Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 76 - Seventy-six

"Won't it be too much?" Alexis asked, twirling in front of the mirror.

"No, you're the Donna. This—" she waved her hands at the gorgeous dress, "is expected from you. Dressing the best."

"But then I will take the limelight from the bride." She argued. 

"Well, you are coming to the ceremony. There you took it from her already. People are going to fawn over the Donna because they will be seeing you in person and also, we all asked when each other, none of the dresses match." And that was true. Everyone's dresses were discussed to see if they were having the same one. 

"Were they not at my wedding?" Alexis questioned as she sat down on the vanity chair.

"No, only family." Agatha began with her beautification. She kept it simple as it was just a family-only ceremony.

A pink dress with shoulder blades. Nude makeup looked good at her, paired with silver coloured high heels.

She walked out of her room and met with Isabelle who had a black and white dress on. She looked beautiful even when she looked simple but still carried the aura of authority, attracting every eye her way.

"Where's Nikita?" She asked as she saw Isabelle sitting alone.

"Oh, she wanted to get ready with her sister. Come on, let's leave for the venue as well."


The party was in a banquet hall but it was not less than any grand party. This was hosted in one of the best hotels in Italy and of course, no expense was spared. Visibly.

"Alexis," Isabelle called her as they entered the lift. "Back straight, tummy tucked in and chest out. Stand as proudly as you can." She said, touching her back and getting rid of the slouch she had. "Chin up, My Queen." She smiled at her protégé.

Alexis shakily smiled and did as told. The doors of the lift opened and smiled. Not too much to seem stupid and not too less to seem arrogant. She looked regal in her dress with a slit and blades highlighted cheekbones and high heels.

"Welcome, Donna and Mrs De'Alessandro." Nikita's father along with her came forward to greet them. Isabelle stepped toward and kissed the man's cheeks and watching her, Alexis followed suit.

"Where's the bride? I would like to congratulate her." Alexis politely asked where she was. Nikita had once told her to always demand things; politeness was just an option. But her family was involved so She asked instead of demanding.

Well, they couldn't say no anyway.

Nikita came forward, "of course. She would be delighted." Taking her hand, she excitedly talked about the ceremony while talking to her about her sister.

Knocking at the door, they heard a come in and walked inside.

"Hello," Alexis smiled at the bride that was surrounded and being fawned over.

"Oh my god!" She got up. "Y-you're the Donna."

"Indeed, I am." She smiled and agreed. Coming forward, she hugged the trembling bride and offered her the gift she had been carrying with her. "I wish you every happiness in the world and I came to know about the career choice you made. I'm am happy that you have decided to practice medicine. It takes a lot of courage."

"T-thank you." She smiled, accepting the gift given to her. "It means a lot."

"Don't mention it, sweetheart." Alexis touched her cheek affectionately. "Enjoy your day." Giving her one last smile, she walked out of the room and laughed when she heard the girls squealing behind her.

She walked into the hall and found Isabelle. Standing next to her she warmly greeted everyone. People looked surprised by her attitude towards them. She was not snotty at all, hell she was respectful even towards the young as well.

"Alexis looks," at Nikita's nudge, she looked to the direction she had pointed to. Julia had entered and she looked quite arrogant as she looked the place up and down.

"Madam De'alassandro, welcome." Nikita father and mother immediately went to greet her.

"Welcoming me to this?" She scoffed. "It's your daughter's wedding, who did you hire for this—"

Alexis tsked as she watched Julia enter and ruthlessly slam insults on the parents who looked humiliated. They could not talk back and people were listening and watching. Isabelle who was watching Alexis knew what was going on in her mind. 'Go ahead,' she whispered.

"It's beautifully decorated, is it not grandmother?" Alexis said. "Come, let's have something to drink." Smiling she placed her hand on the back of the old woman and gently pushed her forward. Taking her to the seating area, she pulled out a chair for her and nudged her in its direction. 

Julia hadn't noticed where she was sitting and continued to stare at the young woman who was appearing to be a pain now. When Alexis walked away she turned back to those sitting at her table and her face turned ugly.

She was at a table where the old were sitting and that's when the realisation hit her. Alexis had made a statement, a bold one at that. She had told Julia her place in front of everyone and she did not even realise it.

She had officially declared that Julia was old and out of the race and what angered her was Alexis did not even know what she had done.

Alexis watched as the couple now engaged had exchanged rings. She clapped as well. People came by and gave them wishes as Nikita made her way to her sister-in-law.

"Alexis, thank you for doing that." She smiled. "My parents were worried about sending over the invitation to her and getting humiliated but not sending it would have thrown us off the cliff."

"No harm is done. No one should insult a father who worked his entire life to give his daughter everything." Alexis smiled as she answered. "And you were family."

"That's right," Isabelle added her two cents coming to them.. "Family should always come first."

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