Infatuation Of Darkness

Chapter 77 - Seventy-seven

Julia was watching the ring exchange from afar. After she had seen where she had been sitting, she had gotten up from there as though the seat was in the fire.

She could not believe it. A woman, no, a girl out of nowhere came up and showed the world how Julia had been to the sidelines. Respectfully done, no one could point fingers at the fact that the fight was dirty and humiliating. It was a blow. A squeaky clean blow that no one saw coming. 

Alexis chapped as the coupled smiled at each other. It felt like a happy scenario to watch and a bit too sappy but yeah. She liked it and smiled at them. They seemed in love. 

After the engagement ceremony had been completed, people mingled with each other or rather Don's family. On one could believe that Donna had come to a ceremony and not marriage. It had never happened before.  Marriage, they had made appearances but to ceremonies? That had happened never before. 

Alexis and Isabelle went to the washroom for a while because the younger one thought that they were stealing the thunder from the bride. People were coming to her more and congratulating her on her marriage than the bride on her marriage. Of course, Nikita's sister so not say anything but her expressions told Alexis what to do. 

Isabelle started laughing as soon as she entered the washroom. She had to sit down on the bench joined to the wall. 

But who would keep the bench there? In the washroom? 

"What's wrong with you?" Alexis looked at her with suspicion. Was she roofied? She was laughing her off off. LMAOI can't believe that you did that!" She laughed again. "I am just shocked that I never thought of it! I could have finished our power struggle long ago!" She laughed again. Isabelle could never forget her mother in law's reaction. Hell, she had recorded it. 

"Oh," Alexis now knew what she was talking about. "Really? You are still laughing about that?"

"Hey, I couldn't laugh like a hyena there in front of people!" Isabelle heaved as she patted her chest to calm down. "That face she made when she realised. Oh my god." She started laughing again. "What made you think of that?"

"I don't know.." she let a giggle or two out. "But I feel that she won't go anywhere anytime soon."

"Oh, she won't." Isabelle dabbed tissues under her eyes and touched her make up, up a bit.

"I just made her sit at the table where the elder people were sitting." Alexis shrugged while explained what she had truly done. "I thought that since they were her age, She might enjoy sitting with them more." Which true. That was exactly what Alexis had thought when she did the so-called power move.

"I had no idea, " Isabelle sly expression as she said so. "I thought you knew but that was unknowingly done by you, was it not?" She asked with a from expression, something told Alexis that her word was not trusted.

"No, I did not. The logic was obviously to give her seat at the table where she knew people, her age group was my closest guess." She frowned when she saw no change in Isabelle's expressions. "Do you not trust me?" She asked with some hostility in her voice. She had had enough.

"I do, " Isabelle sighed and broke her posture where she stood tall and firm. "But what I do not believe is that you did not plan this. Because I have thought plenty and I could never do this." I saw once again stood tall and proud and it threatened Alexis. So she threatened back as well.

"I don't care what you believe kn and what you do not, but when I say I did not do it, means I did not do it and I want you to take my word for it." Her jaw was set and eyebrows were raised high. She was taller than Isabelle and she was towering her.

"And pray to tell, " Isabelle stared into her eyes as well. "Why would I take hour word for it?" She raised one eyebrow at it.

"Because this is a life where people die and like you said, I need allies. So if it came to telling you the truth, I will tell you that no matter what I have done because I believe that you will always be in my corner." With anger visible in her tone, she had made it known that she did not like Isabelle's distrust in her.

And that is when Isabelle broke into a smile. "That is good to know and if anyone ever challenges your authority that is what you do." She held her shoulders and shook her little. "The power you just spoke with is the one you have."

"Excuse me?" She gawked at her mother in law. "What just happened?"

"I gave you a life lesson." She winked. "Unexpected ones are the ones that we learn the most from. Now come on, it's time to go back." She smiled and Alexis did too. Her mother-in-law was hell weird.

Taking hold of her clutch purse again, Alexis walked out with her head high and a beaming smile. The attention was on her but not so much as before which she was grateful for that. The birds were being fawned over like she was supposed to be I'm the first place.

When a waiter serving wine came ahead to offer some, she and Isabelle took one each.

Taking a sip of it, Alexis could not help but make a face at the taste. "Wow—how? This so amazing!" She took one sip again. This was one of the best she had ever tasted.

"These are made from grapes which are further grown at home. The fermentation process is formed by us too!" A woman near them answered her. "I am Chiara. many others help with this. We supply weddings and such. Small catering business we have."

"This is truly amazing!" Alexis couldn't help but praise them again and take a sip. "Have never thought of expansion?"

"We did. But we are housewives and we tend to keep to ourselves. No one had offered an opportunity, to begin with so we cater to small businesses."

Alexis liked the wine. It had potential and it did not seem like many alcoholics in nature. It could be a hit. "What if I offer you a Deal? I am just talking about it but if you are interested we can talk more after I go back to the states."

"Yes, I could talk to the other ladies about it." She excitedly agreed. "Here's our business card." Opening her purse, she handed two to Alexis in clumsiness but Alexis accepted them wholeheartedly not wanting to make the woman feel embarrassed.

"Thank you but for now let's keep it to ourselves." Alexis smiled in gratitude. The woman nodded and left to tell the other wives about it.

"That could make a good business," Isabelle sighed and sipped another.

"Why didn't you think of it then?" Alexis asked her. "You probably knew about it before me."

"Of course, I did." She looked at Alexis and smiled. "Everyone has a different fight sweetheart. Mine was to fight for them to be able to start one, your fight will be to take it to the next level." Holding her daughter-in-law's hand tightly, she continued, "Change comes slowly. I knew what was not my fight and I left it there for you. Now you picked it up as your own."

"That I did." She smiled. "How did you know that I would?"

"I didn't, I just hoped for it."

"Also, ask Nikita to join. You never have enough allies the family."

As the newly engaged couple entered the dance floor, suspicions in Alexis's mind grew. Turing her back to the dance floor, she faced her mother-in-law. "Allies within the family?" She breathed heavily. "You that there are people who could betray me in my family?" Alexis could believe that.

Isabelle smirked in return. Mirth danced in her eyes. "My darling, Betrayal can come from anyone; sister, brother, parents and of course husband." She spoke seriously, her facial expressions showed that she was not joking. "So you better keep an eye on everyone and make sure that you always have a backup." Her eyes held sincerity. She was speaking the truth.

"Anyone?" She repeated just so she could hear it again and be sure.

"Yes, anyone."

Slipping away from the conservation, Isabelle went ahead to mingle more. Alexis sat down on a chair and sipped on the delicious wine. If anyone could betray her then why would she be collaborating with anyone? Hell, if the family could betray you then who would stand by your side?

One thing was for sure, she was going to have a long talk with Angelo and lawyers were getting involved.

**Should I do a character aesthetic?

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