo looked down at the gates watching the guests enter. The dressing rooms were on the first floor and it overlooked the entrance. He was fully dressed, except for the bow tie that still hung around his neck, his hands were deep inside his pockets.

He was alone in the room for the time being, given the time to dress. Why was the groom given time? He just had to suit up like usual. 

The door opened behind him and he didn't bother to turn around. The person would have to speak up eventually.

"You okay, son?" He asked as he took a seat.

It was his father. But he didn't feel like talking to anyone.

"Hmm, " he answered.

"It's okay if you want to talk," Gabrielle said after some time.

He frowned a bit. He turned his upper body around to look at his father and then turned it back. His father seemed fine to him. He thought that he might have been uncomfortable to talk to.

"I thought you would be uncomfortable to talk to about to, " he mumbled still watching the people coming inside the church. "Did Mama put you up to this?"

"Hah!" Gabrielle laughed. "She could but I chose to come here. I thought it was time to talk."

"On my wedding day?" He questioned. "Is that not too soon for it?"

"Don't sass me, boy," Gabrielle warned. "And yes, it's the time when the reality settles in. What do you feel Angelo?" At his words, Angelo turned to him? 


"Nervous, brother?" Silvano De'alassandro sipped his drink and asked him while sitting on the sofa set. He wanted to calm his words down before meeting the entire family. 

"Weren't you?" He mumbled, he clearly remembered the nervousness Silvano felt. 

"Ah! Getting defensive." Vincenzo laughed along with Silvano.

"Shut up!" He finally snapped, making them laugh even more. For the first time, Angelo appeared to nervous. 

He walked back and sat next to Silvano on the three-seaters. He looked pained for most of the part.

"What's wrong?" Vincenzo couldn't help himself. Angelo was the leader and he was meant for it. Had never shown his concerns until extremely necessary to do so. 

"I want to think that nothing will go wrong but then again, it's a mafia wedding." He gave them a tight-lipped smile. His reasons were legitimate. 

"Eh, well. As long as she walks down the aisle, I think everything will be fine." Silvano dismissed it with a shake of his head.

Angelo felt tired. He wished for everything to be okay.

"Boss," a knock came through the door as someone asked for permission.

"Come in," answered Vincenzo.

"Your grandparents are here."


"Are you sure? I think you might need help." Julia muttered whilst checking Angelo again.

"No grandma, I am fine and completely dressed." Exaggeration was visible on his face.

"Well," she looked sad. "Of course, you don't need your grandmother now. You have a wife."

"Really?" Silvano questioned, coming to stand next to her. "You said the same thing to me!"

"Me too!" Vincenzo butted in.

"Yeah well, all of you are having wives. What about this old woman?" She wailed a bit or appeared to do so, melting the hearts of her grandchildren. "No one would care about me! I'll just be an old lady who is pushed to the side!"

"Grandma," Angelo cupped her face. "No one can ever push you on the side. They will have to get through us." Julia smiled happily. She kissed all three of her grandchildren's forehead.

"Well," she pulled them to the sofa-set and talked about everything. "How is this wife of yours? I haven't met her yet." She pouted a little. Angelo was hurrying to marry her and Julia wanted to know why.

"She's good. She has the potential of becoming a good leader but she has consciences as well. So, father and I have decided not to let her in some matters."

"Ah! Good. Good." She patted his knee lightly showing she didn't have any physical strength contrary to what she held Alexis's hand with. "Does she cook?"

"Yes, she does. Not regularly but when she does, it's good." He had not praised her but she did cook well.

"Huh, is she a Virgin?" She asked. "It should be her first time." Julia had rigid thinking when it came to marriages.

Angelo recalled what his mother had told him but it didn't matter to him. He had sex many times before he met her and he excepted her to do so too. "Yes, grandma. She is." I know she isn't but I will protect her.

Julia smiled. This girl seemed to perfect and no one was perfect enough for her grandchild. "Well, I hope she can walk down the aisle given bridal gowns are quite heavy. She might fall and hurt herself—oh how embarrassing that would be. " Julia tsked. "I would never be able to show my face to people."

"I think she'll be fine. She walks quite well in heels and gowns" Angelo smiled, trying his level best to ease all her worries. "How's grandpapa? Was your journey okay?"

"Oh! He's fine, good actually and the journey was wonderful. The plane you sent had excellent couches!" She happily pointed out.

"We're glad you liked it, ma." Silvano smiled at her happiness.

A sudden beeping sound came and Vincenzo jumped up and walked to his phone that he left on charge. Turning the beeping noise off, he looked at them. "It's time, brother."

Angelo sucked a breath in and stood in front of the mirror for a final assessment. Silvano was right beside him and stepped in front to tie his bow tie. On completing to do so, he dusted off his shoulders and by this time, Vincenzo had taken Julia out.




The bridal song was played by the band which had been hired for this. The family didn't want a recording to be blasted through the speakers. Everyone was silent now, except a little whisper here and there. 

The best men stood beside Angelo as he stood next to the priest.

The doors that were closed after Angelo's arrival were finally opened and the song danced in everyone's ears. The doors made noise as they were opened by the men.

Everyone turned as they heard the thud of the doors being opened. They waited and kept their eyes at the hallway from where the bride was supposed to enter.

Isobel came into the view. Her golden dress with oval neck shimmered in the light. She held a small bouquet and walked down the aisle and stood on the third step. Nikita followed and stood in front of her on the second step. They were standing as their husbands did.

Everyone turned their eyes to the hallway once again and waited for Alexis to arrive.

So did Angelo. He waited for her to arrive.. He waited to see his bride, his other half forever.

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