Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 58 - Fifty-eight

Angelo could feel the sweat building upon his forehead, why wasn't she coming? The bridesmaids were here that meant that she was ready too. Or maybe she was not? Angelo felt ananxietyike never before. 

After a moment, Angelo turned his gaze from the side view of the doors to the aisle to front of him. He recalled the conversations with his father.

'What do you feel boy?' His father asked. Never had Angelo thought of having this conversation with him? Did he have this conversation Silvwith ano too?

'Angelo?' His father called for his attention.

'Hmm?' He absent-mindedly replied.

'I asked you, something child. This is your chance to back out if you want, but for that to happen, You need to be sure about it. So go ahead and talk to me. Clear your head.'

'I love her.' He admitted. 'I loved her from the moment I saw her. And the irony of the situation was, I saved her from what she thought was evil. She had no idea how we defined evil and what kind of evil man I was. She hid behind me. She trusted me enough to protect her.' He sighed, his words just slipped out. It made him feel like he wanted to talk. 'I loved that she trusted me with the fear but I just could not help myself.."

'Help yourself where Angelo?' Gabrielle couldn't help himself while asking this. This was important. He had to know what was going on in his son's mind. Gabrielle could not depend on anyone for this, he had to keep his son sane. For now, Alexis was new to this world otherwise he would have trusted her as Angelo's wife.

'I could not help myself and I captured her. I took her from her life to have her in mine. I knew somewhere deep inside me that I am wrong yet I did.'


'Because I didn't want anyone else to have what I did. I made sure to know everything about her. I made sure to have her followed and then when I wanted her to be with me, I kidnapped her.'

'If you loved her then you would not have kidnapped her.' Gabrielle commented. 'You would have pursued her or tried to woo her.'

'I wanted to.' He confessed. 'But then I thought, in the end when she knew about what I did for a living she would end up leaving me anyway. So, I brought her in with full knowledge about my profession and lifestyle. She knows who I am and what I am capable of.'

Gabrielle tiredly ran his hands hion s face. This was twisted but so was Angelo's childhood. His negligence and over trusted nature was baring his fruit. After eighteen years.

He got up and make neit xt to his son who was still looking out at the guests entering. Placing a hand on his shoulder, he said, 'I want to an wer me clhat did you think of when you kidnapped her? Why did you?' Gabrielle wanted to hear his thoughts in the clearest way possible. He didn't want any misinterpretation.

An image popped into his mind. As soon as it came it vanished too. He was shocked for a moment but then he understood. That was his answer and it came to him in the house of God. 

'Light, ' he answered. 'I want her to be the light in my darkness.' Smiling at his father he said, 'I want her light to absorb my darkness.'

His eyes closed as the conversation replayed in his mind. Her being nervous was understood but if she didn't arrive and he was humiliated, he would kill her in the worst way possible. She couldn't get away and she had to know that. 

Most of the Guests by now had turned to the front. They knew what wedding it was and as per the knowledge of their profession, it won't the bride's fault, if she didn't want to get married. She was probably forced into it. 

Isobel was nervous. She had made this mistake because frankly, she was like Alexis and no one told her anything about this world especially since Vince kept her locked away. "Why isn't she coming?" She whispered lowly into Nikita's ear. Her worries were making her shake and sweat on the spot. 

She silently shook her head. A movement that could go unnoticed but Isobel caught it. Nikita didn't want to attract any more negative effects if the people saw them worrying. 

Alexis was going to suffer a lot if she took the offer of escaping. No one would have mercy on her if she escaped and people were caught and as a matter of fact, she would get caught too. Everyone did and their end was not good. 

Julia De'alassandro smiled from where she sat. The girl had taken the bait and nothing more could make her happy as she was at the moment. She turned to her husband; Nikolai De'alassandro and said, "The girl acok the bait. Pity."

He snorted, "and they said that she was intelligent." He had not been introduced to her as per customs. So he had to trust a few rumours. 

"What will you do if the wedding does not happen?" She couldn't help but question him.

"I won't have to do anything, my dearest. The family will doubt the ruling Don and then I would come in. We sweep the opportunity, send Angelo to some exotic holiday destination for some self-reflection and rule instead of him."

That's it? She wondered. "Surely that can't be it. You must have something else up your sleeves?" Her husband never left an opportunity. He struck even if the opportunity was not in his favour. 

He sneered at her. She was irritating him by that cogging of hers. Julia recognised that impression of his, she had been married to him for more than fifty years. She knew how to divert the topic.

"He and his father changed our ways. They stopped the trafficking and now the others rule that domain that once we did. They keep on changing our ways according to the trends in the world. What are we if we're not following what your grandfathers left us? They are spoiling and tainting our legacies." She leaned and whispered into his ears.

"We should not have given the throne to Gabriele, especially after we knew he fell for that Isabelle. She made his heart soft which was once iron." She looked distressed, the change of traditions hurt her badly. She had suffered for all those years because of those traditions so why not let the young generation suffer from them too? Why did she have to? Also, from where she was raised, the traditions were what kept the family together. 

"Marcus keeps his family under his thumb, Julia." He muttered, holding her hand. "He was better but we also went the traditional way and gave our eldest, the throne. Look what that tradition cost us." He reminded her. 

"It's not about changing the traditions. Some need to be changed after the times changed and what they did was the need of the hour." He said. "But, they have gone soft and that I agree on. Wives do not handle business and they both have given the wives the freedom to do anything legally." He clicked his tongue in annoyance. "We have to change that. We will wait till he reaches his destination and makes sure he doesn't come back."

"What about Gabriel and Isabelle?" Julia asked. She didn't want her children to be harmed and if anything, knowing his plan would help her save them.

"Dethroned." He simply answered.


"Gabriele, why isn't she coming?" Isabelle's hands were shaking from nervousness.

"I don't know, Isabelle. How in the world would I know?" He harshly whispered. The tensions were getting to him as well. The girl was more stupid than they all thought. He was cut ready cut this life. 

She couldn't have taken the bait, Isabelle thought. She is intelligent, she'll figure it out.

"Gabriele, why don't you call the guards?" She tried again. Any contact if the information was welcomed. 

"I can't," he looked as if he aged ten years. "They didn't have any in front of her room."

Isabelle sucked in a deep breath. Julia had planned that. Men outside a bride's room were a bad omen. What bullshit, that woman spouted.

She looked at Angelo. He looked emotionless and she knew that he was planning the tortures that Alexis would go through if she didn't arrive. God, Isabelle prayed, please please guide her. 

The sudden sound of footsteps took everyone's attention. The shoes banging across the floor were heard and everybody turned and saw a guard running to them and stop by the doors. James, Isabelle immediately recognised.

"I'm sorry, sir," Was what he said as he bowed his head in front of everyone.

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